Nevada Academic ContentStandards- Resource Page

The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.

CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: RI.1.2-Identifythe main topicand retellkeydetails of atext.
R.CCR.2 Determine central ideas or themes ofatext and analyzetheir development; summarizethe key supportingdetails and ideas. / Questions to FocusLearning
Whyis it important to know themain topicof an informationaltext?Howdo keydetails contributeto a readers' understanding?
It is important forreadersto know the main topic of an informational text so theyunderstand theauthor's message. Key details support themain topic and help us to gain abetter understandingof thetext.
Student FriendlyObjectives
Iknow amain topicis what an informationaltext is about.
Iknow akeydetail is a pieceof information that willhelp meto understand the text.
Reasoning Targets
I can decide which partsof an informational text arethe most important. I can pick out the main topic of an informational text.
I can retell keydetails ofan informational text.
Vocabulary keydetails
main topic retell

Teacher Tips

TheGreat Kapok Tree -This lesson is designed to find themain idea asareadingcomprehension strategy

MainIdeaCarnivals -This PDFhas students readashort paragraphabout carnivals, circlethe main idea, and write 3 details.

MainIdeaCats - This PDFhas students read ashort paragraph about spotted cats, circle themain idea, and write 3 details.

MainIdeaStorms -ThisPDFhas students read ashort paragraph about storms, circle themain idea,and write3 details.


ExpositoryExploration-This activityhas studentsidentifyingkeydetails and main ideaofgradelevelinformational text.

Keys to theMainIdea-This activityhas studentsidentifyingkeydetails and main ideaofgradelevel informational text.

MainIdeaHighlights -Thisactivityhas students identifyingkeydetails and main ideaofgradelevel informational text.


Independent Reading-This video shows a first grade class independentlyreadingdifferentgenres of books.

Vertical Progression

RI.K.2-With promptingand support, identifythemain topic and retell keydetails of atext.

RI.2.2 -Identifythe maintopicof amultiparagraph text as wellas the focus of specific paragraphswithin the text. RI.3.2 -Determinethemain ideaof atext;recount thekeydetails and explain how theysupport themain idea. RI.4.2 -Determinethemain ideaof atext and explain how it is supported bykeydetails;summarizethe text. RI.5.2 -Determinetwo or moremain ideas of atext and explain how theyaresupportedbykeydetails; summarize the text.

RI.6.2 -Determineacentral ideaofatext and howitis conveyed through particular details;provide asummaryof the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

RI.7.2 -Determinetwo or morecentral ideas inatext and analyzetheirdevelopment overthe courseof thetext;

provide an objectivesummaryof thetext.

RI.8.2 -Determineacentral ideaofatext and analyzeits development overthe courseof thetext, includingits relationship to supportingideas; provide an objectivesummaryof thetext.

RI.9-10.2-Determineacentral ideaof atext andanalyzeits development overthe courseof thetext, includinghow itemerges andis shapedand refined byspecificdetails;provide an objectivesummaryof thetext.

RI.11-12.2-Determinetwo ormorecentral ideasofatext and analyzetheir development over thecourseof thetext, includinghow theyinteract and build on one another to provide acomplexanalysis; providean objectivesummaryof the text.

The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: RI.1.2