State of New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
Caregiver Assistance Program (CAP)
The Caregiver Assistance Program is a component of the Enhanced Community Options (ECO) Medicaid Waiver, designed to provide a broad array of supports and services that enable the individual at risk of placement in a nursing facility to remain in his/her community home.
‘Community home’ means a dwelling that the individual owns or rents, or the home of a relative, which is not a licensed residence.
CAP is designed to supplement the assistance a beneficiary receives from his/her natural support network of family, friends, and neighbors as well as from community agencies and volunteer groups.
CAP is targeted to those individuals who demonstrate clinical need for nursing facility level of care as determined through a Pre-Admission Screen per NJAC 10:63.
The need for services must be identified through the comprehensive assessment or reassessment, and must be approved in the Plan of Care as a required service.
Services may be provided by either Client-Employed-Providers (CEPs), qualified individuals or entities in addition to traditional Medicaid-enrolled providers. Using a consumer-directed approach to service management, a self-directing participant in CAP may choose to employ his/her own provider and direct his/her own care. The ability to direct one’s own care will be confirmed prior to participation as the employer of one’s workers/providers, and will be specified in the Plan of Care.
All providers of care must demonstrate competence in the service to be provided pursuant to the qualification requirements contained in the approved Waiver.
A cost share requirement is applied under which CAP participants contribute to the cost of their care.
Jersey Assistance for Community Caregiving (JACC)
JACC is a state-funded program that is designed to provide a broad array of supports and services that enable the individual at risk of placement in a nursing facility to remain in his/her community home.
‘Community home’ means a dwelling the individual owns or rents, or the home of a relative, which is not a licensed residence.
JACC offers this supportive care to individuals who are at risk of nursing facility placement but are above the income and/or resource range to quality financially for Medicaid or Medicaid Waiver benefits. JACC funding is not available to individuals who qualify for Medicaid or Medicaid Waiver services. Individuals may spend down resources, through the JACC program cost sharing participation, to a Medicaid Qualifying level. Should this occur, seamless transition into a waiver program may be initiated.
JACC is designed to offer the same type of supportive care that is available through the CAP Medicaid waiver program.
JACC is targeted to those individuals who demonstrate clinical need for nursing facility level of care as determined through a Pre-Admission Screen per NJAC 10:63.
Individuals participate in a co-pay in JACC on a sliding scale basis.
All natural supports, and volunteer resources, and services that can be paid by a third party shall be used prior to JACC funding.
Services may be provided by either Client-Employed-Providers, (CEP), qualified individuals or entities in addition to traditional Medicaid-enrolled providers. Using a consumer-directed approach to service management, a self-directing participant may choose to employ his/her own provider and direct his/her own care. The ability to direct one’s own care will be confirmed prior to participation as the employer of one’s workers/providers, and will be specified in the Plan of Care.
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