Salmon Cycle Webquest

By Lynda Van Winkle

Teacher's Overview

This webquest is designed for second and third graders. This webquest can be a stand alone unit or go with the collection of salmon eggs, incubating them in a tank and releasing the smolt.

Prior to beginning the webquest complete the following:

*Pre-assessment - Have the students write everything they know about salmon in their science notebooks. Then create a K-W-L chart.

*Introduce the different kinds of salmon and have students select a first choice and a second choice salmon they would like to research.

*Divide the class into research groups based on the choices students made.

*Introduce the entire webquest, especially the evaluation rubric. It is recommended that each student have a hard copy of the rubric to refer to during research.

*As a class, brainstorm possible jobs for working in a group. If your classroom doesn't already have cooperative group expectations, you may want to create some on your own or as a class.

While a webquest is an Internet Project Based Lesson, I believe that it is also important to include other resources for students to use in their research. I feel that this is important because they need to have experience using multiple resources, but you may have limited access to computers. I have included a list of literature that could supplement this quest.


Welcome to the Salmon Cycle Quest! In this quest you will discover just how amazing salmon are. Have you ever heard of the saying "swimming upstream"? While your group researches an assigned salmon, you will discover where this saying came from and all about the life cycle of salmon.


Your group is going to create a poster(s) that shows the life cycle of the salmon you are assigned. This poster will include all of the stages your salmon goes through and how long each stage lasts. As a whole class we will go through the entire procedure researching Coho Salmon. As part of your poster you will need to include how the salmon you researched is similar and different than the Coho Salmon. Your group may want to create a separate Venn Diagram to demonstrate the similarities and differences. At the end of the quest, your group will orally present your poster(s) to the class. We will videotape the presentations and put together a movie that shows the life cycle of all of the different salmon.

Internet Resources (Check the Teacher Overview for other resources)

Pacific Salmon: Five of a Kind

Chinook Salmon

Chum Salmon

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Chum Salmon

British Columbia Chum Salmon

Chum Salmon Identification

Coho Salmon

Department of Natural Resources Coho Salmon

A Fisherman Looks at Coho Salmon

Pink Salmon

Sockeye Salmon

Atlantic Salmon


1.Before you begin your research develop a plan for how your group is going to work together. Who is going to do which job? Remember that jobs can be share during the completion of this project and that there needs to be agreement of the jobs assigned.

2.Using the Salmon Life Cycle Research Sheet, collect the information needed to complete your poster. This will take several class sessions in the computer lab. Your group may want to divide into smaller groups. Remember to use your time wisely!

3.Once your group has collected all of the information needed for your poster(s), you need to plan the layout of the poster(s). Check your rubric to make sure that you know what the expectations are.

4.When your group has finished your poster(s) you need to practice your oral presentation. Make sure that everyone has a part to share.


Throughout the entire quest refer back to this rubric regularly to make sure that you and your group are on track. If you are unsure about one of the sections on the rubric, make sure that you ask your teacher for clarification.

Poster(s) / Needs Improvement / Not Quite Satisfactory / Satisfactory / Outstanding
Life Cycle Stages / The salmon life cycle stages are out of order and there is a lot of inaccurate information. / Two of the salmon life cycle stages are out of order and some of the information is incorrect. / All of the stages of the salmon life cycle are present and in the correct order with one mistake on the information. / All of the stages of the salmon life cycle are present and in the correct order with accurate information.
Other names for assigned salmon / No other names for assigned salmon are included / Only one other name for assigned salmon is included / Two other names for assigned salmon are included / More than two other names for assigned salmon are included
Special characteristics of assigned salmon / There are two or less special characteristics included / There are three - four characteristics included / There are five characteristics included / There are more than five characteristics included
Habitat Range for assigned salmon / The habitat range has not been attempted or very unclear / The habitat range has been attempted, but is confusing / The habitat range is clear / The habitat range is clear with many details
Other interesting facts about assigned salmon / There are two or less interesting facts included / There are three - four interesting facts included / There are five interesting facts included / There are more than five interesting facts included
Comparison of Coho and assigned salmon / There are three or less comparisons made with incorrect information / There are three - four comparisons made with no incorrect information / There are five to six comparisons made with no incorrect information / There are more than six comparisons made with no incorrect information
Layout / The information is messy and difficult to read / The information is messy / The information is neat / The information is neat and well organized
Conventions / There are more than 20 mistakes in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and usage / There are more than 10 mistakes in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and usage / Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and usage are generally correct with no more than 10 mistakes / Spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and usage are correct.
Group Collaboration / Needs Improvement / Not Quite Satisfactory / Satisfactory / Outstanding
Cooperation / Infrequently cooperates and compromises with group / Sometimes cooperates and compromises with group / Regularly cooperates
and compromises with group / Almost always cooperates and compromises with group
Makes Fair Decisions / Infrequently helps group to reach a fair decision / Sometimes helps group to reach a fair decision / Regularly helps group to reach a fair decision / Almost always helps group to reach a fair decision
Listening and Contributing / Interrupts discussions and doesn’t contribute ideas with group / Needs prompting to listen and share with group / Listens and shares ideas with group without prompting / Almost always listens and shares ideas equally with group


Congratulations, you have done a lot of research on salmon. Look at your pre-assessment you did at the beginning of this unit. In your science notebook, write about all of the new things you know about salmon. Analyze the K-W-L chart the class did at the beginning of the unit. Is there anything that you would still like to know about salmon? Do you have new questions? Write these down in your science notebook, as well.