October 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007
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October 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007
Case No. / Respondent’s Name / Vessel Name / Area / LE Unit / Case DescriptionPage 1
NOVA *Amount / NOPF**
Amount / NOPS***
SE045036MS / Jeffrey A. Free
Alison D. Free / WAVES OF GRACE / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $5,000.00
SE045404MS / Roger K. Brown
Terese A. Brown / FL3885LF / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $5,000.00
SE053011FM / Mary Enterprises, Inc.
Son Van Nguyen / CECELIA II / GOM / LDWF
NMFS / 1) possess live bait abord a vessl with pelagic longline gear on board
2) fail to maintain VMS / 1) $20,000.00
2) $10,000.00 / 60 days
SE055009MS / Lawrence Vandewalle
Patricia Vandewalle / SABBATICA / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $4,000.00
SE055401MS / Richard Jackson
Thesea Ivory / OCEAN ALLEY / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $7,500.00
SE0601909FM / Tran Van Ha / SEA HORSE / GOM / LDWF
NMFS / 1) shark finning
2) land Atlantic HMS without permit on board
3) fish for prohibited species (red drum)
4) possess undersized fish (cobia) / 1) $5,000.00
2) $3,000.00
3) $500.00
4) $250.00 / 70 days
SE0602395MS / Paul E. Thomas
Deborah Thomas
Keith Turner / MELE MAKANI / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $3,500.00
SE065071MS / Daniel Callahan / GET OFF ME / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $5,212.00
SE0700519MS / Leonard Meintkiewicz
Douglas Mientkiewicz
Geoffrey Baker / OLYMPIC GOLD / FKNMS / FFWCC / 1) fish in Ecological Reserve
2) anchor in Tortugas South
3) exceed bag limit (red grouper) / 1) $5,000.00
2 )$5,000.00
3) $500.00
SE0701335FM / Tuyet Nguyen
Giao Van Tran / GYPSY WIND / GOM / MDMR
NMFS / 1) shark finning
2) fail to maintain fish intact through offloading ashore
3) land Atlantic HMS without permit / 1) $16,000.00
2) $3,000.00
3) $3,000.00 / 60 days
SE0701494FM / Capt. Jimmy, Inc.
John Quang Le / CAPT. JIMMY / GOM / LDWF
NMFS / 1) fish for or possess prohibited species (red drum)
2) dispose of fish after approach by officer / 1) $2,500.00
2) $1,500.00 / 60 days
SE0701549FM / Eric T. Ferguson
Frank A. Reeves, Jr. / MI2629AE / GOM / MDMR
NMFS / 1) fish during red snapper recreational fishery closure
2) fail to release undersized fish (red snapper) / 1) $750.00
2) $750.00
SE0702101FM / Robert F. Gomez / FL9071GX / GOM / FFWCC
NMFS / 1) fish without HMS Angler permit
2) fail to report (non-tournament landing of No. Atl. swordfish)
3) possess undersize fish (swordfish) / 1) $1,500.00
2) $1,500.00
3) $1,500.00 / 30 days
SE0702684MS / Double Eagle Marine LLC
Julius James Ribardi / MR. WAYNE / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $5,000.00
SE0703168FM / Miss Alena, Inc.
Charles M. Thomas / MISS ALENA / So. Atl. / USCG
NMFS / fish without permit (rock shrimp) / $750.00
SE0703285MS / Floyd Bryan
Sandra Bryan / ESPIRIT / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $7,500.00
SE0703398MS / Jerry Hickey / FL1795HJ / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $4,000.00
SE0703601FM / Greg Abrams
Michael Thompson / JEAN MARIE / GOM / NMFS
FFWCC / fail to comply with Gulf red snapper IFQ program (advance notice of landing requirement) / $1,500.00 / $904.00 / 30 days
SE0703607FM / Sexton’s Seafood, Inc.
