Commonwealth of Australia

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

Determination that certain amendments of the EPBC Act apply to specified actions

I, MALCOLM BLIGH TURNBULL, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, hereby determine under subitem 4(2) of Schedule 2 to the Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act 2006 that all of the amendments of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 to which subitem 3(3) of Schedule 2 to the Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act 2006 applies are to apply to the actions described in the Schedule to this instrument from the date of this determination, with the following modification:

·  Section 88 does not apply

Dated this 11th day of April 2007



Malcolm Bligh Turnbull

Minister for the Environment and Water Resources


Proposals for which the amended provisions of the EPBC Act apply

EPBC Reference number / Proposal title
2007/3263 / Residential subdivision of Lot 12 (SP105732) on Timberlea Drive
Westerly Projects Pty Ltd
2007/3242 / Compass Resources NL/NT/New Tailings Storage Facility at Browns Oxide Project
2007/3225 / Iluka Resources Limited/Mining/Capel/WA/Yoganup 215 mineral sands mine - Mining Lease 70/401
2007/3220 / Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority/Natural resources management/Ash Island, Newcastle/NSW/Kooragang Wetland Rehabilitation Project
2007/3213 / Apache Energy Limited/Mining/Exmouth Sub Basin/Commonwealth Marine/'Van Gogh' Petroleum Field Development Exploration Permit Area WA-155-P(1)
2006/3208 / Residential/Industrial subdivision, Lot 18, Vasse Highway, Shire of Busselton
Mary Donald Nominees Pty Ltd
2006/3190 / Fraser Panarama Pty Ltd/Residential development/Hervey Bay/QLD/Residential Subdivision, Lot 2 on RP171875, Samarai Drive
2006/3186 / NSW State Water/Water management and use/Namoi River/NSW/Upgrade of Keepit Dam on the Namoi River
2006/3179 / Nobby's Lighthouse Pty Ltd/Tourism and recreation/Newcastle/NSW/Nobby's Lighthouse redevelopment
2006/3176 / VicUrban/Residential development/Werribee/VIC/Riverwalk Project Residential Development
2006/3167 / Heathgate Resources Pty Ltd/Mining/Beverley/SA/Beverley Uranium Mine Extension
2006/3155 / Florida Partnership/Commercial development/Mandurah/WA/Neighbourhood Shopping Centre and Mixed Business Centre, Ocean Road, Dawesville
2006/3147 / Mr T and Mrs G Masella/Residential development/Kalamunda/WA/Construction of Residential Dwelling, Ozone Terrace, Kalamunda
2006/3135 / Fraser Coast Pty Ltd/Residential development/Nikenbah/QLD/Residential subdivision of Lot 3 RP 185332, 366 Doolong South Road
2006/3066 / R & E Developments Pty Ltd/Residential development/Wongalin Beach/QLD/Residential development
2006/3063 / Burtonia Pty Ltd and Carine Nominees/Residential development/Mandurah/WA/Peel's Retreat Estate - Residential development
2006/3058 / J&G Rover Holdings Pty Ltd/Residential development/Paringa/SA/Country Living residential development
2006/3001 / VicUrban/Urban and commercial new development/Officer/VIC/Residential, commercial, retail, community and industrial development over 360 hectare site
2006/2998 / Everett Family Trust/Urban and commercial new development/Mount Separation Road, Bemerside/QLD/Residential Development and resort
2006/2993 / Stewart Island Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/Stewart Island/QLD/Stewart Island Eco-Village
2006/2985 / Lismore City Council/Tourism, recreation and conservation management/Lismore/NSW/Relocation of Grey-headed Flying Foxes
2006/2944 / AcroPlan/Urban and commercial new development/North Rothbury/NSW/Subdivision of portion of Lot 46 Tuckers Lane
2006/2941 / Bondkirk Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/South Mission Beach/QLD/Horizon Resort residential development
2006/2919 / Marshall Ryland/Urban and commercial new development/Maryborough/QLD/residential development Rawson Street, Boonooroo
2006/2834 / Capecare/Urban and commercial new development/Dunsborough/WA/Aged Care Village - Naturaliste Terrace
2006/2819 / Wilbow Corporation Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/Point Cook/VIC/Mixed Residential Development, Homestead Road
