Club Sport
2008– 2009
Printed by: Office of Student Activities & Intramural/Club Sport Programs
Table of Contents:
Supervisory Role of Institution in Student Activities / 3What is a Club Sport? / 4
Athletic Code of Conduct / 5
Membership / 5
Funding / 5
Budget Requests & How to Use Funds / 6
Forming a New Club / 6
Timeline for Club Activities/Paperwork / 7
Traveling / 8
Resources / 8
Tournaments / 8
Coaches / 9
Tips for a Successful Club / 9
Fundraising / 9
Recruitment / 10
Facility Scheduling / 10
Organization Judicial Policy & Process / 11-19
Office of Student Activities Contact Information / 20
- In addition to this Club Sport Manual, all groups are expected to be familiar with the policies and procedures found in the Lynchburg College Organization Handbook found at:
- For questions or additional information, please stop by the Office of Student Activities, located on the lower level of Hundley Hall or call 434-544-8254.
Supervisory Role of Institution in Student Activities Student Government, Student Activities and Publications
Through involvement in student activities, including campus organizations and events, students gain personal, professional, social, recreational, and cultural development. The Office of Student Activities is charged with helping students become involved in campus organizations and events and with advising and supervising the Student Government Association, the Student Activities Board, and three fraternity and sorority governing boards. Additionally, the Office of Student Activities provides assistance and support to all recognized student organizations.
The Student Life Policies Committee, composed of faculty, staff, and students, is a standing governing committee which reviews matters of policy pertaining to student activities. Policies and procedural guidelines adopted by the Student Life Policies Committee and the College are detailed in The Hornet student handbook or publicized by the offices of Student Development. These policies and procedural guidelines address matters such as responsibilities and privileges of recognized student organizations, reservation of campus facilities, admitting guests to events, posting, alcohol on campus, and freedom and order on the campus.
Campus organizations and individuals involved in student activities are expected to comply with all College policies; violation of College policy may result in judicial action, as outlined in the Honor and Student Conduct Codes and Regulations. Additionally, the College reserves the right to intervene and if necessary, to cancel a program, activity, and/or process if it is found to be in violation of stated policies or procedures or is in conflict with the mission of Lynchburg College.
Submitted April 16, 2003
Reviewed by the Cabinet 4/16/03, 4/23/03
Revised 4/21/03, 4/23/03
Passed by Cabinet 4/23/03
John G. Eccles
Dean of Students
This statement will appear in the Hornet, all appropriate Student Activities publications.
What is a Club Sport?
A club sport is a student organization that provides a program of instruction, recreation and/or competition in a specific sports activity. Each club has its own constitution, its own governing body as specified by its constitution and its own budget. Club sports are student organizations promoted “by students, for students.” The most successful clubs are those with dedicated and responsible leaders and advisors.
The purpose of Club Sports is to provide the opportunity for group members to use skills they have acquired prior to coming to LynchburgCollege or to offer members the opportunity to learn new skills. In many respects the club sports program complements the varsity athletic and intramural programs by offering a much broader and in-depth range of activities. Club Sports has a secondary purpose of developing physical, social, mental and lifelong benefits from participation in sports related activities.
Insurance and Risk Management
Each person participating in a Club Sport activity assumes responsibility for his/her health. It’s very strongly recommended that all participants have a physical before beginning any club activity. LynchburgCollege does not provide insurance coverage for accidents or illness that may occur while participating in a Club Sport activity. Individuals are responsible for providing their own insurance.
Risk Management:
To prevent accidents and injuries before they happen, it is necessary to provide a safe and positive recreational experience for all participants. It is strongly recommended that every Club Sport develop, implement, and practice the following safety practices:
- Each participant shares with the other members the concern and responsibilities of safety and agrees to follow safe procedures as well as avoid unnecessary, hazardous situations.
- Club Sport officers are expected to inspect fields and facilities prior to every practice, game, or special event. Unsafe conditions must be reported to the Coordinator of Club Sports and the activity must discontinue until the hazard is corrected.
- Club Sports are expected to abide by all local, state, and national health and safety regulations.
- An accident report must be filed in the event of an accident immediately at the time it occurs. The emergency # on campus is 5555 off campus dial 911. Make sure you know where the nearest phone is in case of emergency.
- It is strongly recommended that participants consult a doctor and have current medical insurance before participating in Club Sports.
- It is recommended that participants have at least two club members certified in CPR and First Aid. The Club Sports office will provide certification free of charge.
While the preceding items are strongly recommended, the following items are mandatory for all Club Sports:
- Participants in any practice session, game, or special event on any LynchburgCollege property must sign a waiver form prior to participating.
