Success Will Chase You


The spider bit the turtle because it was his nature.

“When faced with fear or stress people tend to fall back on their basic assumptions, even defending that which is NOT working.”

“Things do not change people do”


We must BECOME something different, so we will consistently DO something different, so we can HAVE something different

Read >THINK and Grow RichRead


A Definite Major Purpose is greater than a goal

  1. DMP Develops Unwavering courage
  2. DMP Develops self control
  3. DMP Develops decisiveness

It is scientifically proven that it only takes a billionth of a Volt to change your mind. Create a billionth of a Volt

DMPWritten Goals




True Health______


Helping Others______

Spiritual Growth

Decision – You already have the ability, make some decisions

PPNs activate the Law of Attraction

Once you get your PPNs met you will activate the Law of Attraction. Then the right people are attracted to you and you repel the wrong ones.

S ______

M ______
A ______

R ______

T ______

These are your going home goals!

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”Albert Einstein

Chapter One Action – Write your goals on an index card (you will need this card for further exercises, take care of it these are your dreams)



The only known way to v______build faith.

Repetitious, enthusiastic self-suggestions – eventually seep into the subconscious mind. Autosuggestion is the agent of control that an individual has at his/her disposal so that they may voluntarily feed that creative force that we all possess.

Are you going to plant seeds or weeds? Write the seeds you cherish here:

HTHATTTTITPE – (these 12 words culminated a 25 year study: write this out)

If we couple reading our desires and reading a plan of action (Covered later) at the same time an astounding phenomenon n takes place:

A ______F ______

It’s that state of mind in which your plans, desires are transformed into their physical equivalent.

If you don’t work on ______fear with overcome.

The successful person simply does the things the unsuccessful person makes a CONSCIOUS DECISION not to do.

Chapter Two Action Read your goal statement and plan of action out loud with spirit in your voice 20 times a day for 30 days and then three times a day after.

Master Mind Alliance

Two of more people working in perfect harmony toward a ______.

People take on the ______and the power of thought of those who they associate in the spirit of harmony.

People say it’s lonely at the top, but no one makes it to the top alone.

  1. Get the book Think and Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill or the tapes The Science of Achievement.
  1. Study the Master Mind Principle

“People don’t plan to fail they just fail to plan.”

John Wooden

Your income will become the average of the five people your have the closest association with in the next 3 years. So choose wisely, it is your business, stick with the winners.

Chapter 3 Action - Make a commitment in writing to creating a Master Mind Alliance in the next 10 days.

Names you have targeted to mastermind with are: 1]2]3]



The 4 steps to authentic persistence will lead to:
control of economic destiny


independent thought



recognition on any level & it converts DMP’s, dreams and goals into their manifested physical equivalent and will control luck.

4 Steps – A Self Perpetuating Circle

1. DMP backed by a burning desire for it’s fulfillment

We have a DMP built in Part 1, we built a burning desire though autosuggestion.

2.A definite plan of action, expressed in continuous action

Once autosuggestion kicks into the subconscious mind the seeds take hold and kill the weeds.

3.Mastermind Mind Alliance blocks – 2 or more people working in perfect harmony toward a definite major purpose

4. A closed mind to all negative thoughts

The Monarch Butterfly and You – I am nature’s greatest miracle

Chapter Four Action – Write these 4 steps on the back of the index card that your goals are on.


If you can figure out this word puzzle you can get a dollar refunded with every tape that you order.