HARMONY Curriculum

As a member school of the Magnet Schools of America, Garden Oaks received a grant for free Sanford Harmony Curriculum guides for every classroom on campus. As a pilot school for this character building curriculum, our teachers are incorporating these lessons in the classroom on a daily basis in community time and in teachable moments throughout the day. T. Denny Sanford, has always had a passion for inspiring others to create positive change in the world. As he looked around at a society rife with domestic abuse, divorce, bullying, and interpersonal conflict, he dreamed of changing the world by improving relationships among adults, through a teaching and learning plan created for young children. His vision resulted in Sanford Harmony—a series of innovative relationship-building teaching strategies designed to strengthen understanding and communication between children. The goal of Harmony is to create inclusive classroom communities, where teaching takes priority over resolving personality conflicts or issues among students. Students are taught meaningful and productive ways to interact and express themselves, which are irreplaceable skills that will last a lifetime. For more information go to http://www.sanfordharmony.org/about-harmony/

Montessori Moment

Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence. – Dr. Maria Montessori

Leader in Me

Habit 4 — Think Win-Win Everyone Can Win!


In order to remain enrolled as a magnet student at Garden Oaks Montessori, you must have passing grades, acceptable school behavior and regular attendance (including on time arrival to school). Remember that as a 5th grader, Garden Oaks is no longer your “zoned” school. All 6th – 8th graders are magnet students and subject to magnet required for continued enrollment.


Construction is starting THIS WEEK! You will see the safety fencing going in along with the relocation of some of our trees. The multi-purpose room, temporary building by the pond and the temporary bathroom building will be torn down. The Fisher gate will be closed until further notice. If we are able to coordinate a walking school bus group, this access point may be reconsidered in the future. Note that there will be changes to morning waiting areas for children arriving between 7:15am and 7:45am:

Middle School will wait under the pavilion

Upper Elementary will remain on the Spark Park

Lower Elementary will go to the cafeteria

Children’s House classes will be divided as follows:

Dore and Garcia – Cafeteria

Scott, Perez, Morris in Room 13

Kuhnen and Harlan in Room 12

Raines, Lezaun and Powers in Room 6

Important Reminders!

Nov 30 PASTRIES with POLLOCK (Nov/Dec)

PARENT ED – Neuhaus Dyslexia Interventions

Dec 1 PTO General Meeting Visit from SANTA! 6pm

DEC 3-4 Garden Oaks Holiday Performances at Barnes and Noble on West Gray! Be sure to mark your calendar for this extravaganza. Your child’s class has a performance time. We will start on time and the performances are short. Plan to arrive at least 15 minutes BEFORE your scheduled time. Parking takes time and you will need to walk in from the parking garage.

Dec 6 Winter Feast luncheons at GO

Dec 9 LAST DAY for magnet applications!

Dec 10 Middle School Dance 6th – 8th grade

Only students CURRENTLY enrolled at Garden Oaks or Wilson Montessori may attend.

Must have passing grades and at least an S in conduct to attend

Stay healthy! GO to bed early and eat “clean”!

From the desk of Dr. Lindsey Pollock, Principal

November 28, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 13