Fractions Lesson Plan

Title: Fractions On-Line

This lesson deals with the review of fractions in class and on the internet.

Lesson Content

The lesson deals with fractions and the procedures that enable their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Lecture, demonstration use of the internet will be incorporated into the lesson.

Primary Learning Outcome

The primary learning outcome will be for the students to demonstrate the ability to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions.

Additional Learning Outcomes

Students will use the ability to find the lcm of numbers and multiplication tables to see how they apply to the computation of fractions.

Assessed QCC

8-2—Mathematics Problem Solving-Whole Number Computation; Estimation; Whole Number Operations

8-17—Rational Numbers; Add; Subtract; Multiply; Divide Integers and other Rational Numbers


Step: 1 Duration: Ten minutes

Ask students what a fraction is. Allow students or groups of students to formulate definitions. Have students add fraction to their math dictionary with the following definition: a number that represents part of a whole or part of a group.

Step: 2 Duration: Five minutes

Give students two addition problems that require adding fractions. Have the students solve the problems. As Students work, check their progress. Then, allow two volunteers to work the problems on the overhead or board.

Step: 3 Duration: Fifteen minutes

Repeat step two with subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Step: 4 Duration: Fifteen minutes

For practice, have students complete a Fraction Practice Worksheet.

Web Resources for Step 4

Title: Fraction Practice Worksheet

URL: http:/

Annotation: Word problems requiring students to use fractions to

solve the problems.

Step: 5 Duration: Five to ten minutes.

Go over answers with students and any questions they may have.

Step: 6 Duration: Fifty Minutes

Take students to the computer lab. Have them go to the Funbrain Web site. They should play as many of the following games as possible working up to the hardest levels: Soccer Shootout Fractions and Fresh Baked Fractions.

Web Resources for Step 6

Title: Funbrain


Annotation: Website with games geared toward all subjects and

grade levels .

Step: 7 Duration: Two to three minutes

Have students add fraction to their math dictionary


Materials and Equipment

Computers with Internet access

STANDARDS (Local and/or National)

Total Duration

Ninety to one hundred minutes

Technology Connection

Use of the Internet for practice



Student performance on worksheet and Internet games.