Personal detail
Date of Birth: May 23, 1952
Place of birth: Santiago, Chile
Date of Immigration: 1973
Marital Status: Married with two children
Address: 84 Yasmin Street, Mevasseret Zion, Israel
Telephone 972-2-5336260
Fax: 02-5844176
Medical Education
1970-1973 Medical School, Santiago, Chile
1973-1976 Sackler Medical School, Tel-Aviv (completed medical studies with distinction)
Clinical Experience and Medical appointments
1976-1978: Internship, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem
1978-1983: Fellowship in Internal Medicine, Hadassah University - Hospital, Mount Scopus. Jerusalem
1983 : Specialist in Internal Medicine
1982-1985: Senior physician, Department of Medicine, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus
1985-1987: Fellowship in Gastroenterology, Hadassah University Hospital, Ein- Kerem, Jerusalem
1987 : Specialist in Gastroenterology
1981-1989: Research in Liver Transplant cells, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA
1989- : Director of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus
Academic Appointments
1980: Instructor in Internal Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem
1982: Lecturer in Internal Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem
1995: Senior Clinical Lecturer in Internal Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem
Additional Functions/Tasks at the Hebrew University
1987-1988: Committee for termination of pregnancy of Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus
1989-1990: Chairperson, committee for examining quality of medical treatment, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus
1991 : Committee for work systems of Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem
1995-2000: Examinations Committee for 4th Year Medical students of Hadassah University Hospital-Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem
2001-2002: Medications Committee of Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem
2001-2007: Committee for Quality & Safety, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem
2006-2007: Interviewer of students candidates for medical school ("Mirkam")
Service in other Academic and Research Institutions
Other Activity:
1. Active member of "Doctors without frontiers". (2001-)
2. Awards: Faculty prize for Outstanding Instructor 1997 and 2004 for excellence in clinical instruction
1. Failure in Information Transfer from the Laboratory to the Patient – Can We Improve? Urinary Tract Infection in the Emergency Room as a model (Ayelet Rishpon 2003-2004)
2 Pain assessment and pain management in the Emergency department (Riad Muchamid 2003) (Publication N0 29, original papers)
3 Implementation of the Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid –foot: It is possible to reduce the rate of unnecessary radiographs? (Keren Romaz-Geller, 2004)
4 The Effect Of Price Information On Diagnostic Tests Ordering In The Emergency Department (Hagit Shoefel,2007)
5 Health behavior of Muslim women attending the Emergancy Room during the Ramadan fast (Bashir-Abas Nibal, 2008)
Participation in Scientific Conferences, Lectures, and Other Activity
- Acute bacterial gastroenteritis in the Emergency Room: therapeutic implications of stool culture results. Abstract, oral presentation at the annual scientific assembly of the Israeli Association of Emergency Medicine (1993)
- The yield of blood cultures in a department of Emergency Medicine. Abstract, oral presentation at the annual scientific assembly of the Israeli Association of Emergency Medicine (1999)
- Undertreatment of acute pain in the emergency department. Abstract, oral presentation at the third Mediterranean congress of Emergency Medicine, Sidges (2003)
- Screening for domestic violence: Prevalence among women attending the Emergency Department. Abstract, oral presentation at the third Mediterranean congress of Emergency Medicine, Sidges (2003)
- Accuracy of the Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid-foot. Abstract, oral presentation at the annual meeting of the israeli society of quality in health care (2004)
- Practice of toxicology screening in the Emergency Department. Abstract, oral presentation at the fourth Mediterranean congress of Emergency Medicine, Nize (2005).