Personal detail

Date of Birth: May 23, 1952

Place of birth: Santiago, Chile

Date of Immigration: 1973

Marital Status: Married with two children

Address: 84 Yasmin Street, Mevasseret Zion, Israel

Telephone 972-2-5336260

Fax: 02-5844176


Medical Education

1970-1973 Medical School, Santiago, Chile

1973-1976 Sackler Medical School, Tel-Aviv (completed medical studies with distinction)

Clinical Experience and Medical appointments

1976-1978: Internship, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem

1978-1983: Fellowship in Internal Medicine, Hadassah University - Hospital, Mount Scopus. Jerusalem

1983 : Specialist in Internal Medicine

1982-1985: Senior physician, Department of Medicine, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus

1985-1987: Fellowship in Gastroenterology, Hadassah University Hospital, Ein- Kerem, Jerusalem

1987 : Specialist in Gastroenterology

1981-1989: Research in Liver Transplant cells, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA

1989- : Director of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus

Academic Appointments

1980: Instructor in Internal Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem

1982: Lecturer in Internal Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem

1995: Senior Clinical Lecturer in Internal Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem

Additional Functions/Tasks at the Hebrew University

1987-1988: Committee for termination of pregnancy of Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus

1989-1990: Chairperson, committee for examining quality of medical treatment, Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus

1991 : Committee for work systems of Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem

1995-2000: Examinations Committee for 4th Year Medical students of Hadassah University Hospital-Hebrew University Medical School, Jerusalem

2001-2002: Medications Committee of Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem

2001-2007: Committee for Quality & Safety, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem

2006-2007: Interviewer of students candidates for medical school ("Mirkam")

Service in other Academic and Research Institutions


Other Activity:

1. Active member of "Doctors without frontiers". (2001-)

2. Awards: Faculty prize for Outstanding Instructor 1997 and 2004 for excellence in clinical instruction

1. Failure in Information Transfer from the Laboratory to the Patient – Can We Improve? Urinary Tract Infection in the Emergency Room as a model (Ayelet Rishpon 2003-2004)

2 Pain assessment and pain management in the Emergency department (Riad Muchamid 2003) (Publication N0 29, original papers)

3 Implementation of the Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid –foot: It is possible to reduce the rate of unnecessary radiographs? (Keren Romaz-Geller, 2004)

4 The Effect Of Price Information On Diagnostic Tests Ordering In The Emergency Department (Hagit Shoefel,2007)

5 Health behavior of Muslim women attending the Emergancy Room during the Ramadan fast (Bashir-Abas Nibal, 2008)


Participation in Scientific Conferences, Lectures, and Other Activity

  1. Acute bacterial gastroenteritis in the Emergency Room: therapeutic implications of stool culture results. Abstract, oral presentation at the annual scientific assembly of the Israeli Association of Emergency Medicine (1993)
  2. The yield of blood cultures in a department of Emergency Medicine. Abstract, oral presentation at the annual scientific assembly of the Israeli Association of Emergency Medicine (1999)
  3. Undertreatment of acute pain in the emergency department. Abstract, oral presentation at the third Mediterranean congress of Emergency Medicine, Sidges (2003)
  4. Screening for domestic violence: Prevalence among women attending the Emergency Department. Abstract, oral presentation at the third Mediterranean congress of Emergency Medicine, Sidges (2003)
  5. Accuracy of the Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid-foot. Abstract, oral presentation at the annual meeting of the israeli society of quality in health care (2004)
  6. Practice of toxicology screening in the Emergency Department. Abstract, oral presentation at the fourth Mediterranean congress of Emergency Medicine, Nize (2005).