State Use Law Commission (SULC)



Thomas Burns, Ty Case, Roger Levy, Michelle Mirabella, Dominic Scatasti,

Dean Stotler (via Tele-conference); Robert Doyle (Ex-Officio), Connie Hughes (Ex-Officio)


Terry Cipolla – DelARF

Andy Kloepfer, Michelle Meckley,Ava Patrick, Lauren Williams – DVI

Lloyd Schmitz- Council on the Blind, via Tele-conference

Alan Wingrove


Jayson Crouch, Thomas Ellis, Rebecca Goldsmith

Mr. Levy called the meeting to order.

  1. Approval of Minutes

Mr. Levy asked if everyone had an opportunity to read the minutes. Ms. Mirabella, Mr. Scatasti, Mr. Case, and Mr. Levy noted corrections to the November minutes; the spelling of the Executive Director of Service Sources name should be Mr. Dennis Dappolito; Mr. Scatasti’s name was spelled incorrectly in the first paragraph under section IV, Adjournment. Mr. Case had been quoted twice in the second paragraph under section IV, Adjournment when actually it was Mr. Crouch in discussion. There were two dates at the top of the minutes. The Secretary noted the corrections. Mr. Scatasti motioned that the November 17 meeting minutes be approved as corrected. All were in favor. The minutes submitted were approved as corrected.

  1. Old Business

No old business to discuss

  1. New Business

Alan Wingrove, who retired from DIB after 22+ yearswas invited to this meeting to be presented with an appreciation plaque from the Commission for his dedicated years of service with the Commission. Mr. Wingrove graciously accepted and commended the Commission on their devotion and progress over the years.

Next order of business, election of Chair and Vice Chair, Mr. Levy asked if there were any nominations. Ms. Mirabella motioned that Mr. Levy and Mr. Burns continue in their roles. Mr. Case seconded this motion. Both parties accepted. All were in favor. Motion passes.

  1. Set-Asides

Two set-aside requests were presented for first approval, Delaware National Guard – Aviation Support Facility Janitorial Services and Delaware National Guard – Smyrna Readiness Center Janitorial Services. Ms. Cipolla noted that she added a lineto distinguish “specifications” from “standards”. Specifications are tasks that can vary among contracts. Standardsare the general standard for all contracts and remain the same in every contract. Mr. Burns inquired how many additional people would be employed. There are a total of four people who were referred by DDDS starting along with one supervising staff person at the Aviation Support Facility Janitorial Services. Mr. Scatasti motioned to approve the request for the first time, seconded by Mr. Burns. Motion passed with Ms. Mirabella abstaining. A second vote will be taken at the next meeting.

Next set-aside, Smyrna Readiness Center Janitorial Services this set aside employs five peopleand one supervisor. The Army National Guard requested this set-aside to utilize the employees that were doing the cleaning for other tasks. Mr. Scatasti motioned to approve the request for the first time, seconded by Mr. Burns. Motion passed. A second vote will be taken at the next meeting.

Mr. Levy mentions these set-asides are employing 9 people in total. Ms. Hughes reported that 549 people had been recorded as of June 30, 2010. This is a major increase from the 12 that first started 22 years ago for a total of 558+ as of this date. Mr. Levy remarked maybe a celebration can be made when the number reaches 1000.

  1. DIB Report

Mr. Kloepfer gave out hardcopies of the requested year-end 3-year comparison report that analyzesdata from July 1st thoughNovember 30th. Copies were emailed to theCommission. DIB passed the ISO Re-certification Surveillance Auditthis certification is good for one year. A meeting has been scheduled with Mr. Doyle and Ms.Williams to review equipment upgrades, business expansion for the first quarter of next year, and retail opportunities. Mr. Kloepfer requested to be put on the next meeting agenda to discuss current pricing of rubber stamp. An Addendum was done this year in April, but there is a need to revisit this again, and he will bring statistical analysis and prices supporting his findings for a second Addendum.

  1. DelARF Report.

Ms. Hughes and Ms. Cipolla met with Mr. Stotler and his Deputy in August to discuss areas for program growth. They are interested in finding what the state needs. DelARF does not want to put anyone out of business, but to find appropriate employment for the type of clientele that they place. Two work groups have been formed; custodial services that can meet unmet needs that the state has and the first group will be starting in January. The other is in temporary staffing. Recently DelARF discovered problems with the Temp Staffing Contract. One of the other Temp Staffing agencies is currently placing people into the 8 positions that have been set aside. The remedy to this situation is difficult. It is not just a matter of transferring those individuals from one Temp Agency to DelARF because DelARF must maintain a ratio of 75% of direct labor done by people with disabilities on its contracts. DelARF is working with Purchasing on this problem and hopes to have a plan in place in the near future to address it.

Ms. Hughes stated that Ms. Cipolla and providers are working closely together at improving and providing quality customer service and working as a team. In the past there were complaints with the janitorial services as of this date they have decreased. The Executive Committee for DelARF requested tracking information on how many complaints have been received. In April of this year there were 12 complaints as of last month there were only 2. They are happy to report the direction that complaints have taken. They are keeping on top of this to resolve any concerns.

Ms. Hughes brought up that Mr. Doyle and she are to set up an appointment with the Governor to visit one of our program locations. Further discussion need needed to determine the appropriate location. The goal is for the Governor to seean up and running program and to interact with people that have gone through the program. They can give a firsthand view of how the program benefits them. Mr. Levy would like the possible dates to be given to him along with what program will be toured and where it is located to present to the Governor’s scheduling secretary and the Commission.

Ms. Hughes informed the Commission that she and Ms. Cipolla have a prior commitment to attend the State Use Law Conference in San Diego on January 19th, which is when the next meeting is scheduled. It was requested that the Secretary send out a calendar request to pool how many people would be able to attend the meeting on the January 26th instead of the 19th.

  1. Adjournment

Mr. Levy wished everyone a safe and happy holiday, and asked that if there was no other business to discuss the meeting could be adjourned. Seeing none, Mr. Scatasti motioned that the meeting should be adjourned, second by Mr. Burns. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by,

Ava Patrick

Minutes transcribed via recorder