Service Planning
This plan has been written taking into account current national and local drivers in respect of services for young people, and potential developments at a local level. Budget issues are key in the development of this plan, as maximum use will need to be made of available resources, and savings targets will need to be reached.
This plan encompasses the directions and priorities for the Young People’s service, the YOT and the Participation Team. Plans for each of these teams will detail their developments linked to this plan.
- Member-led review of Young People’s Service
- Action Plan for re-organisation of youth work/activities for young people in Park Ward
- ‘Positive Futures’ ESF funding secured for delivery of programme for NEET young people, based at Mixenden Activity Centre
- C card numbers increased in some youth centres, notably Brighouse
- Work towards skate park in Centre Vale Park
- 1831 young people achieved recorded outcomes and 202 achieved accredited outcomes in youth work settings
- 20 young people accessing youth provision through short breaks
- 21 Friday night and 9 Saturday night sessions maintained
- Rock Schools in 4 locations well established and used by 310young people
- YPS is working with other parts of the Council on a twinning project with Tower Hamlets, as part of the Olympic legacy
- Young people’s inclusion on Orangebox Board
- 5 x referrals into NCS who all completed (from Youth Works)
- Local involvement/consultation – Town centre review, TYS review, EET partnership work, YPS review, Safeguarding peer challenge, Anti Bullying fund, YPS events planning.
- Principal Officer became Chair of Confederation of Heads of Young People’s Services (CHYPS)
- Significant fall in First Time Entrants within the Criminal Justice System with a reduction of 19.4% (10-11 figure 108, 11-12 figure 87)
- Partnership training on Restorative approaches
- Introduction of Compliance Panels – reduced breach
- Pilot status for reduction of Bed Nights for young offenders
- Discrimination by DiversityProgramme being purchased by schools and YOTs across the country
- YOT involvement with Yorkshire Construction Youth Trust
- Nationally recognised schemes delivered – Community Space Challenge.
- Co-location of YPS and YOT Management Teams at the Hoover Building
- YOT Attendance Centre moved to Mixenden Activity Centre
- Increased use of Mixenden Activity Centre for ISS and other young people within YOT
- Over 30 staff from both YPS and YOT were involved in work led through the Community Impact Assessment Group, to prevent young people becoming involved in EDL and counter-demonstration in July
- National Citizen Service-a joint approach was taken by YOT and YPS to delivering for one group of young people, on this new Government initiative
- The establishment of Early Intervention and Support, a co-ordinated approach to prevention services, bringing together aspects of both YPS and YOT (currently working with 128 young people)
Children and Young People’s Participation Project
Achievements – 2010/2011
- Disabled Youth Forum – Transitions DVD and booklet- support through Visioning Day for the Pathfinder Project – involvement in and support for short breaks
- Partnership Project with Young Carers to develop an awareness raising DVD and Young Carers Passport
- Consultation work with Parks Service re: development of local parks
- Development of Inter Schools Councils in Central Halifax and Upper Valley
- Development of a group of Young Advisors for the Safeguarding Board
- UKYP development – House of Commons Event, Annual Sitting, support for Young Carers Campaign(Regional) and Transport Campaign (National)
- Consultation session with elected members re the abolition of EMA. This resulted in a ‘one off’ grant to cover Calderdale students affected by this.
- Budget consultation with children from Primary Schools
- Representation (3 young people) on the Equality Forum
- Young People’s Assessment Panel considered CHLASP, Barnardos and Laura Mitchell Clinic applications for You’re Welcome status.
- Delivery of Participation Training – early years service staff, core competencies (Workforce Development) x 3 sessions.
- Involvement of young people in 10 areas through the ‘Your Place-Your Ideas’ project developed by Communities.
- 29 young people took part in Take Over Day
- Development of a forum for Deaf and hard of hearing young people over 16
- Consultation with children and young people from primary and high schools involved with the Targeted Mental Health in Schools programme.
- Consultation with Care Leavers/young people in care about their experience- a report was completed as a result of this consultation.
- Involvement of Care Leavers in the tender and contract for the Care Leavers Service in Calderdale
- Development of locality model for services for young people, addressing needs at Tier 2/3 and links to other services
- Clarity about buildings and staff available for the development of youth hubs/services
- Agreement of Youth Offer in line with revised national guidance (due Feb 2012)
- Commissioning strategy for work with young people developed
- Participation strategy completed and agreed
- Volunteering/Voluntary organisations strategy for work with young people
- Orangebox open and Local Authority youth workinstalled and operational
a) National issues
The key messages in the delivery of services for young people at the present time relate to diversification of the provider base, use of volunteers, and the provision of targeted services for those most in need of them. The latter are usually described as Early Intervention/ Help strategies.
The cross Government youth policy ‘Positive for Youth’ was launched in December 2011; the key drivers within it are:
- a more positive place and active role for young people in society with more recognition and celebration of their achievements;
- a stronger focus on supporting whole families while respecting and nurturing young people’s growing sense of independence and personal responsibility;
- a greater acceptance of responsibility in communities, including business communities, for the engagement and wellbeing of their young people and the sustainability of local provision;
- a more integrated approach across different commissioners, professions, and providers of both publicly and non-publicly funded services, to release cost savings and ensure all young people get the support they need;
- a stronger focus for public funding on evidence-based early help for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable young people;
- a more contestable market for publicly funded services with a stronger focus on results; and
- a more enterprising and innovative voluntary and community sector able to demonstrate its impact and secure diverse sources of income.
Guidance for local authorities on the provision/publicity of positive activities for young people (replacing Section 507b of the 2006 Education & Inspection Act) is expected to be issued later this spring.
b) Local issues
i)Review:During 2011, a member-led review of the Young People’s Service was carried out. The Review acknowledges:
- The contribution of youth work to a range of strategies
- The need for informal education/youth work opportunities
- The need for young people to access sports, arts, cultural activities
- Access to information about facilities which are available
- The necessity to further develop volunteering opportunities
- Need for targeted work with young people who are (potentially) disengaged from services
- That open access provision is usually located in areas of need
- That youth work supports young people in the transition from childhood to adulthood, helping them make informed life choices
In summary, these recommendations suggest the following actions, which are included in the plan:
- define which buildings to be used
- volunteering strategy
- commissioning strategy needs to be developed
- Examine alternative models of provision
- Income generation
- Locality model -4 hubs
- Budget savings
ii)Joint Service Development/ Locality working
During 2011, the YPS and the YOT were brought together under a single manager. This has provided opportunities to develop some aspects of service delivery jointly, particularly the targeted preventative elements of the two services. This has resulted in the development of EIS (Early Intervention and Support), bringing together staff from Targeted Youth Support and YOT Prevention Team.
Some members of this team are already locality based; further work can develop this as the bass for a young people’s early intervention service which links in to Family Intervention Teams.
iii) Vulnerable groups
The following groups are identified as priorities within this plan, reflecting issues raised in the JSNA, Safer and Stronger assessment:
- Young offenders in NEET (34% as at 1st March 2012)
- Other hard-to-reach groups in NEET/ at risk of low attainment
- Vulnerable groups not in contact with services
- Young people at risk of anti-social behaviour
- Young people at risk of teenage pregnancy/sexually transmitted infections
Work within young people’s services is monitored through a range of different systems.
This database was used originally for the recording of the prevention services within the Youth Offending Team. Its use has now been extended to include the contacts of the key workers within the Young People’s Service, so that all the work of Early Intervention and Support (EIS) is recorded on one database.
This is a national system which is used for the recording of data relating to young offenders.
c) QES
The Quality Education Systems database was purchased in 2006 in order to record contacts within the Young People’s service. This system allows for the recording of attendances and achievements within the service, as it allows staff to record both recorded outcomes and accredited outcomes.
d) CCIS Profile
This system which is maintained by C & K Careers has been used by key workers in the EIS, although they are now using the UMIS system. A rationalisation of systems is needed during the year, as it is difficult to compare data.
Service Area: Young People’s ServicesStrategic Aims:
SA1. Start Healthy and Stay Healthy
Improvement Objectives:
SA1.1 Improve the health and well being of the most vulnerable and deprived.
SA1.2 Reduce teenage conceptions and the harm caused by alcohol.
SA1.4 Reduce the number of children who are dying prematurely?
Improvement Objectives / Proposed Action to be Taken / Desired Outcomes / Performance Indicator / measure / Budget / Resources / Date for Implementation / Responsibility / Other Plan Refs
SA1.1 / SA1.1a Improvement, co-ordination and delivery of health screening for young offenders. / Provision of a quality service for young offenders covering the breadth of Health Interventions. / All YOT young people receive appropriate adequate health screening
Member of staff in post referrals increased – will review procedures in capacity. 20.8.12 / NHS Calderdale / 31st May 2012 / Head of YOT
Commissioner NHS Calderdale / Reducing Teenage conceptions
Young people’s SMS
Alcohol strategy
Youth Justice Plan
SA1.1 / SA1.1b Development of a young people’s health offer within Calderdale
SA1.1c Review and revise delivery of young people’s health services at a locality level
SA1.1d Training for staff on health/mental health issues as appropriate / Young people have access to sexual, emotional and physical health services.
. / 1.Health Offer defined with partners and young people
2. Staff and young people trained to deliver
3. Define staff roles /role of Information Shop for Young people, and locations.
Staff briefings on CAMHS & ADHD. Ops manager working with partners re: future service offer. 20.8.12 / Current: YPS, NHS Calderdale, VCS / October 2012 / Service Manager YPS
Young people’s commissioner NHS Calderdale / Reducing Teenage conceptions
Young people’s substance use
Alcohol strategy
Youth Justice Plan
SA1. 2 / SA1.2a Ensure consistent delivery of C-card in youth centres,projects and services. / Reduction in teenage pregnancy / 1. Set baseline for delivery of C card, and % increase.
2. Increase number of centres by 10% based on TP hotspot data.
Increased awareness with staff to consider c-card & assessment – monitoring monthly. 20.8.12 / Current staff of YPS, YOT and partner agencies / May 2012
Dec 2012 / YOT / YPS Service Managers / Reducing teenage conceptions
SA1.2b Work with NHS/Commissioners to define role of Information Shop in delivering young people’s health strategy / Reduction in teenage pregnancy.
Health information delivered to young people / 1. Role of information shop defined.
2. Plan in place for the detail of this work
Monitor strategic changes & contribute when resolved. 20.8.12. / October 2012 / Service Manager YPS
YP commissioner
SA.1.2 / SA1.2c Ensure joint partnership approach to young people’s alcohol use / Improvement in resource allocation and delivery / Partnership strategy agreed and implemented
Working with commissioner regarding the PCC to present Calderdale partnership approach. 20.8.12 / ASB Team,
NPT, Attendance Centre, YOT / YPS workers. / May 2012 / Service Manager YPS / Youth Justice Plan
Alcohol Strategy
SA1.4 / SA1.4a Develop work re: Road Safety through referrals to YOT Road Safety Project / Fewer young people dying as a result of involvement in car crashes, either as passenger or driver / Number of fatalities amongst young people referred who had completed the programme
Review programme & discuss with WY Fire Service for half term event. 20.8.12 / Asset Audit, R&V Panel, YOT Nurse / June 2012 / Snr. Practitioner YOT
YPS manager
SA1.4b Audit and develop work around self harming, / Fewer young people self-harming
Staff trained to respond in YOT/YPS settings. / Nos of staff trained
Nos of interventions (baseline needed)
To raise at FSM audit to start end August. 20.8.12 / YPS and YOT staff
YP Emotional wellbeing group / Audit –August 2012 / Youth Justice Plan
Emotional wellbeing strategy
Service Area: YP Services
Strategic Aims:
SA2. Are safe at home, in school and in the community
Improvement Objectives:
SA2.1 Increase the number of children and young people who feel safe at school and in the community.
SA2.2 Increase the support we provide for children and young people within their families.
SA2.3 Reduce the harm caused to children andyoung people through domestic violence and parental alcohol abuse.
Improvement Objectives / Proposed Action to be Taken / Desired Outcomes / Performance Indicator / measure / Budget / Resources / Date for Implementation / Responsibility / Other Plan Refs
. / SA2.1b Increase use of Restorative Approaches in Schools and communities
SA2.1c Contribute to anti-bullying work through projects and youth work / Reduction in exclusions, school absence, improved staff morale. / Numbers of restorative projects.
Numbers of young people taking part
Feedback from young people
Currently working with 3 schools and offer of training programme via Education Bulletin. 20.8.12 / RJ Coordinator / Operational Manager/ YOT Staff.
YPS staff / May 2012 / YOT HOS
YOT and YPS senior workers / Youth Justice Plan
Emotional Health and Well being
SA2.2 / Work with CYP and partners to implement Family Support Strategy
Continue to develop work with young parents through Supporting YP network group
Increased use of the CAF process across YOT / YPS.
Pilot use of CAF for EIS referrals, linking other assessments / Positive outcomes for young people
Young parents in EET
Young people with positive outcomes
Improved partnership working / case management / Referrals to EIS
Positive outcomes recorded
Numbers of young parents in EET
Number of CAFs recorded.
Number of CAFs in EIS
Number of other assessments used as part of a CAF
Agreed CAF pathway with CAF co-ord & staff training undertaken. Ongoing liaison with CAF Co-ord. 20.8.12 / EIG
YOT and YPS budgets
YPS/ YOT staff / From April 2012
September 2012
April onwards / Service manager YPS (with SM Family Services)
Service manager YPS
SM YPS / Family Support Strategy
SA2.3 / Develop work with young people re: relationship violence / Reduction in relationship violence amongst young people / Numbers of young people taking part in projects
Attitudes of young people to domestic violence
Staff have received training and referrals to go to Women’s Centre / YPS/YOT staff and partners (Women’s Centre)
YPS/YOT staff and partners (Women’s Centre) / September 2012 / Team leader Youth Works
YOT HOS / Youth Justice Plan
Increase number of people successfully completing anger management programmes / Reduction in assaults / DV / Numbers of yp identified and completed programmes,
MC - Anger Management Programme to be reviewed. Staff identified & supported, dates established for programme. 20.8.12
Service Area: Young People’s Services
Strategic Aims:
SA3. Enjoy School and Achieve their Best
Improvement Objectives:
SA3.1 Narrow the attainment gap in the early years and amongst specific groups.
Improvement Objectives / Proposed Action to be Taken / Desired Outcomes / Performance Indicator / measure / Budget / Resources / Date for Implementation / Responsibility / Other Plan Refs
SA3.1 / Develop alternative accreditation programmes for vulnerable groups.
Increase delivery of services to schools to work with referred young people / Vulnerable young people remaining in EET
Increase number of interventions
Increase income through
. / N/EET figures
Numbers participating
Numbers gaining accredited outcomes
Numbers of groups in schools
Agreed model of engagement with schools. Schools to purchase support through pupil premium. 20.8.12 / Income from schools, ESF, other sources
Income from schools
Youth work/YOT staff
Directory of services / April onwards
April onwards / YPS manager
YPS manager
YOT manager / NEET/ RPA strategy
Strategic Aims:
SA4. Make friends and take part in activities
Improvement Objectives:
SA4.1 Support children and young people to make informed decisions about their lives and relationships
SA4.2 Involve children and young people in the design, delivery and improvement (DDI) of our services.
SA4.3 Increase the number of vulnerable young people engaged in local activities.
Improvement Objectives / Proposed Action to be Taken / Desired Outcomes / Performance Indicator / measure / Budget / Resources / Date for Implementation / Responsibility / Other Plan Refs
SA4.1 / Youth work/ positive activities programme in all areas / Young people engaged in personal and social education / Nos of yp engaged / YPS budget, EIG / April onwards / Service management team
Develop use of materials / knowledge of websites / YP have information to make choices / Hits on websites / YPS budget, EIG / April onwards / Service management team
YP contribute to own plans / assessments / Young people participate / structure intervention and support. / Number of YP plans signed off by the young person.
Identified as service development audit to be undertaken to track progress for 1.12.12. 20.8.12 / None / May 2012 / YPS / YOT Service Managers / Youth Justice Plan
SA4.2 / Support development of Participation Strategy, and lead its implementation / Young people involved in DDI of services which affect them
Numbers of young people from vulnerable groups directly involved
Participation embedded in practice with LA and partner services / Numbers of children and young people involved in decision making processes / Participation team budget
YPS budget / April 2012 / Service Manager YPS
Participation Team / Participation strategy
Achieve ‘Emerging’ hear by Right standard. / ‘Emerging’ Standard achieved. / Participation Team budget. YPS budget. / March 2013
Develop Area Youth Forums at locality level. / Children and Young People involved in developing / evaluating services at local level. / 4 x locality Youth Forums groups established
Meetings of Locality YU
Notes showing involvement with agencies
No’s of young people involved in Health Watch / Particpation team budget / Team Leaders YPS
Participation Team Leader / Participation Strategy
Involvement of children and young people in the development of Local Health Watch in Calderdale. / Health services more responsive to children / young people’s needs. / Participation Team Leader
Plan Young Inspectors programme to involve young people in evaluation of services. / Young people evaluating service provision. / Number of visits and reports on visits. / Participation team budget / From April
Ensure that all consultations are recorded on Engage database. / Awareness of consultations which have taken place.
Sharing of practice / Number of consultations on Engage. / Participation Team budget
Other CYP services budgets.
SA4.3 / Work with schools to use pupil premium funding to purchase additional support. / More services for vulnerable young people / Numbers of projects/young people involved / Pupil Premium / Sept 2012 / Service manager YPS
Service Area: Young People’s Services
Strategic Aims:
SA5. Stay in education and get a job.
Improvement Objectives:
SA5.1 Increase the number of young people stayingon in education and training.
SA5.2 Increase the number of apprenticeship places available?
SA5.3 Narrow the attainment gap at age 19 for young people from low income families.
Improvement Objectives / Proposed Action to be Taken / Desired Outcomes / Performance Indicator / measure / Budget / Resources / Date for Implementation / Responsibility / Other Plan Refs
SA5.1 / Developing programmes for NEET young people. / Young people in EET / Numbers of NEET young people
Numbers of new programmes.
Number of programmes have been instigated ongoing review & development. 20.8.12 / EIG/YPS/YOT Budgets/staff
YOT/ any NEET funding / April 2012 / Service manager YPS / RPA
NEET strategy
SA5.2 / Appraise options for offering apprenticeships in service/ with partner agencies / Young people offered apprenticeships / Numbers of young people in apprenticeships in service/ partners / NAS / June 2012 / Service manager YPS / Youth Justice Plan
SA5.3 / Ensure the needs of young offenders are addressed in relation to EET. / Young offenders in education and training / Numbers of young offenders in EET/ against benchmark.
A report has been shared with Post 16 Commissioner for ETE identifying current vulnerabilities for yp from YOT in this sector. 20.8.12