Minutes of a meeting of the PCC of St Mary’s Church, Little Hallingbury

Sunday 4th February 2018 at 11.30am

Present / Christopher Harding (Vice Chair acting as Chair), Caroline Harding (part), Louise Speak, Jean Roberts, Monica Swann, Beryl Britten, ‘Nita Sylvester, Peter Green, Ann Luke, Amanda Trim
1 / Prayer / Chris Harding opened the meeting with a prayer.
2 / Apologies for absence / Janice Green, Julie O’Brien, Anne Du Casse
3 / Approval of the Minutes of 5th November 2017 / The minutes of the meeting were approved and signed by Mr Harding.
Matters arising from the Minutes / There were no matters arising from the minutes.
The PCC thanked Mrs Swann for the Christmas Coffee Morning in December.
It was noted that the 6 Villages’ Christian Unity Service had been held in January and was well attended.
5 / Correspondence / Mr Harding, in his capacity as Assistant Parish Safeguarding Representative reported that he had received an email advising that all necessary DBS checks for PCC members had now been completed.
The only outstanding DBS application related to Paul Sylvester to enable him to take sick communion to the residents at Falcon House.
There was no other correspondence to be noted.
6 / Treasurer’s Report / Peter Green presented the Annual Treasurer’s Report as of 30.12.2017. The major points arising were:
  • The General Fund Planned Giving was higher than last year.
  • There was an increase in the grant from the Parish Council for the upkeep of the churchyard to £700.
  • Fees received were considerably more than last year.
  • Overall, there was a small surplus at the end of the year of £703.
  • There was a small increase in the Fabric Fund this year.
  • A payment of £1600 had been made to Little Hallingbury School made to support Caroline Harding’s school work.
  • Total monetary assets across all funds had increased slightly on last year.
  • £2165 had been given in PCC Grants to Charities and Missions, and a further £1,310 in Special Collection Charities and Mission donations.
The PCC expressed its thanks toMr Green for his continued work.
7 / Approval of the Treasurer’s and Chairman’s Reports for APCM / The content of the draft Chair’s Report and the Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved by the PCC for use at the APCM.
6 Villages Deanery Share 2018: Following a meeting with David Robson, a 3% increase had been suggested. Mr Green had proposed instead 2.5%, as this had been previously agreed by the PCC. Therefore, the 2018 figure for St Mary’s PCC was £20,727 which included the 2.5% increase. However, it was noted there would be a shortfall across the MMU of around £4,955. Mr Green was awaiting a response from the Diocese.
The cost for the Harlow Town Centre Chaplain was discussed, as the 6 Villages is being asked to contribute 24% of that cost, which was felt to be inappropriate as the MMU does not benefit from the Town Centre Chaplin at all. The PCC expressed its full support for Mr Green as he discusses this matter further with the Diocese.
Money paid to Caroline Harding: There is now a draft contract for her which has been prepared and needs approval from the Diocese, with the objective that she be employed by the 6 Villages. A sponsoring PCC would need to be sought, most likely Sheering. The Diocese would deal with all payroll matters, and anticipated that a grant would be applied for by the MMU to cover the cost.
7 / Churchwarden’s Report / Mrs Swanngave her report and provided written notes to the Secretary.
There were no major problems reported.
A new switch for the boiler had been needed because the boiler was cutting out. This had now been installed and serviced
AQuinquennial Inspection for St Mary’s Church, Little Hallingbury had taken place on 13th October 2017, and the written report was now available. A copy has been left at the back of the Church on the noticeboard.
None of the action items were very high priority. The report queried access to the Church belfry. It was agreed that thiswould not be a current 5 years action.
A tree inspection was required every 3 years. The churchyard does have some trees of special interest. It is a requirement that such a report be prepared by a qualified arboriculturalist. Mrs Swann agreed to investigate this and obtain quotations for a survey and report.
It was reported that a large tree had come down recently in high wind and had damaged some gravestones. A claim had gone into the council for work removing the tree. Mrs Swann was liaising with Sue Meyer over a claim for the costs involved in removing the damaged tree.
9 / Services in the Hallingburys / There was a proposal to change the pattern of services when there is a fifth Sunday in the month. Presently the 5th Sunday service is a 10.00am Family Communion Service alternated between the two churches. Rev. Janice Green had suggested that the 5th Sunday Service might occasionally be an additional Family Servicerather than a Eucharist.
Mr Harding proposed this change from the Chair, on the basis that it would be employed out of necessity, but would not be the norm. The PCC agreed this unanimously.
10 / Six Villages Mission and Ministry Unit / There were no items to be raised.
11 / The General Data Protection Regulation / There has recently been a European Directive on data protection, which the UK will implement. The changes must be made by May, and affects all organisations that hold personal data. The main change is a requirement to have positive consent from those whose data is being held. Mr Harding ran through the checklist of steps from Diocese:
  • Data Audit – how the PCC holds and uses personal information
  • Privacy Notice – details the policy of the PCC and should be sent to all
  • Obtain additional consent
  • Check procedures are up to date
  • What to do in the event of a breach
The PCC does not hold a vast amount of data. Mr Green holds Gift Aid details, Mrs Sylvester holds Electoral Roll data. Some other personal information may be held and processed for rotas, particular clubs and groups etc.
It was agreed that the PCC should aim to complete the data audit before the next meeting, which is the APCM.
Mr Harding had drafted a tailored Privacy Notice for St Mary’s, which he detailed for the meeting. Mr Harding explained that once approved a copy would be published on the website, and hard copies wouldneed to be sent out to all those for whom we currently hold details, including those on the electoral roll, Gift Aid donors, etc.
He explained that in order to comply with the regulation, we wouldneed to obtain evidence of their specific consentfor continued holding and processing of their data.
Mrs Trim questioned whether these changes would apply to small groups like the Rainbow Club luncheon group – where really only a telephone number was used to communicate amongst the members.
Mr Harding explained that wherever any data which could identify a person was held or used, the requirements of GDPR had to be met, but this would be catered for under the general steps being taken by the PCC.
In due course, the members of the Rainbow Club would simply be provided with a copy of the Privacy Notice and asked to complete a consent form. So long as we have evidence of their consent, which would be stored by the PCC, the club would continue to operate exactly as before.
Mrs Harding proposed that the draft Privacy Notice be adopted by the PCC and this was unanimously agreed.
12 / Events 2017-2018 /
  • St Clare’s Hospice Christmas Fayre had been very successful raising £159.
  • The Christmas Fundraiser at Mrs Swann’s had raised £1576.
  • A Christmas Tree Festival was requested for this year. Sponsors are usually sought for the trees. In principle, the second weekend in December would be the best as no service was held in St Marys. Mrs Harding proposed that a sub-committee be set up to help with this. Mrs Harding and Mrs Speak agreed to be part of this.
  • 10th March Wedding Workshop – Monica Swann agreed to assist in providing and serving a simple soup and ploughman’s lunch.
  • 29th March Maundy Thursday – 6 Villages Eucharistic Service to be held in St Marys – a simple soup and roll meal to be served in the Church. Around 40 people based on last year’s attendance.
  • Another school worship service, perhaps with a concert
  • Janice’s retirement service –29th April 2018, St Mary’s. Mrs Harding will liaise with Peter and Janice as to the form this will take.
Further fundraising ideas included a musical concert event and a barbecue.
13 / Vestry Kitchen / Current facilities are not very user-friendly. Mrs Harding reported that it had been suggested that the tea be served in the main church. However, for the time being it was suggested that the current facilities be refurbished. Mr Harding suggested an on-demand boiling water tap. Mrs Harding agreed to speak to the Arch Deacon to see if a faculty was needed. Mrs Swann would investigate the cost of replacement of the kitchen.
14 / Health and Safety / In Mrs Du Casse’s absence, there were no matters to report.
Mrs Du Casse had agreed at the last meeting to investigate the costs of refurbishing the vestry toilet to comply with disabled regulations. This item will be added to the next agenda.
11 / Dates of Future PCC Meetings / The APCM is already on the diary (15th April 2018).
It was agreed unanimously that the dates of the future PCC meetings should continue to be held after the Sunday family services. Dates were set for:
  • 1st July
  • 2nd September
  • 4th November
It was agreed that a meeting should be held before the July one, and Mrs Speak agreed to check last year’s diary for a possible date in May, and advise the PCC accordingly.
14 / AOB / Mr Green reported that the outside lights are not all working and need attention. The PCC agreed this work should be done and Mrs Swann agreed to instruct electrician Anthony Kent to do the work.
Ecclesiastical Insurance Company have an offer of £130 donation to the Church for anyone taking out a home insurance policy. A poster has been placed on the board.

The meeting closed at 1.20pm