Personal information
First name / Surname / Elena Horská, Prof. Dr. Ing.
Address / Nitrianska 47, 949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic
Telephone / +421 903 261 081
E-mail /
Nationality / SR (Slovak republic)
Date of birth / 28.2.1969
Gender / Female
Employment / Occupational field / University teacher, Vice-rector for international relations and public relations, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Work experience
Dates / 2010 – onwards
Occupation or position held / Vice-rector for International and Public Relations, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Dates / 2003 - 2010
Occupation or position held / Vice-dean for International and Public Relations, Faculty of Economics and Management
Dates / 1996 – onwards
Occupation or position held / University teacher
Main activities and responsibilities / -Teaching the subjects Marketing, International marketing, European consumer and consumer behaviour, Merchandising and Retail Marketing
-Research in the area of internationalization of agricultural subjects on the European and global markets, opportunities of teritorial expansion of the agricultural subjects in global conditions, enforcing the theory of international marketing in the conditions of the business subjects, intercultural studies directed on executing marketing activities and consumer behaviour on the food market in Europe, marketing strategy for emerging markets and factors of territorial expansion and sustainable business doing internationally
-Coordinator of the Slovak-Russian Master Program: Agrarian Marketing and Trade, running in cooperation with the Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University in Moscow, Russia.
Name and address of employer / Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture inNitra, Tr. A. Hlinku 2, 949 76, Nitra, Slovakia
Type of business or sector / Education, science and research
Education and training
Dates / 18.3.2004 2011
Title of qualification awarded / Professor honoris causa
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / DelhiSchool of Professional Studies and Research, New Delhi, India
Dates / 18.3.2004 2010
Title of qualification awarded / Professor of Management and Marketing
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / MendelUniversity, Brno, Czech Republic
Dates / 18.3.2004 2004
Title of qualification awarded / Doc. - Associate profesor
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Teaching and research in the area of marketing disciples
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture inNitra, specialization: Economics and management in agriculture, food-processing industry and forestry
Dates / 1991 – 1994
Title of qualification awarded / Dr. – PhD.
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Teaching and research, marketing, business enterprise
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Faculty of Operational Economics, Slovak University of Agriculture inNitra, specialization: Business and economic theory and management of agri-food complex, forestry and wood-processing enterprises
Dates / 1987 – 1991
Title of qualification awarded / Ing. – master degree
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Economics and management
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Faculty of Operational Economics, Slovak University of Agriculture inNitra, specialization: Operational economics of agriculture
Native language / Slovak
Other language(s)
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
/ C2 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient user / C2 / Proficient userRussian
/ B2 / Independent user / B2 / Independent user / B2 / Independent user / B2 / Independent user / B2 / Independent userSpannish
/ A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user / A1 / Basic user(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences / Work in team, empathy, intercultural experiences from Europe, Asia and America and their utilization in working in international collectives, experiences from lecturing activities for students as well as expertsin Slovakia and abroad.
Organizational skills / Coordination of project activities both at national and international level
Computer skills and competences / Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer
Driving licence / since 1987 for categories A and B of vehicle (motorcycle, car)
Subsidiary information / Membership in professional organisations and editorial boards:
-Member of the editorial board of the Journal of International Food&Agribusiness Marketing, USA
-Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Economics and Management, Gunadarma University, Indonesia
-Member of the editorial board of the scientific Journal SERIA (Polish
Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economics), Warszaw
-Memberof the editorial board of scientific journal Acta Oeconomica et Informatica, Slovakia
-Managing director of the international scientific journal „Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomics and Sustainable Development, SUA Nitra, Slovakia
-Member of the Czech marketing association
-Member ofEUROMEDAcademy of Business
-Member of the Scientific council of FEM SUA in Nitra
- Laison Officer of the Visegrad University Association
Lectors, lecturing in Slovakia and Abroad:
TMC consulting NitraSOPK Nitra, Trnava
MaltaEnterprise Hamrun, Malta
Personal website:
Coordinator of the following projects:
Research projects:
1/3757/06 Factors of internationalization successfulness of agricultural subjects in Slovakia, Solution time : 2006-2008
MVTS: European studies of cultural dimensions of international business enterprise RAK/SPAN/SR/07, Solution time : 2007- 2009, G-516/01110
SK-05/06-BA-010 The Path of Internationalisation and Integration in the Europe of Regions;Solution time : 2006- 2007
Educational projects
SK/05/A/F/EX-5025105 Leonardo da Vinci VETPRO
Transfer of managerial know-how and development of contacts with the practice for enhancement of specialistic education
Solution time : 2005- 2006
SK/05/A/F/EX-5034108 Leonardo da Vinci
Development of specialistic abilities of university students in the area of business management, economics and marketing research
Solution time : 2005- 2006
GRU2/2006/17-k-NR-1Socrates Grundtvig 2
Multicultural Education for European Citizenship
Solution time : 2006-2007
2006-1903/001-001 Jean Monnet Modul
European consumer and consumer behaviour
Solution time : 1.9.2006-31.8.2009
74120590/p-NR Grundtvig 2
Multicultural Education for European Citizenship
Solution time : 1.10.2007-31.7.2009
LDV SK/06/A/F/EX-6024094 Leonardo da Vinci,VETPRO, Competitiveness, growth and innovations in theory, research and practice, Solution time : 1.1.2007- 16.9.2007
74221083 Grundtvig
Preparation visits – Grundtvig european conference
Solution time : 27.9.2007-30.9.2007
SK/07/LDV/PRO/01-73230370 Leonardo da Vinci
Improvement of quality of the special economic and managerial education for agricultural sector I.
Solution time : 1.9.2007- 20.7.2008
Leonardo da Vinci SK/09/LDV/PRO/01-93230432 „Zlepšenie kvality odborného ekonomického a manažérskeho vzdelávania pre agropotravinársky sektor III.“ (Improvement of quality of professional economic and managerial education for agri-food sector III), project period: 2009 - 2010
CEINET Project Nr. 1005-003.09: Central European Business, project period: 2010
CEEPUS Applied Economics and ManagementCEEPUS CIII-SK-0044-06-1112, Network coordinator 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,
Cross-Cultural Management, IP, 2011- 2012, local coordinator, coordinator: Technological Institute of Crete, Greece
Leonardo PLM: European Expertise for Slovak Agri-sector: The Training Program for the University Graduates Nr. 11322 1154 (2011 – 2013)
ERASMUS MUNDUS ERANET 2011 – 2014: EU-Russian Academic Network, AGREEMENT NUMBER 2011 – 2573 / 001 - 001 – EMA2, local coordinator
National Educational project
KEGA 3/6197/08Merchandising and event marketing for agricultural products. Development of integrated teaching and creating multimedia didactic tools, Solution period: 2008-2010
Date from - Date to / Location / Company / Description1993 / Netherlands / Agricultural College Deventer / a month study stay oriented on marketing
1996 / USA / University of Delaware / a month study stay oriented on international marketing
1998 / USA / Cornell University / a two-month study stay oriented on international marketing
1999 / Hungary / Agricultural university in Gödöllö / study stay CEEPUS oriented on agrarian and international marketing
2000 / USA / University of Delaware / a month study stay – oriented on agrarian and international marketing
2005 / Finland / ABO AKADEMI TURKU / lecturing stay Socrates Erasmus on the topic: Comparative study of consumer behaviour in different countries of Central and Eastern Europe (a week stay in September 2005)
2006 / Romania / Regional education centre, Bucarest / specialistic stay Leonardo da Vinci - a week stay in April 2006
2006 / Finland / PAN – EUROPEAN INSTITUTE TURKU / study and lecturing stay Leonardo da Vinci on the topic Stright foreign investitions in Central and Eastern Europe, Conditions for business in Central and Eastern Europe (2-week stay in September 2006)
2007 / Vila Real Portugalia / Univerzita De Trás-Os-Monets E Alto Douro / lecturing stay Socrates Erazmus on topic: Doing Business in Slovakia: Marketing and Managerial Approach, How to compete in the Globalized Food Market: Case Study of Successful Slovak Food Producing Companies“ (a week stay in March 2007)
2007 / Greece / Chania / specialistic stay Leonardo da Vinci on Mediterranean agronomic institute - a week stay in June 2007
2007 / Italia / University of Bari / specialistic and lecturer stay Leonardo da Vinci on topic International marketing (a week stay in July 2007)
2007 / Spain / University of Cordoba, ETEA / lecturer stay during the European week on topic: Consumer in Europe of Regions: consumer behaviour and marketing consequences (Jean Monnet Activity) (a week stay in November 2007)
2008 / Austria / BOKU Wien / lecturer stay CEEPUSinNovember 2008 oriented on business relationships of Slovakia, V4 countries, EU countries and countries outside EU.
2010 / Poland / Agricultural University Cracow / CEEPUS lecturing stay, May, 2010
2010 / Malta / Consolidated Biscuits, Co. Birkirkara / Leonardo da Vinci study stay, July 2010
2011 / India / Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research / Visiting lecturer at the course of International marketing (delivering lectures and grading the students, January 2011
2011 / Croatia / University of Zagreb / CEEPUS lecturing stay, May 2011
2011 / Kazakhstan / Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty / Visiting lecturer at the course of International marketing (delivering lectures and grading the students, November 2011)
Annexes / The most important publications
AAA Scientific monographies published in foreign publishing houses
AAA01Regionální trh potravin (Regional food market) / Ladislav Skořepa a kol. - 1. vyd. - České Budějovice : Nakladatelství JIH, 2009. - 196 p. : grafy, tab. - ISBN 978-80-86266-18-3
AAB Scientific monographies published in national publishing houses
AAB01Faktory úspešnosti podnikania v agropotravinárskom komplexe Slovenskej republiky (Factors of business successfulness in agrifood complex in Slovak Republic) / Vladimír Gozora a kol. - 1. vyd. - Nitra : Agroinštitút, 2003. - 229 p. : obr., tab. - ISBN 80-7139-100-X
AAB02Trh cenných papierov a jeho vplyv na výkonnosť a konkurencieschopnosť agropotravinárskych podnikov (Market of securities and its influence on performance and competitiveness of agrifood firms)/ Peter Bielik, Oľga Roháčiková, Ján Blcháč, Elena Horská. - Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2003. - 145 p., 4 grafy, 7 sch., 48 tab. - ISBN 80-8069-293-9
AAB03Internacionalizácia agropotravinárskych podnikov SR ( Internationalization of agrifood firms in Slovakia) / Elena Horská a kol. - Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2008. - 234 p. : obr., tab. - ISBN 978-80-552-0136-8
AAB04Economics, social policy and citizenship in the European union : evidence of V4 countries and perspectives for Ukraine / Peter Bielik et al. - 1. vyd. - Nitra : Slovak University of Agriculture, 2010. - 258 p. : obr., tab. - ISBN 978-80-552-0448-2
Group A2 – Other book publications (ACA, ACB, BAA, BAB, BCB, BCI, EAI, CAA, CAB, EAJ, FAI)
ACB University textbooks published in native publishing houses
ACB01Manažment a marketing v medzinárodnom prostredí (Management and marketing in international environment) / Elena Horská, Iveta Ubrežiová. - Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2001. 418 p. : 9 obr., 19 sch., 51 tab., lit. 97. - ISBN 80-7137-884-4
ACB02Medzinárodný marketing (International marketing)/ Elena Horská. - 1. vyd. - Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2007. - 219 p. - ISBN 978-80-8069-938-3
ACB03 European consumer and consumer behaviour/Elena Horska. Slovak University of Agriculture, 2009
ACB04 Merchandising and event marketing/Elena Horska, Slovak Unviersity of Agriculture in Nitra, 2010
BCI Scripts and textbooks
BCI01Prípadové štúdie pre ekonomické a manažérske vzdelávanie v agropotravinárskom sektore (Case studies for economic and managerial education in the agri-food sector) / Elena Horská a kol. - 1. vyd. - Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre, 2010. - 152 p. - ISBN 978-80-552-0449-9
Group C – Other reviewed publications (ABC, ABD, ACC, ACD, ADE, ADF, AEC, AED, AFA, AFB, AFC, AFD, AFE, AFF, AFG, AFH, BBA, BBB, BCK, BDA, BDB, BDE, BDF, BEC, BED, BFA, BFB, BGH, CDE, CDF)
ABC Chapters in scientific monographies published in foreign publishing houses
ABC01The European market environment and its diversity / Elena Horská, Peter Oremus.
In The path of internationalization and integration in the Europe of regions. - Bucuresti : Editura Ceres, 2007. - ISBN 978-973-709-322-6. - p. 43-62
ABC02European business and internationalization: Challenges and obstacles for marketing strategies in the Europe of regions / Elena Horská.
In The path of internationalization and integration in the Europe of regions. - Bucuresti : Editura Ceres, 2007. - ISBN 978-973-709-322-6. - p. 159-180
ABC03Internalization at the Slovak agro-business: focused on competitiveness, territorial expansion and bringing values to customers / Peter Bielik, Elena Horská.
In Agricultural market and trade: evidence and perspective of V4 region and its neighbour - Ukraine. - Warszawa, Polska : Wies Jutra, 2008. - ISBN 83-89503-62-x. - p. 10-42
ABC04Quo Vadis Slowakische Nahrungsmittelwirtschaft ? / Elena Horská.
In Was wir morgen essen werden : Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für das Agrarmarketing der Zukunft. - Wien : facultas.wuv Universitätsverlag, 2009. - ISBN 978-3-7089-0402-3. - p. 203-223
ADE Scientific works in foreign journals
ADE01Výroba a odbyt strukovín na Slovensku (Producing and consumption of legumes in Slovakia) / Michal Vicen, Elena Horská.
In Zeměd. Ekon. - ISSN 0139-570X. - Vol. 43, no. 10 (1997), p. 445-451
ADE02Innovation management as a tool of qualitative changes in the food processing industry = Manažment inovácií ako nástroj kvalitatívnych zmien v potravinárskom priemysle / Elena Horská, Iveta Ubrežiová.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - Vol. 49, no. 8 (2003), p. 361-364
ADE03Managerial and marketing vertical line of the production processing and consumption of milk and milk products in Slovakia / Igor Repka, Iveta Ubrežiová, Elena Horská.
In Agroekonomika : Časopis Instituta za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela. - Novi Sad : Institut za ekonomiku poljoprivrede i sociologiju sela, Poljoprivredni fakultet. - ISSN 0350-5928. - (2003), p. 91-94
ADE04Enlargement of the European Union - a new economic and social reality for agrobusiness entities = Rozšírenie Európskej únie - nová ekonomická a spoločenská realita pre agropodnikateľské subjekty / Elena Horská.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - Vol. 50, no. 8 (2004), p. 353-357
ADE05Modern marketing in the business practice - the source of competetive advantage in the global market = Moderný marketing v činnosti podniku - zdroj konkurenčnej výhody na globálnom trhu / Elena Horská.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - Vol. 50, no. 12 (2004), p. 572-576
ADE06Marketing orientation at the creating the region development projects / Elena Horská, Iveta Ubrežiová.
In Acta agraria et silvestria. Series Agraria. sekcja ekonomiczna. - Wrocław ; Kraków : Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1966-. - ISSN 0065-0919. - Vol. 40, no. 3 (2003), p. 121-125
ADE07Integration of the Slovak Republic to the European union: opportunities and threats for business sphere / Elena Horská, Peter Bielik.
In Management : journal for management theory nad practice = Management casopis za teoriju i praksu menadzmenta. - Beograd : Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade,. - ISSN 1820-0222. - Vol. 9, no. 34 (2004), p. 19-22
ADE08Globalization and internationalization process in the selected branch of the Slovak food industry / E. Horská, I. Ubrežiová.
In Acta agraria et silvestria. Series Agraria. sekcja ekonomiczna. - Wrocław ; Kraków : Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1966-. - ISSN 0065-0919. - Vol. 44, no. 2 (2005), p. 83-87
ADE09Project management application at using the European structural funds to support the regional development / I. Ubrežiová, E. Horská, I. Bírová.
In Acta agraria et silvestria. Series Agraria. sekcja ekonomiczna. - Wrocław ; Kraków : Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich, 1966-. - ISSN 0065-0919. - Vol. 44, no. 2 (2005), p. 251-259
ADE10Some aspects of land market in Central an Easter European countries: focus on Slovakia = Vybrané aspekty trhu s pôdou v krajinách strednej a východnej Európy: dôraz na Slovensko / P. Bielik, E. Horská, N. Turčeková. - Bibliogr. odkazy. Res. slov.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - ISSN 0139-570X. - Vol. 51, no. 8 (2005), p. 335-341
ADE11Land market in the centre of interest of experts of Central and Eastern European countries = Trh s pôdou v centre záujmu expertov zemí strednej a východnej Európy / E. Horská. - Bibliogr. odkazy. Res. slov.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - ISSN 0139-570X. - Vol. 51, no. 8 (2005), p. 381-387
ADE12Európa regiónov a diverzita podnikateľského prostredia = The Europe regions and diversity of business environment / P. Bielik, E. Horská, K. Hennyeyová, M. Dziembala.
In Collection of Scientific Papers, Faculty of Agriculture in České Budějovice. Series for economics, management and trade. - České Budějovice : Universitas Bohemiae Meridionalis, 1999-. - ISSN 1212-5598. - Vol. 29, no. 2 (2005), p. 43-52
ADE13Geographical and business distance and its influence on international business cooperation / Elena Horská, Iveta Ubrežiová. - Bibliog. odkazy. Res. rus..
In Vestnik Saratovskogo gosudarstvennogo sociaľno-ekonomičeskogo universiteta. speciaľnyj vypusk. - Saratov : Saratovskij gosudarstvennyj sociaľno-ekonomičeskij universitet, 2002----. - ISSN 5-87309-449-7. - Vol. 5, no. 8 (2005), p. 36-39
ADE14Some assumptions and expectations of perspectives for regional integration development in Central and Eastern Europe / Elena Horská, Peter Bielik, Malgorzata Dziembala.
In Management : journal for management theory nad practice = Management casopis za teoriju i praksu menadzmenta. - Beograd : Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade,. - ISSN 1820-0222. - Vol. 10, no. 39 (2005), p. 69-75
ADE15Some aspects of the investment attractiveness of the Visegrad Group countries = Vybrané aspekty investičnej atraktívnosti skupiny krajín V4 / Peter Bielik, Elena Horská, Malgorzata Dziembala.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - ISSN 0139-570X. - Vol. 52, no. 8 (2006), p. 361-367
ADE16Competitiveness in the EU: a main theme of two scientific events at the Faculty of Ecomomics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra / Elena Horská.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - ISSN 0139-570X. - Vol. 52, no. 8 (2006), p. 395-396
ADE17International management and marketing in regional trade within countries: Focus slovakia - Hungarian trade flowsV / Elena Horská, Iveta Ubrežiová.
In Theory Methodology Practice. - Miškolc : University of Miskolc, 2007. - ISSN 1589-3413. - Vol. 4, no. 1 (2007), p. 25-29
ADE18Marketing attitudes towards the functional food and implications for market segmentation = Marketingové prístupy k funkčným potravinám a dopad na segmentáciu trhu / E. Horská, K. Sparke.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - ISSN 0139-570X. - Vol. 53, no. 8 (2007), p. 349-353
ADE19Product adaptation in processes of internationalization: case of then Slovak food-processing companies / Elena Horská, Iveta Ubrežiová, Tauno Kekäle.
In Baltic Journal of Management. - London : Emerald group Publishing Limited, 2006. - ISSN 1746-5265. - Vol. 2, No. 3 (2007), p. 319-333
ADE20Multicultural education and European citizenship - key elements and challanges / Elena Horská, Roberto A. Valdeón, Peter Bielik.
In Perspective kitekintés : tudományos és kulturális folyóirat : revistá de stiintá si culturá = vedecký a kultúrny časopis. - Békéscsaba : TSF Gazdasági Föiskolai Kar, 2007. - ISSN 1454-9921. - Vol. XI, no. mimoriadne (2007), p. 49-54
ADE21Processes and problems of the marketing management adaptation at the EU market = Procesy a problémy adaptácie marketingového manažmentu na trhu EÚ: prípad mäsospracujúceho priemyslu SR : the case of the Slovak meat processing industry / Elena Horská, Peter Oremus.
In Agricultural economics = = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - ISSN 0139-570X. - Vol. 54, no. 8 (2008), s. 392-398
ADE22Foreign Trade in Poland and Slovakia in the Process of European Economic Integration / Krzysztof Wach, Iveta Ubrežiová, Elena Horská.
In Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai [seriál] : Negotia. - Cluj-Napoca, Romania : Cluj University Press, 2008. - ISSN 1224-8738. - Vol. LIII, No. 1 (2008), p.47-65
ADE23The selected theoretical and practical viewpoints to managing cultural diversity in the international business = Vybrané teoretické a praktické hľadiská riadenia kultúrnej diverzity v medzinárodnom podnikaní / Elena Horská, Andrzej Krasnodebski.
In Agricultural economics = Zemědělská ekonomika. - Praha : Česká akademie zemědělských věd : Slovenská akadémia pôdohospodárskych vied : Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací, 2001-. - ISSN 0139-570X. – Vol. 55, no. 8 (2009), p. 368-374
ADE24Water - Strategic Commodity for the 21st Century: The Role of Global Business Activities and Social Responsibility / Peter Bielik, Luboš Smutka, Elena Horská. - With Acrobat reader available at: - Also In International Scientific Days 2010 on p. 1359-1391.
In DSM Business Review [web source] : an international journal for society for human. - New Delhi : Dehli School of Proffesional Studiess. - ISSN 0975-1998. - Vol. 2, no. 1 (2010), p. 1-42.
ADE25Selected global and local views on the world trade in mineral water and non-alcoholic beverages / Elena Horská, Luboš Smutka.
In Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists = Roczniki Naukowe. Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu. - Warszawa-Bydgoszcz ; 1998 : Polish association of agricultural and agribusiness economists. - ISSN 1508-3535. - Vol. 12, no. 6 (2010), p. 54-59.
ADF Scientific works in native journals
ADF01Marketing zemiakov a zemiakových výrobkov na Slovensku a v USA / Ľudmila Nagyová, Elena Horská.
In Acta oeconomica et informatica. - ISSN 1335-2571. - Vol. 1, no. 2 (1998), p. 48-55
ADF02Formulating a strategic position for Slovak national specialities on the foreign market / Elena Horská, Ľudmila Nagyová.
In Acta oeconomica et informatica. - ISSN 1335-2571. - Vol. 4, no. 2 (2001), p. 51-56
ADF03Analýza cenovej konkurencieschopnosti konzumného mlieka a mliečnych výrobkov vo vybraných mliekárňach / Iveta Ubrežiová, Elena Horská.
In Agriculture. - ISSN 0551-3677. - Vol. 49, no. 1 (2003), p. 16-23
ADF04Jatočné a ekonomické porovnanie tried mäsnatosti jatočného hovädzieho dobytka = Slaughter and economic comparison of conformation classes of slaughter cattle / Juraj Čuboň, Iveta Ubrežiová, Jozef Mojto, Elena Horská, Milan Polák, Vladimír Vagač.
In Agriculture = Poľnohospodárstvo. - Bratislava : NOI, 1955-. - ISSN 0551-3677. - Vol. 49, no. 6 (2003), p. 292-297
ADF05Aktivity veľkoobchodov na trhu s potravinami = Activities of wholesales on the foodstuffs market / Michal Vicen, Elena Horská.
In Agriculture = Poľnohospodárstvo. - Bratislava : NOI, 1955-. - ISSN 0551-3677. - Vol. 49, no. 6 (2003), p. 313-320
ADF06Postavenie produktov vybraných slovenských mliekarní v konkurenčnom prostredí = The competitive environment status of the products from selected milk processing entities in / Iveta Ubrežiová, Elena Horská.
In Acta oeconomica et informatica : vedecký časopis pre ekonomiku a informatiku : = the scientifical journal for economics and informatics in agriculture. - Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska Univerzita v Nitre, 1998-. - ISSN 1335-2571. - Vol. 6, no. 2 (2003), p. 41-45