- All Club Sports intending to travel to a competition, meet or other event (other than practice) must complete a travel form (Appendix A) at least forty eight (48) hours prior to leavingLynchburgCollege. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
- All Club Sports must have a first aid kit at each practice session, game, and/or special event.
Athletic Code of Conduct
All students are expected to adhere to the student code of conduct that is posted in The Hornet. Hazing will not be tolerated and all students will follow the college policy on hazing printed inThe Hornet. Alcohol at club practices, competitions and while traveling to or from competitions will not be tolerated. A much more detailed explanation of these policies can be found in The Hornet.
Students who represent LynchburgCollege in Club Sports competition are expected tounderstand that participation in Club Sports is a privilege, not a right. They must demonstrate good citizenship, sportsmanship, honesty, and integrity on the field or court, on the campus, in the classroom and in the community. Students are responsible for all missed class work. Participation in Club Sports is not an excuse to miss class or work. Compliance with the Athletic Code of Conduct is required for participation in Club Sports at LynchburgCollege.
The most important guidelines regarding membership in a club sport are as follows:
- No one is a member until s/he has completed a membership/waiver form, a hazing form, and paid her/his dues.
- Dues for a club must be at least $10.00 per semester.
- Full time and part time students are eligible for membership.
- Unless prohibited by the individual club’s constitution, faculty and staff of LynchburgCollege may be members but may not vote or hold office in the club.
There are a number of funding opportunities available to all Club Sports. The two that are most common are:
1. Semester dues- This money is paid by every member each semester. The club determines the amount of dues charged each year. This money is deposited in a club account and can be used to pay for club activities, equipment, travel, etc.
2. Funding through Club Sports Council- Budget cycles will mirror the Student Government Association budget timeline.All clubs must have a representative attend the SGA Treasurer’s meetings for each budget cycle. The club then submits their budget packet to the Office of Student Activities and the Coordinator of Intramural and Club Sports by the deadlines listed below. The packet is then given to the Club Sport Council for deliberations and decisions. Money is not available from SGA Senate and must be requested through the Club Sport Council.
Budget packets are available on-line through the Office of Student Activities website.
Budget Requests
- Budget requests are due by Friday of the third week atthe beginning of each semester by 5p.m. for money to be used during the current semester.
- Any request received after that time will be looked at after all other allocations have been made.
- Budget requests must be made on the budget request form and handed in to the Coordinator for Intramurals and Club Sports in the Office of Student Activities.
- Budget money must be used for what it is specifically approved for and within the academic semester that it is allocated. Any approved funds that are not used, will be re-allocated during the next budget cycle.
- No money will be given for alcohol or personal purchases.
How to Use Your Allocated Funds
- To use allocated funds, the club President, Vice President, or Treasurer must request a purchase order, check request, or reimbursement form from the Coordinator of Club Sports.
- The person requesting reimbursement must have all original receipts for the purchases and the reimbursement request must be made within two weeks of the purchase date. No one, under any circumstances, may be reimbursed for alcohol.
- For a purchase order,the club officer must have the total cost of the item(s) being ordered, a description of the item(s), as well as the address, telephone number, and fax number for the company where the order is placed.
New Clubs
A packet is available in the Office of Student Activities, which outlines how to form a new club. The following is a general outline:
- Meet with the Coordinator for Club Sports to discuss the viability of the club and its formation.
- Collect the names, phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses of interested students.
- Find an advisor that is full time faculty or staff member at LynchburgCollege.
- Write a constitution and bylaws for the club. Examples are available to use as guidelines. The constitutions should include or address the following:
a) The name of the club
b) The purpose of the club
c) The name, address and telephone number of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
d) The name, address and telephone number of a faculty or staff advisor
e) Qualifications for membership
f) Offices and election procedures
g) The meetings of the organization: how called and how business is to be conducted
h) The method of amending the constitution
- Submit all paperwork to the Coordinator for Club Sports.
- The documents will be reviewed by the Coordinator for Club Sports and the Director of the Office of Student Activities. Once approved by the Director, the paperwork will be submitted to the SGA senate for consideration. Club officers will be asked to appear before senate to answer questions. At that time, a senate vote will either confirm or deny the group’s request.
- Once approved,the club eligible to assume status as an officially recognized Lynchburg College Organization.
More Info?
For more information you can call the Intramural and Club Sports Office 544-8552, email questions to Steve Bradney at , or you can drop by and talk to the staff in the Office of Student Activities.
Club Sports Timeline
Meet with the Coordinator of Club Sports at the start of the semester.
Hold membership drive at the Student Organization Fair.
Submit Membership and Waiver Forms to the Office of Student Activities bythe last Friday in September.