2006/2761 / Heavey Lex No. 116 Pty Ltd/Tourism, recreation and conservation management/Cairns/QLD/Cairns Rainforest Resort, Douglas Track Road
2006/2705 / Hanwood Pastoral Co Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/North Rothbury/NSW/Residential Development - Hanwood Stage 5
2006/2529 / South Range Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/Pelican Point/SA/Pelican Point residential subdivision
2005/2501 / Australian Maritime Safety Authority/Sale or lease of Commonwealth property/Snapper Point - Kangaroo Is/SA/sale of Commonwealth land
2005/2442 / Norfolk Island Harbour Board/Water transport/Ball Bay/Norfolk Island/Construction of permanent jetty at Ball Bay
2005/2432 / Marloelle Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/Tamworth/NSW/Hills Plain subdivision
2005/2340 / Sentury Investments, Calliday, Beechworth Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/West Pennant Hills/NSW/residential subdivision 5 residential allotments DP 270109
2005/2335 / Your Resort Home Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/Mission Beach/QLD/Lilliponds Residential Resort Estate, Tully Mission Beach Road
2005/2202 / TransGrid/Energy generation and supply/Wollar to Wellington/NSW/construct 330kV transmission line & switching station
2005/2200 / Mackay Port Authority/Air and space transport/Mackay/QLD/Mackay Airport runway and taxiway expansion
2005/2169 / Mr Sam Lawrence/Water management and use/Dairy Creek/TAS/Construction of 657 megalitre dam for irrigation purposes at Dairy Creek
2005/2156 / Caversham Property Developments Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial redevelopment/Adelaide/SA/Redevelopment of Adelaide GPO
2005/2153 / Joan Busby/Urban and commercial new development/Busselton/WA/Dawson Beach Estate Stage 2
2005/2113 / Shire of Busselton/Urban and commercial new development/Busselton/WA/Upgrade of Ford Road
2005/2084 / Endless View Holdings Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/Hervey Bay/QLD/residential and retirement village development
2005/2053 / Cardinia Shire Council/Urban and commercial redevelopment/Pakenham/VIC/Pakenham Golf Course Redevelopment Oaktree Drive
2005/1937 / Gales Holdings Pty Ltd/Urban and commercial new development/Tweed Shire/NSW/Shopping Centre Development, Kingscliff
2004/1895 / John Clunies-Ross/Agriculture and forestry/Cocos (Keeling) Islands/Cocos Keeling Island/Breeding, husbandry, slaughter and sale of goats
2004/1867 / Holicombe Pty Limited/Urban and commercial new development/Mulgoa/NSW/Glenmore Park Stage 2 - 120 Lot Residential Development At Lot 1 DP222144
2004/1710 / Pradella Developments/Urban and commercial new development/Cooloola Cove/QLD/Selective land clearing and development of buildings, roads and services for residential development on 116.7 ha- remainder
2004/1573 / Adami Holdings Pty Ltd/Water management and use/Mt Compass/SA/Mineral water extraction from Permian sand aquifer at Lot 8, Berry Rd
2004/1506 / Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment/Urban and commercial new development/Gunn Point Peninsula/NT/Glyde Point Industrial Estate and Associated Infrastructure
2004/1505 / Yarra Valley Water Limited/Waste management/Craigieburn/VIC/Cessation or Reduction of Flows from Sewage Treatment Plant
2004/1479 / University of WA/Urban and commercial redevelopment/Shenton Park/WA/Shenton Park Subdivision
2004/1419 / Doral Mineral Industries Limited (in association with Speewah Mining Pty Ltd)/Mining/Kimberley Region/WA/Open cut fluorite mine, processing facility and associated infrastructure
2004/1361 / Jacobs Well Holdings (QLD) Pty Ltd/Air and space transport/Coomera/QLD/Jacobs Well Airport
2003/1240 / WH Projects/Aquaculture/Lake Kununurra/WA/Ribbon Weed Harvest
2003/1022 / Cheetham Salt Ltd/Mining/Port Alma/QLD/Expansion of Salt Fields Bajool-Port Alma Operation
2002/844 / Cocos (Keeling) Congress Inc/Agriculture and forestry/Cocos (Keeling) Islands/Red-footed booby bird harvest
2002/770 / Sudaw Developments Ltd/Water management and use/Dawson River/QLD/Nathan Dam, central Queensland