PSYX 534: Applied Clinical Methods (Practicum)
Fall Semester 2017
Tuesday 1-2:50 p.m.
CPC 119
Instructor: Melissa Neff, Ph.D.
Office: CPC 106
Phone: (406) 370-4024
Contact Information:
Office Hours: By appointment on Mondays and Tuesdays
Welcome to Our Practicum!
-To learn and implement CPC procedures and basic/advanced clinical skills
-To grow/improve/develop your skills as a clinician
-To learn how to self-reflect and self-monitor through a CBT-based method
As part of this practicum, the following book is required:
Bennett-Levy, J., Thwaites, R., Haarhoff, B., & Perry, H. (2015). Experiencing CBT from the inside out: A self-practice/self-reflection workbook for therapists. New York: Guilford Press.
This book will be available in the bookstore and on the Guilford or other websites. One copy can be placed on reserve at the CPC for your use as needed.
You will be expected to keep a reflective journal (electronic or paper) as part of this course. Journal entries will be private, but may be shared in group or individual supervision at your discretion.
9/5: First Day of Class
CPC Staff Meeting at 2:00 p.m.
**Homework: 1) Read Berger & Buchholz article, 2) Journal Activity
9/12: CPC Procedures/Case Formulations/Clients/Review Homework
9/19: Case Formulations/Clients
**Homework due 9/26: Read Chapters 1-3 of book
9/26: Group/Client Issues
Discuss homework (Chapters 1-3 of book)
**Homework due 10/3: Module 1 of book (p. 41-50)
1. Identify challenging problems/situations and then choose the MAIN SITUATION you will focus on this semester as your “therapy” or “professional” problem.
2. Create your visual analogue scale and describe/rate the problem.
3. Rate yourself on the PHQ-9 or GAD-7 (discuss any concerning ratings with me)
10/3: Discuss homework/reflection questions on p. 48-50 of book
CPC Staff Meeting at 2:00 p.m.
10/10: Group/Client Issues
**Homework due 10/17: Part I of Module 2 of book (p. 51-64)
1) Create your 5-part formulation, 2) Cultural Identity Profile, and 3) Develop your Problem Statement
10/17: Group/Client Issues
**Homework due 10/24: Part II of Module 2 of book (p. 64-68)
1) Identify your Strengths, and 2) Make a Strengths-Based Formulation
10/24: Group/Client Issues
Discuss Homework Assignment/Imagery Exercise
10/31: Group/Client Issues
Introduce SMART goal-setting strategies
**Homework due 11/7: Part III of Module 2 (p. 70-75)
1) Develop 2 SMART goals, 2) Create List of Strategies to Achieve your Goals
11/7 Group/Client Issues/Discuss Homework
CPC Staff Meeting at 2:00 p.m.
11/14 Group/Client Issues
Discuss Homework Assignment
*Homework for 11/21: Module 3 (p. 81-87)
1) Keep Activity and Mood Diary every day for four days
2) Complete “My Attitude Towards Myself” worksheet
11/21 Group/Client Issues
Discuss Homework Assignment
*Homework for 11/28: Module 3 (p. 88-91)
1) List Pleasurable Activities, 2) Create a Hierarchy of Pleasurable and Necessary Activities, 3) Plan for Pleasurable Activities, and DO IT FOR FOUR DAYS.
11/28 Group/Client Issues/Review Homework
12/5 Group/Client Issues
CPC Staff Meeting at 2:00 p.m.
*Homework for 12/12: Module 4 of book (p. 98-114) Identifying Unhelpful Thinking and Behavior: Identifying Negative Automatic Thoughts, Cognitive Biases
1) Create a Thought Record
2) Identify Your Cognitive Biases
3) Identify where your Selective Attention is Focused
4) Identify your Avoidance and Escape Behaviors
5) Identify your Safety Behaviors
Discuss Homework
Class Evaluations
Class Expectations
You will be expected to attend each group meeting on time and to participate in all assigned activities. Practicum groups will consist of case consultation and discussion, writing exercises, discussions, and learning new modes of treatment. Students who are seeing clients at the CPC will also meet with Dr. Neff for individual supervision once weekly.
Your grade for this course will be pass/fail. As it is a yearlong course, you will receive an Incomplete for the first semester, until all of your coursework is complete second semester. Your grade is based on your professional and ethical conduct, therapeutic work with clients, ability to complete paperwork appropriately and in a timely fashion, and openness to feedback. Paperwork guidelines and timelines are outlined in the CPC Policy and Procedures manual.
In accordance with University of Montana’s mission to provide equal educational opportunities for all students, necessary accommodations for students with disabilities will be made whenever possible. If you require accommodations, please provide written information regarding your disability from the Disability Services as soon as possible so that accommodations can be made, and talk with me about what you will need.