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Geosciences Bulletin Board –4 April 2016- compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

The scientific explanation of each of the 12 birthstones

Stop making fun of T-Rex for having stubby little arms!! They were offset by his big bite!!

Axis maps show what lies ahead from any point on the coast

Drumlins are enigmatic…they have been intensely studied but were they built up progressively or sculpted out of older sediment?

Toward a better understanding of currents that carve submarine canyons

How large an asteroid would be needed to wipe out the Manhattan? (video)

Free printable lessons: Fossils, caves, bats, geology, paleontology, archeology

Most recent EQs offshore in Hawaii are called “unusual” for 3 reasons (video)

Technology has improved dramatically over the 70 years since tsunami his Hilo, Hawaii (video)

GOES-R satellite to be launched in October 2016 may provide better data for hurricane prediction

The past, present and future of dust from the Sahara impacts the world

Fingerprinting rock and mineral chemistries, paleo magnetic & isotopic data suggests giant super-eruptions occurred 8 to 12 myo that may have originated from the Snake River Plain in Idaho

Paleo-sols in loess deposits in China help reveal Pleistocene climatic conditions

10 volcanoes you can climb….some more challenging than others

Intense monitoring of the active volcanoes of the rift valley of Iceland

Beach replenishment with offshore sand can have far-reaching ecological impacts

Photos of the eruption of Mount Pavlof in Alaska

New mineral, a form of garnet, is found inside a meteorite

Chasing the “Morning Glory” wave cloud, a spectacular & rare meteorological phenomena (video)

Organic molecules help make water droplets in clouds

Drill core samples show Rangitoto Island has long and active history of eruption

Crinoids emerged and were abundant during the Ordovician and still exist today (video)

CO2 lowers boiling point of water and spurs eruption of geysers (video)

Al Gore supports legal battering of oil industry for global warming, industry calls allegations politically motivated and baseless

Strong winds produce dust storm across southern California

USGS warns 7 million Americans living in areas at risk for man-made EQs

  • USGS 2016 seismic hazard forecast:

Study of fracking-induced EQs in British Columbia & Alberta, Canada

Pavlof volcano, one of Alaska’s most active strato-volcanoes, produces explosive eruption

New computer models predict the evolution of the body shape of Sauropod dinosaurs

Why rock falls in Yosemite National Park occur on bright, sunny days

First phase of expansion of Port at Charleston, South Carolina, will incorporate 3M cubic yards of crushed rock from Newfoundland, Canada


Enviro-Sciences Bulletin Board – 4 April2016– compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Scarlet fever, caused by Streptococcus bacteria is unexplainably on the rise again in England & Wales

Scientists have built a living bacterium….should this not cause us to worry about ethics and creating things we do not fully understand?

Legendary wolf, OR4, his mate and two pups slaughtered by Oregon F&W as “presumed guilty” of deaths of 4 calves and a sheep

Global survey of adults reveals more people are now obese than underweight…numbers rapidly increasing

Cities are concerned about impacts of urban noise pollution...interactive maps for 12 cities around the world

  • Maps:

Perspective: Should humans be cloning extinct organisms?

Invasion of Europeans into the Americas has significant impact on indigenous peoples

FERC announces seven-month delay for 115-mile natural gas pipeline to allow for completion of final EIS

Miami-Dade County, Florida, is teaming with Nature Conservancy & engineering firm to assess natural defenses against sea level rise

A few of the best places to go and watch migratory birds

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) seeking permits for modular nuclear plants near Oak Ridge, Tennessee

No surprise here, US Army Corps of Engineers now says costs will double to more than $16B for the Everglades restoration project

WHO declares Ebola epidemic is no longer a “public health emergency of international concern”

9.5M people in New York City demand water – where does it come from & how does it get there?

The Lazarus Effect is real but the medical community really does not understand why it happens

San Francisco, California – a city on the cutting edge of recycling

Fish in Puget Sound are “swimming through a pharmacy” and contain as many as 40 pharmaceutical (antidepressants, antibiotics & hormones), personal care product, and industrial chemical contaminants

Terminix to pay $10M in plea agreement for having illegally applied restricted pesticide in residences in the Virgin Islands

Concerns over use of pesticide Rotenone during reintroduction of native Gila Trout in New Mexico rivers following massive 2012 massive wildfire

Why there is an antibiotics dilemma while superbugs continue to evolve

Climate risk management will require compromise and societal trade-offs

Perspective: Issues with reforming the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)

Potomac River is on its way to recovery as measured by run-off, underwater grasses, fish populations and public access points

Spring snowmelt may carry more toxic material from EPA caused release at Gold King Mine in Colorado

Update on Zika virus: what we know and how it may have arrived in Brazil

After 140 years, genetically pure Bison will return to their homeland in Montana to free roam

New study confirms that fracking resulted in groundwater contamination in Pavillion, Wyoming – EPA Science Advisory Board has different opinion

Environmental concerns regarding pollution from Florida Power Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant have continued for 40 years

Senate inquiry in Australia may help to officially recognize Lyme disease

BLM planning to removed wild horses from some HMAs on public lands in Wyoming

Illogical: trying to relieve urban congestion with a method that they know does not help

Rhinos are being airlifted from Africa to Australia to protect them from poaching

Transportation Action Plan for Boise, Idaho, incorporates cars, bicycles, pedestrians & public transit

US DOE approves power transmission project from OK to TN….and no state can stop it

If they truly want to eradicate feral hogs in Missouri, then why would they want to deter hunters?

Study finds “Ag-gag” laws which restrict whistleblower protection result in reduced trust in farmers & increased support for animal welfare legislation

Controlled burns to reduce wildfire risk to humans create hazard for animals and consequently many species decline in/near burn areas

Pattern of deaths of young, healthy men identified amongst oil field workers…federal rules do not protect against conditions

Triple hybrid power plant in southern Nevada: geothermal, photovoltaic & solar thermal power

Giant, man-made ice wall designed to contain leaking contaminated water at Fukushima nuclear power plant