- By the third Friday of September, submit a budget request (as applicable) for the fall semester.
- Pick up and sign out equipment.
- Submit: Schedule (practice and events)
Student Activities Annual Registration Form
Signed copy of the Hazing Policy
Budget Request- by the third Friday in September
Ongoing (Throughout the Year):
- Attend monthly club sport meetings
- Check your mailbox regularly
- Submit event forms
- Keep in contact with your advisor
- Publicize and recruit
- Check the OSA event calendar for upcoming deadlines and events at:
Submit budget requests (as applicable) by the third Friday in January for spring semester.
Elect officers for the coming year by no later than the third week in April.
Submit inventory by the last full day of class.
Submit a tentative practice schedule for next semester by the last full day of class.
Before traveling the Club Sports Travel Authorization & Itinerary Form must be filled out and submitted to the Office of Student Activities at least forty eight (48) hours prior to departure. Competition is not an excuse to miss class. Students are responsible for any missed work.
The OSA has many resources available to you. The student organization handbook is available online at: under the “Forms” link. This is a very important resource that will tell you policies and guidelines on posting information, advertising, fundraising, and many other helpful things. Also check the Office of Student Activities website for other resources.
Tournaments and Other Multi-Team Events
Special planning and restrictions apply when hosting a tournament, regatta or other multi-team event. Inform the Coordinator for Club Sports of your plans early so the timetable may be followed. The following items should be considered when planning any event:
- Address list of teams who might be interested in participating
- Estimate of costs for the entire event (i.e. referees officials, prizes, location rental, etc.)
- Entry fee for event
- Agreement/contract with a company/organization about sponsoring, if there is an interest in sponsorship
- Send out the invitations well in advance and set firm deadlines for responses
- Lodging arrangements for teams and contact officials
- Purchase any equipment or prizes needed for the event early
- Prepare your own club for the tournament
- Plan the party for afterwards (in the event that is desired) and enjoy the event.
Tournament Suggestions:
Getting Started:
Send out the invitations promptly, a month or more in advance, including dates, style of play, times, and any other relevant information. Find out everything that will be needed during the tournament, design a cost schedule and set an entrance fee for the invited teams.
Lodging for the Visiting Teams:
Housing for the invited teams can be a problem. The easiest way to settle the problem is by contacting certain hotels in advance. Ask for reduced rates and pass on the information to the teams at least three weeks in advance. Give teams the number of the hotel and directions to the hotel once they are in Lynchburg.
Collecting Fees for the Tournament:
Emphasize to invited teams that only those who have sent in their checks will be able to compete in the tournament. Do not schedule teams for the tournament until the fee is paid. Emphasize this point to the teams on the entry forms. All entry fees must be sent to the Office of Student Activities. This provides a central location and helps reduce risk of lost checks and registration.
Finding a Location for the Tournament:
Field space can sometimes be a problem, so make sure you have reservations for the field space for the required days before sending out invitations. There should not be a problem with space if the appropriate channels are used. For races make sure you talk to LPD or LynchburgCollege security if the race is on campus. Keep in mind timing of other events or activities on campus or in Lynchburg and any problems that might arise from the location of the event.
Coaches can be a very useful and important contribution to a club. All coaches must have a background and significant knowledge of the activity. Coaches must meet with the Coordinator of Club Sports for approval. Coaches must limit themselves to running practice and coaching games. Coaches must have no part in the day-to-day operation and decision making of the club. The club officers and its members make all decisions for the club.
Tips for Running a Successful Club:
- Stop by and check mailbox at least once a week.
- Talk to the Coordinator of Club Sports at least once a week.
- Hold a business meeting at least once a month.
- Make all monthly Club Sport meetings.
- Plan ahead! Plan for the next year in spring. This will reduce the amount of stress and work for your club officers.
- Join your clubs Governing Organization. They will also have lots of resources.
- Delegate! One person can’t do it all!
- Ask questions! The Coordinator of Club Sports and the OSA are a huge resource. If you don’t know or need ideas for things, don’t hesitate to ask!
Fundraising Tips
- Meet with the Coordinator of Club Sports for ideas!
- Find out what has been successful for other organizations in the past.
- Discuss ideas with the entire club.
- Look at the cost to gain ratio. How much is it going to cost us in time, money, and resources? Is it worth it?
- Make sure your club members realize the time commitment and make sure that they will support the project.
- Make sure the activity is legal or doesn’t violate any school policies.
- Look for local business sponsors. Businesses related to your sport are best bets.
- Before agreeing to a sponsorship check with the Coordinator of Club Sports to make sure all the bases are covered.
- Keep in touch with alumni on a semester basis, they are potential donors!
Tax Exempt Donations