Name of applicant
(lead researcher) [1]
E-mail / Telephone
Date of birth of applicant / Nationality
Affiliation of applicant
Title of research
Start and end date
of research project [2]
Research team
(list names and affiliations)
Name of initiator/sponsor
of research, if any
Objectives of research [3]
(max. 200 words)
Describe research approach applied
(max. 200 words)
List peer-reviewed publications (journal
or conference papers)
or monograph as
output of research
Statement, why the research is excellent regarding process and results (max. 200 words)
Statement, how the research enhances
the discipline and
the profession project management
(max. 200 words)
Statement, how your research could contribute to further developing
the ICB (max. 200 words)
2. Description of research
Describe the research results achieved as well as the research process (max 4.000 words).
Provide answers to the evaluation criteria, which are:
- Research results achieved
- Originality and innovation
- Theoretical foundation
- Transparency and professionalism of research process
- Practical relevance
- Management as research project
In the evaluation the jury considers the research results as well as the research process.
3. Appendixes
Add brief curriculum vitae of the researcher(s) and a list of publications of the applicant (main researcher).
4. Statement of applicant
- I consent (in the name of the research team and the organization) to observe the rules for the application process and to recognize the decision of the IPMA Research Awards Jury as absolute.
- I confirm that the application fulfils the requirements for the IPMA ResearchAward
and that all information in the submitted application and documentation are true and correct. - I confirm that I have not received an IPMA Research Award during the last 3 years.
- I confirm that my organization welcomes the application and agrees to a potential publication
of a brief description of the research.
Location, DateSignature of Applicant
The application form must be signed. It is possible to sign either electronically or personally.
After that please turn the document into a pdf or scan it and hand in to d.
Submission date is 15. May 2018.
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[1] The lead researcher has not won the IPMA Research Award the last three years.
[2] The research project must have had at least a duration of one year and must be completed,
when the application is handed in. Completion of research project may date back to 1. January 2017.
[3] Researcher may come from disciplines other than project management but must contribute to the development
of project, program management, project-oriented companies or any element named in the ICB – International
Competence Baseline.