3rd August 2015.
Mr Roger Arwas
Executive Director, Small Business Victoria
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
GPO Box 4519
Dear Sir,
Rochester is a small town in central Victoria, population circa 3000, during the past decade or so our town has endured a 10 year drought, followed by the biggest flood ever recorded, it has seen the thriving milk industry which was the life blood of the town, brought to its knees due in part to Government decisions on water for irrigation.
Rochester is a resilient place, with a friendly determination in line with our hero Sir Hubert Opperman, who we proudly hold as a symbol of the character of our town.
The Governments announced policy of an additional two new public holidays is another disaster for our town; unfortunately we have come to expect these types of decisions, as we constantly have Melbourne-centric governments which care only for where the majority of votes are cast.
Easter Sunday Public Holiday.
Easter has always been a challenge for the business people of our town, and even with the passing through traffic on Thursday and Monday, it has not been viable for any business except our Service Stations situated on the Northern Highway, and our family run businesses, to remain open on Friday and Monday .By adding Sunday the hotels will be closed, and the locals will have only Saturday morning to move around a temporarily busy town and share Easter fellowship with their neighbours.
AFL Grand Final Eve.
This could not be a worse day for a public holiday for a small town like Rochester, in the past this has been one of the busiest for local businesses, as locals call into shops prior to work, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon smoko and on the way home, those local consumers will no doubt be on the way to Melbourne or up North to do some fishing.
The main Pub cannot afford to open and therefore the TAB will be closed, locals will need to drive for 30 minutes to Echuca to access a Tab, and Friday night after work drinks will not take place.
Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings is mistaken if he believes the regions will be buzzing with visitors, most Melbournians have traditional Grand Final BBQ S and will not be travelling at all on the Friday, if they did indeed pass through Rochester, sorry nothing open.
Employment is very important for our town we have very low per capita earnings, which is augmented by family members having part-time jobs which they love, why is their opinion not canvassed as to whether they want to work for a reasonable rate.
If legislation requires that the government prepare a RIS and include in it community and business consultation and feedback , why not look at the map of Victoria and see small dots where towns, and villages are located and see what impact these sort of decisions, have on the lives of people outside the population centres.
If any Government Minister or advisor would like to go for two hour drive and pay us a visit they may not only enjoy the fresh air, but see what happens when these type of rash decisions, are foisted on small communities.
Yours Truly
Alan Darbyshire
Executive Officer
Also forwarded by mail on letterhead.