Dear Rising Spanish 3 student –

¡Felicidades! You’ve completed Spanish 2! Here is your summer assignment – it is designed to refresh your Spanish skills before you start Spanish 3. The assignment is due on the first day of class. This will be your first grade in Spanish 3 so you will want to give it your time and thoughtful attention.

Your summer assignment should be written by hand on lined paper. Skip every other line. Do not type it and print it out. For every class period that the assignment is late, 10 points will be deducted from the final score.

This use of any online translator is considered plagiarism and is in violation of the IB Honor Policy. If you use a translator, you will receive a zero for the assignment, and it will be documented in accordance with the Honor Policy. Use your own brain and show what you know!

¡Buena suerte!

Señor Smith y Señorita Calloway

Una carta sobre mi verano

You’re preparing to study abroad in Argentina this fall. In order to get to know you better, your host brother Miguel has emailed you asking about your life and your summer break. You write him a detailed email in response. In a minimum of 100 words, tell him about the following:

1.  Your family—who’s in it, what everyone is like, where you all live, what your home is like

2.  Activities that you enjoy doing AND activities that you have to do

3.  Five different activities you have done over the summer, with whom, where, and why

4.  Places you have visited

5.  Things you have eaten

6.  How you’ve stayed healthy over the summer

7.  Your daily routine

Your email should include the following vocabulary and concepts from Spanish 2:

·  House descriptions

·  Chores

·  Pastimes

·  Food (and descriptions of that food)

·  Places

·  Items you take on a trip

·  Healthy/unhealthy living

·  Daily routine—Use reflexive verbs!

o  Refresher on reflexives:

·  Preterit (Past) Tense

o  Refresher on the preterit:

o  Preterit of the verb IR (“to go”): fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron

Important vocabulary for writing an email/letter: querido (dear), sinceramente (sincerely), hasta pronto (see you soon)

Your summer assignment will be assessed using the PALS Rubric for Level 3 Writing Tasks. The link to the rubric is pasted below: