
Parish Councillors Jeanette Dawson (Chairman), Sylvia Harlow, Mike Prince, Georgina Glover, and Kathy Wilson.

Clerk to the Council, Amanda Sparkes

KCC Cllr Alan Marsh (for part of the meeting)

One member of the Public

149. Chairman’s Opening remarks and Apologies for absence

Cllr Dawson welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Parish Cllr Maria Morcom (attending another meeting) and PCSO Jo White.

150.  Declarations of Cllrs’ Interest and requests for Dispensations

There were no declarations of interest or requests for a dispensation.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting dated 12 February 2013

Cllrs agreed that the Minutes were a true record of the meeting and the Chairman duly signed them.

151.  Cllrs reports

Cllr Dawson report

Cllr Dawson advised she had nothing to report as no meetings had been held; the next dates are WVPS on 20 March, and Village Hall committee on 24 April. She reminded everyone of the Race night on 16 March 2013.

She mentioned that the wet weather caused a large tree branch opposite Sunningdale in Westbere lane to fall. The PCSO stopped people going down the lane and arranged for Kent Highways Services to attend to remove it.

Cllr Glover report

Re the Ling food waste planning application: Cllr Glover advised that she had attended the Hersden public meeting regarding the Ling application (see appendix 2a for the Clerk report). She has to speak about the application at another meeting in April. Cllr Alan Marsh explained he attended the Rural Area Member Panel (RAMP) on 11 March and was advised that the city council had awarded the full waste contract to Serco for 5 years with 6 bins and food waste – without a transfer station – all the food waste was originally to go to Richborough. Then the city council decided that if they could get a closer location for a transfer/holding station this would allow larger lorries to travel to Richborough and then financial savings could be realised hence the Hersden application. KCC Highways and KCC Waste are involved in the application – Cllrs felt there was a conflict of interest with this.

The original planning permission gave a restriction of 162 lorry movements per day (that is162 in and 162 out). But there is more profit in food waste so it is likely that Lings will work within that constraint and give rubble waste, for example, to another contractor. Cllr Prince commented that the A28 is very broken up and full of potholes and all the lorry movements will make this worse. Cllr Prince agreed to email Cllr Marsh about problem areas and send photographs.

The next step is the planning application hearing. Cllr Marsh commented that the original contract as awarded is valid. There is no need for any disruption to the businesses.

Cllr Glover also advised that throughout the district there are a lot of dogs being stolen – and targeted for theft by prior identifying where they are.

Cllr Glover also advised she had monitored the play group parking and found no problems. The village green also looks lovely, and the daffodils are coming up.

She concluded her report by saying that she is attending more city council training.

Cllr Sylvia Harlow

Cllr Harlow explained she had had no meetings in the last month. She advised that a resident had

contacted her concerned about SHLAA 50 (The Two Fields) as the city council website shows them both in the parish of Sturry – which means any development gain would go to Sturry – This should be corrected. Cllr Glover agreed to get the draft Local Plan amended. She explained the draft Local Plan is now thought to be due in April.

Cllr Prince report

Cllr Prince had undertaken checks of the tree works applications. He also did a useful street light audit. The Clerk was asked to chase the fault report of the two faulty street lights, especially the one outside the Village Hall.

Cllr Prince kindly agreed to look at the levels in the salt bins through the village.

He also advised that a vehicle had hit one of the Church pillars – Cllr Glover agreed to have a look at this.

Cllr Kathy Wilson

Cllr Wilson advised she had nothing to report.

KCC Cllr Alan Marsh report

KCC Cllr Alan Marsh explained there is £10,400 in the RAMP pot and parishes may make a bid. He urged Westbere Cllrs to think of something. He also agreed to chase KCC highways for the agreed provision of two new salt bins.

Cllr Marsh asked about the latest situation regarding the new village hall lease. Cllr Dawson explained the Joint Church Commissioners' (JCC) proposal was that the terms of the rent be £300 p.a, over a period of 15 years and not 25 years. If the parish council would prefer a lease of 25 years then they would be prepared to consider this, however would expect to include a rent review clause.

The parish council considered the surveyor report and this new rental proposal in January where also in attendance were the Chairman and Treasurer of the village hall management committee. Everyone felt that the documents were acceptable. However, as the whole renewal process has been complicated and time consuming, plus a longer lease would offer more grant opportunities, the hall committee would prefer a 25 year term to negate the need for a rent review clause. The parish council agreed with this idea. To do so would avoid unnecessary costs. The valuer also recommended a 25 year term for the new lease and did not suggest a rent review during that term. This suggestion is to be presented to the JCC at their next meeting on 18 March.

Cllr Marsh explained he was attending a ticket only event on 22 March around Aviation Capacity for South East England and agreed to report back.

He reminded the Clerk that he still wants a meeting with the Single Grant Gateway officers at the city council regarding the zero award to Westbere Village Hall next year. The Clerk explained she has emailed requesting a choice of dates and tried to call today for an update for the meeting but the officer was not available.

152.  Adjournment of the Meeting

The meeting was adjourned for questions from members of the public. There were no questions

The meeting continued.

153.  Planning Matters

Planning items are recorded on appendix two, previously circulated to Cllrs, and attached to these minutes.

Application Ref: KCC/CA/0426/2012
Location: Plots D & E, Lakesview Business Park, Hersden, Nr Canterbury, Kent
Proposal: Change of use from a metal and vehicle recycling and transfer centre with materials recycling centre for dry recyclable waste and electrical goods, the storage of associated waste and waste products and the storage of demolition and contracting plant and vehicles to a facility handling all of the above and domestic ("black bag") waste and source-separated food waste

RECEIVED the write up by the Clerk of the notes she took at the Public Meeting held on 25 February 2013 at Hersden neighbourhood centre concerning the current planning application at Lakesview Business Park for the waste treatment of black bag waste and food waste streams (previously circulated and filed with the Minutes as Appendix 2a)

The Cllrs congratulated the Clerk on an excellent and helpful report.


(a)  RECEIVED the bank statements for February 2013, and RESOLVED the signature of the Chairman thereon;
(b)  NOTED that the Clerk appointed Dynamix Ltd as the new payroll provider from 1 April 2013, and has completed the necessary forms.
(c)  NOTED that the Clerk has checked with resident David Elliott who has kindly confirmed he is happy to undertake the internal audit again, as part of the annual return to the Audit Commission in May.
(d)  NOTED receipt of a cheque for £32.50 from Westbere village hall committee for their half payment of the joint membership with the parish council to Action With Communities in Rural Kent
(e)  NOTED that the annual subscription to CPRE of £29.00 to be taken by direct debit on 22 March 2013.
NOTED confirmation from Canterbury City Council of the precept, made up as follows:
£9,710.61 precept
£ 394.39 cushioning grant from central government
£10,105.00 total precept – this matches exactly what the parish council asked for.
Of the 26 parishes in the district, 21 have increased their precept requirement, 3 have kept it the same as last year’s and only 2 have lowered theirs.
Difference to tax base and band D property payment:
To work out the band D calculation – you divide the precept requirement by the tax base. The tax base has changed this year because of the council tax benefit changes (it has decreased for all the parishes)
Westbere / Tax base / Band D payment
2012-13 / 162.89 / 58.32
2013-14 / 156.54 / 62.03
The difference this year is an increase of £3.71 for the year on a band D property.


The expenditure list previously circulated to Cllrs as Appendix 3 totalling £ 185.00 plus the direct

debits for Clerk salary, paye, and national insurance, and outsourcing company’s payroll calculation fee, were authorised for payment.


DISCUSSED an Event to be held on 2 June 2013 on the village green to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation. This would replace the village summer party.

The Chairman advised she has received a suggestion that the Westbere Warblers attend for a 15 minute slot to sing. Cllrs were happy with this and wanted sing along sheets for residents to join in. The cake is ordered, Cllrs Dawson and Prince will collect the marquee from the Yew Tree, Cllr Dawson will ask Invicta Enterprises and Mr Leo Martino if their pickups can be used again, and have a wet weather plan as last year’s Jubilee event with residents’ own gazebos being used had been successful.

Food was discussed. It is difficult to know numbers. Cllr Dawson will talk to the Ladies Lunch women and ask them for advice on the matter with the parish council providing savouries and refreshments. Cllrs were happy for the village hall committee to run a tombola.

Cllr Dawson suggested the event could form a bid to the RAMP pot of funding.

The Clerk was asked to invite the PCSO, PC and KCC Community Warden to the event – and ask that they be in uniform and to bring leaflets etc – this could then contribute to the parish plan action plan.

Cllr Glover will give Clerk details of ex –residents Mr and Mrs Butler for them to be invited to the event. The Clerk will retain the event as an Agenda item for further discussion.

157. Clerk’s Report and Correspondence


o  Action with Communities in Rural Kent Rural News electronic newsletter

o  An information notice from the Department of Communities and Local Government setting out the guidelines for council tax increases for 2012-14 and the requirements for a referendum. The Secretary of State is not proposing to set principles for local precepting authorities for 2013-14 he intends to revisit this issue for 2014-15, having considered the extent to which local authorities have exercised restraint to council tax in 2013-14.

o  KALC’s Learning and Development Update February 2013, including Emergency Planning and Resilience, and Neighbourhood Planning

o  Notification of Transport Integration's relocation/change of address from 18 February from its current site at Kings Hill, West Malling to Aylesford Highways Depot, St Michaels Close, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7TZ. This should be used for all future correspondence. Existing telephone numbers will transfer and email addresses are unaffected

o  Letter from the NALC Chairman advising that the NALC Chief Executive has formally decided to retire on 31 March 2014 and that this was noted and accepted by the NALC Executive Committee on 26 February. The NALC Chairman and NALC Executive Committee will begin the process of appointing a replacement.

KCC Community Warden

Letter received 16 February 2013 advising that Jon Lodge the KCC Community Warden for Hersden, Westbere, and Littlebourne will be transferring to another area on 28 March 2013.

Cover for the village will be provided by the Canterbury Team and the contact number remains 07969 583916. Non emergency Police calls also continue to 101.


NOTED that the date is confirmed and hall is booked; Guest Speaker Ann Barnes, Kent’s new Police Commissioner confirmed; Date and speaker to be advertised in the March newsletter.

Additionally the Clerk has prepared A5 flyers for all households to be distributed to all households as per the usual magazine distribution by Cllrs. The Clerk has invited County and City Cllr reports and invited a Westbere Charities report – their reply advised that the date of the Westbere Charity meeting has been moved from 20 Feb to 27 March. At the meeting they will elect a new chairman and decide which of the Trustees (Geoff Jones, Diana Poulter, Nigel Denne, Alison Grubb or Malindi Tucker) will attend the Westbere Annual Parish Meeting to present the Charity's report.

Cllr Wilson has agreed to present a report from Neighbourhood Watch, and the Clerk has invited reports from the PC and PCSO. Cllr Dawson to purchase refreshments and all Cllrs to help assist on the night with refreshments. The Clerk will arrange the printing of Agendas, Minutes and Chairman’s report.