William J. Sexton / SEXTON’S SEAFOOD, INC. / GOM / NMFS
FFWCC / 1) fail to comply with Gulf red snapper IFQ program (possess IFQ red snapper without transaction approval code)
2) fail to comply with Gulf red snapper IFQ program (provide inaccurate landing location) / 1) $10,000.00
2) $1,500.00 / $1,413.00 / 35 days
SE0703643FM / Pedro Cabrera / EL SOLO / GOM / FFWCC / fail to comply with VMS requirements (Gulf reef fish) / $3,000.00 / 15 days
SE0703765FM / Billy B, Inc.
Noah Paul Gibson / BILLY B / GOM / MDMR
NMFS / 1) possess undersized fish (red snapper)
2) fail to maintain fish intact through offloading ashore / 1) $3,000.00
2) $500.00 / 35 days
SE0703800FM / Martin Arnold
Lloyd Cuthrell, Jr. / SIR MARTIN E / GOM / NMFS
FFWCC / fish without Gulf reef fish permit and Gulf red snapper IFQ vessel endorsement / $5,000.00 / $1,576.00 / 15 days
SE0703819LA / David McBane / n/a / Carib. / PRDRN
NMFS / attempt to export fish or wildlife possessed and/or taken in violation of law of any state or foreign law / $500.00
SE0703844FM / Martin Arnold
Jorge Hernandez / WOLF / GOM / NMFS
FFWCC / possess undersized fish (red grouper) / $8,000.00 / $582.00 / 45 days
SE0703849FM / Betty C. Nutt
Brett D. Waldron
Grand Cru Venture LLC
Andros Fisheries LLC / GRAND CRU / So. Atl. / USCG
NMFS / 1) fish for Atlantic HMS without permit
2) fail to maintain Atlantic HMS in form specified
3) possess Atlantic HMS less than minimum size
4) fish without permit (Atlantic dolphin wahoo operator permit) / 1) $3,000.00
2) $1,500.00
3) $1,500.00
4) $1,500.00 / $1,367.50 / 30 days
SE0703885FM / William Nordheim / SCOBY TWO / GOM / FFWCC
NMFS / fail to maintain fish intact through offloading ashore (red grouper) / $1,500.00 / 15 days
SE0703935FM / Chances R Fisheries, Inc.
Mark Tarlowski / CHANCES R III / So.Atl. / USCG / fish with pelagic longline gear aboard vessel without sea turtle bycatch mitigation gear / $5,000.00 / 30 days
SE0704046FM / Kevin Nelson / HIGH LIFE / GOM / USCG / fish in Madison-Swanson closed area / $2,500.00
SE0704047FM / Jim-N-I, Inc.
Paul A. Redman / JIM-N-I / GOM / USCG / fail to comply with protected species conservation measures (sea turtle conservation measures) / $5,000.00 / 30 days
SE0704060FM / Le & Le, Inc.
Chien Vinh Le / VIET PRIDE / GOM / MDMR
NMFS / fail to maintain fish intact through offloading ashore / $3,000.00 / 15 days
SE0704064MS / Irenaldo J. Jimenez / EL NINO / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $5,000.00
SE0704087FM / Herrera Gumersindo / PERDITO / GOM / FFWCC / fail to comply with VMS requirements (Gulf reef fish) / $3,000.00 / 15 days
SE0704111FM / Cody Strickland
Christopher Cathey / FL3140ED / GOM / USCG / 1) fish in Madison-Swanson closed area
2) exceed bag limit (greater amberjack) / 1) $3,000.00
2) $350.00
SE0704126MS / Jon Brian Park / BRIANNA MARIE / FKNMS / FFWCC / anchor in other than designated anchoring area / $5,000.00
SE0704147FM / DeQueen, Inc.
Phuong Tu Tran / DE QUEEN / GOM / USCG / possess live bait aboard a vessel with pelagic longline gear on board / $25,000.00 / 30 days
SE0704188MS / Ihosvanis Hezguera / FL4510NJ / FKNMS / FFWCC / operate a vessel in such a manner as to strike or otherwise injure coral, seagrass or other immobile organism including prop-scarring / $4,000.00
* NOVA = Notice of Violation and Assessment
** NOPF = Notice of Proposed Forfeiture
*** NOPS = Notice of Permit Sanction
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