Parent/Guardian Inquiry Form for MMSD Advanced Learning Department
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The Advanced Learning Department is committed to helping the schools assess and meet the needs of Advanced Learners.
If you are concerned that your child needs advanced learning support in the classroom:
●The first step in this process is to speak with your child’s teacher.
●If you continue to have questions regarding your child’s education, or if you have a specific question for the Advanced Learning department…
○please fill out this form and submit to and write PARENT INQUIRY in the subject line.
○The Advanced Learning Department will also submit this form to your child’s principal and Advanced Learning Instructional Resource Teacher (AL-IRT) at your school.
○An AL-IRT will contact you within two weeks about your question or concern.
The purpose of this form is to gather information regarding your child, and to initiate a discussion between school staff and Advanced Learning personnel. Please fill out the second page to indicate the type of inquiry. You may attach copies of information that you think will be helpful in considering options that are in the best interest of your child.
Have you brought specific questions or concerns to your child’s current teacher?
If not, why not?
❏I am not sure how to start the conversation.
❏I would like a better understanding of what MMSD means by gifted or advanced learners before initiating a conversation.
❏Other: ______
I would like to:
❏Share information about my child.
❏*Discuss student’s instructional needs in a particular subject area.
❏*Discuss concerns about my child’s ability to learn and progress in school.
❏*Discuss/problem solve around social-emotional concerns that appear to be related to my child’s high ability level.
*Primary contact should be classroom or subject-specific teacher.
Please provide a few details about the above request:Additional Information / Please Complete
Please list, if known, any previous or existing strategies that are being used with your child, or have been used with your child in the past.
Please list, if known, any previous or existing opportunities your child is/has participated in outside of school.
What other information would you like to share with us?
Please return this form to the MMSD Advanced Learner Department
Mail: 545 W. Dayton, 53703 / Fax: 442-2160 / Email:
Date Received:
Updated on 9/26/14