Department of North Carolina
Marine Corps League
Detachment Quarterly Report
(Highlight or indicate the reporting period below)
Spring quarter - 1 December to 28/29 February
Convention/Summer quarter - 1 March to 31 May
Fall quarter - 1 June to 31 August
Winter quarter - 1 September to 30 November
Detachment Information
(Please fill in completely. If not applicable, please state as such.)
Detachment name and number:
Primary County Detachment located in:
Official mailing address for Detachment:
Official Detachment 10 digit phone number (if applicable):
Official Detachment Website:
Official Detachment E-mail address:
Detachment EIN annual tax filing (If applicable for the reporting cycle):
Does your Detachment have an EIN? Note – Do not add your EIN number to this quarterly report. (Yes/No):
Does your Detachment have a tax exempt number? Note – Do not add your tax exempt number to this quarterly report. (Yes/No):
Has your Detachment's 990-N been properly filed online with the IRS for the current year? The official deadline date to have this completed is 15-November annually. (Yes/No):
NOTE – Per the National By-Laws, SECTION 800 (below), a copy of your completed 990-N filing must be forwarded to National Headquarters. This shall be done by sending your completed 990-N filing to the Department Paymaster for proper forwarding to National. Once the IRS receives and processes your e-postcard (usually within 30 minutes), you will receive an e-mail indicating whether your e-Postcard was accepted or rejected. If accepted, you are done for the year. If rejected, the e-filing receipt email will contain instructions on how to correct the problem.
Have you forwarded a copy of this acceptance to the Department Paymaster? Keep in mind that you may complete your 990-N starting 01-July annually to ensure you do not submit a late acceptance copy. Detachments can contact the Department Paymaster if they have any questions. (Yes/No):
AP 7-2
CH 14-08 SECTION 800 – REPORTS – Each Detachment, Department or other entity, including
CH 1-95 the National subsidiary organizations and National subordinate groups, identifies in the below Sections of Chapter, which directly or indirectly operates under the Congressional Charter and/or the name of the Marine Corps League must annually file with the National Headquarters a true and complete copy of its IRS Form 990,990EZ or 990-N (whichever is required to be filed with the IRS) no later than the due date of filing by the IRS rules and regulations, normally by November 15 following the end of the fiscal year of June 30, unless an extension has been requested.
(a) The 990 reports will be utilized by National Headquarters to update the annual report required by our Group Exemption filing requirements to the IRS. Failure to file the appropriate 990 reports to the IRS and updating of our annual filing will subject the subsidiary entity to the loss of its exempt non-profit status.
Detachment Report of Officer Installations (ROI’s)
Have there been any Elected or Appointed Officer changes to your Detachment since your last Quarterly report? (Yes/No):
Have you properly submitted your updated ROI to the Department Paymaster to have these Officers updated at the Department and National levels? (Even if there have been no Officer changes from the previous year, a Report of Officer Installation must be filled out and submitted for the current year.) (Yes/No):
Detachment membership in ‘good standing’ status
Per your Detachment’s current statistics, please fill in the following information in the two green cells:
(Double click the green cell to add/edit the necessary information. Once done, simply click off of the table to complete this section of the report)
NOTE – If the below information seems to disappear, re-open the table and use the scroll bars on the bottom and right side and adjust them all the way left/up for proper viewing.
National Detachment Webpage (Link below)
Does your Detachment have a National Detachment webpage Web Sgt? (Yes/No):
Has it been accessed/updated in the last three months to show it is being actively used? (All Detachments should at least access their National webpage once a month to update their “Last Edited” time stamp located at the bottom of their webpage. (Yes/No):
If yes, is your National Detachment webpage up to date? (Yes/No):
Explain if you answered no:
If no, the Detachment Commandant must contact the National MCL Chief Technology Officer () to get a Web Sgt set up in order to be in compliant with National’s directive for each Detachment to maintain, and frequently update, their locater pages. State in your e-mail that Marine 'X' (whoever you want) of your Detachment has been appointed to be the Web Sergeant in charge of your Detachment's National webpage and requests further instructions on how to get Marine 'X' set up properly to do so. The CTO will respond back to the Detachment Commandant asking for some basic information. Once the National CTO receives that information, the login in name and password will be e-mailed back to the Detachment Commandant and then can be forwarded on to your Detachment's newly appoint National webpage Web Sergeant.
VAVS Detachment Service Hours
How many TOTAL VAVS service hours has your Detachment accumulated for this reporting quarter?
Eagle Scout Awards Presented
How many TOTAL Eagle Scout Awards did your Detachment present for this reporting quarter?
Primary Contact Information
(Preferably Commandant and Adjutant, specify if other. At least one e-mail address necessary for official correspondence)
Commandant’s name:
Commandant’s phone number (home and/or cell):
Commandant’s e-mail address:
Commandant’s home mailing address:
Adjutant’s name:
Adjutant’s phone number (home and/or cell):
Adjutant’s e-mail address:
Adjutant’s home mailing address:
Toys for Tots (If applicable for the reporting cycle)
Please provide the contact information for your Detachment’s Toys for Tots program:
Full name:
Phone number:
Email address:
If your Detachment does not participate at this time, would you like to do so next year?
1. Detachment events during this period:
2. Projected Future Events:
3. Enter any Detachment level awards presented during this quarter to include: Award/ Recipient/ Recipient's association with Detachment (I.E. member, associate, non-member, sponsor, service provider, etc.) Date of award and why recipient was awarded:
List any additional information regarding Marine Corps League programs not already listed in prior report sections regarding, but not limited to the programs listed below:
d. Young Marines
e. Rose Program
f. Youth Physical Fitness
g. Toys for Tots
i. Boy Scouts of America
j. Joe Foss Program
k. Community Service projects
l. Other programs (specify)
4. Make general comments here:
Has your Participating LIFE Membership (PLM) Audit been completed and [e]mailed to the Department Paymaster who will forward it to the National Paymaster (If applicable for this reporting cycle)? Any Detachment that has even one LIFE Member should submit their annual audit. (In order to meet the 31 December deadline, send your completed audit to the Department Paymaster no later than 30-November. All interest annuities may be forfeited if not properly submitted to the Department Paymaster by the expected 30-November date. Keep in mind that this audit can be completed as soon as you receive your Detachment’s June roster annually. (Yes/No):
Attach copies of all Detachment newsletters published, during this quarter, to this report or submit them to the Department Adjutant at the quarterly meeting.
Respectfully Submitted By,
**Definition and explanation of this report and reporting periods.
Department quarterly meetings are required in accordance with the Department By-Laws. In order to allow sufficient time to compile and write the quarterly report, the reporting periods have been adjusted to end prior to the Department quarterly meeting or Convention and to run 90 days per quarter.
The periods typically are:
Spring quarter - 1 December to 28/29 February
Convention/Summer quarter - 1 March to 31 May
Fall quarter - 1 June to 31 August
Winter quarter - 1 September to 30 November
The purpose of these quarterly reports is to compile Detachment activity data for the Department annual report which must be presented to the Mideast Division prior to the annual National Convention.
In 2007, the Department of North Carolina split the Adjutant/Paymaster position into two separate positions, so this guide explains who gets what form.
Who does this form go to in North Carolina?
We would like to ensure that all Detachments are aware of who to exactly send mailings too. Below is a guideline for all Detachments to follow. Please make sure that all of your mailings go to the correct person below, regardless of what the official form says, as the processing of them ‘may’ be delayed if delivered to the incorrect North Carolina Department Officer.
DEPARTMENT PAYMASTER (Treasurer and Membership Manager)
1) Membership Dues Transmittal and Change Notification Form
2) Transfer Request
3) Report of Officer Installation
1) Quarterly Report (from Detachment Commandants and Department Officers to the Department Commandant)
2) Agenda (requests to add items to the agenda of an upcoming meeting - subject to Department Commandant’s approval)
1) Death Notice (Preferably submitted by the Detachment Chaplain - Removing the deceased member from the National rolls prevents the family from receiving renewal notices, other League correspondence and solicitations)
Routing: Forward copies to your District Vice Commandant and the Department Adjutant(s)