What is Forty/40 bowls?
Forty/40 is a fast paced exciting game of bowlswhich incorporates 2 sets of 6 ends of triples; each set taking around 40 minutes each. Forty/40 has also seen an introduction of power-plays to bowls and rotation of positions within each Triple. This innovative game is fast, fun, social and competitive. It’s a game for teams of three players (2 bowl triples format), which consists of 12 ends (2 x 6 end halves), including rotation of positions and power-plays. Each player will rotate playing positions after every 2 ends of play. Each team has one power-play per set where the score for that end is doubled. Each sets takes about 40 minutes and there will be a BBQ at end of play.
Who can play?
Anyone! Why not get a group of friends or work mates together? Forty/40 requires 3 players per team per night. Your team can have as many members as you like but only 3 can play on the night. The only restriction is that 3 players must be present from the team’s pool each week. Bowls are available at the club at no charge; you just need flat soled shoes. New & inexperienced bowlers are most welcome
Where is it being held?
The Ararat Bowls Club (opposite McDonalds)
When is it played?
Starts 16th February 2017 & finishes 23rdMarch 2017. Every Thursday evening from 6.30pm to 8.30pn (Informal practice or tutorial available between 6pm6.30pm)
$6 per player per night (includes BBQ)
What are the prizes for winning?
Each week a card is drawn from the hat to determine the winners for that evening and they will receive 3 meal vouchers for Sicilians Restaurant. Once a team has won however they go into the “win bin” and are excluded from future draws
How do you enter a team?
Complete the attached entry form and give it to one of the people listed below or email it to r post to Ararat Bowls Club. PO Box 396. Ararat 3377
Further information and entry forms
Check out the Ararat Bowls Club website
Rules and Conditions of Play
- Game format: 2 sets of 6 ends. 2 bowl triples.
- Toss of the coin to commence play; winning team places the mat
- Jack is spotted on the 2m ‘T’ at the start of each end or when it goes outside the rink boundary
- If the jack is knocked into the ditch and is still in play, the jack and any bowl that touched it are marked and remain in the ditch to completion of that end
- Winner of each end places the mat and decides on the length
- Each player will rotate playing positions after every 2 ends of play, positions to be decided before start of game
- Shots are scored by the team whose bowls are closer to the jack than their opponents
- Team with the most shots after 12 ends wins
- Each Team has 1 powerplay for each 6 ends
- Previous end winner has first option to declare powerplay, if declined the other team then has the option
- Powerplay disc must be placed beside the mat on ends where powerplay is taken
- The powerplay team gets double the shots won on a powerplay end (powerplay team only eligible)
- Flat soled shoes
- Bowls if you have them. Plenty available for loan at the club at no charge.
- Dress is casual
- Bowls knowledge or experience is optional. Plenty of assistance available each night and there is an opportunity to have a practice each night between 6pm6.30pm
Further infoPeter Kaczynski (0404237468) or Mick Dowd (0407342954) or visit the club web site.