CSCE 1010 Course Syllabus
Philip Sweany
Instructor: Philip Sweany
Office: NTDP F262
Phone: 940-369-7427
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00pm to 4:00pm; Monday from 1:00 to 2:30 pm
Blown to Bits -- Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion
Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen and Harry Lewis
Addison-Wesley, 2008
Available on-line at no cost. (
Course Description:
CSCE1010, is an introduction to computing based upon University of California Berkeley’s Beauty and Joy of Computing course (, which is itself a realization of the CS Principles curriculum framework ( As such it is available to all UNT students no matter what their major or year in school. There is no prerequisite for the course other than paying tuition.
CS Principles Big Ideas:
The CS Principles curriculum framework is built on seven big ideas, namely
1. Creativity: Computing is a creative activity.
2. Abstraction: Abstraction reduces information and detail to facilitate focus on relevant concepts.
3. Data: Data and information facilitate the creation of knowledge.
4. Algorithms: Algorithms are used to develop and express solutions to computational problems.
5. Programming: Programming enables problem solving, human expression and creation of knowledge.
6. Internet: The Internet pervades modern computing.
7. Impact: Computing has global impacts.
Course Objectives
By the end of the term, each student should meet the following objectives. We’ll talk about objectives and the use of them in class. This particular set of objectives for CS Principles comes from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the College Board, the folks that bring us Advanced Placement (AP) exams.
READINGS (other than the text)
· Abstraction
· Artificial Intelligence notes
· Robbie the Killer Robot
· B2B Appendix -- Internet Performance Task Instructions
Your grade in this course will be determined by a combination of written exams,
Minor Assignments, Major Assignments and class participation and quizzes. The individual breakdown of the grading weights will be:
· Participation, quizzes, and in-class essays 20%
· Minor Assignments and Labs 30%
· Major Assignments (Performance Tasks) 30%
· Midterm Exam 10%
· Final Exam 10%
The Student Perception of Teaching (SPOT) survey is a requirement for all organized undergraduate classes at UNT. This short survey will be made available to you at the end of the semester, providing you a chance to comment on how this class is taught. I am very interested in the feedback I get from students, as I work to continually improve my teaching. I consider SPOT to be an important part of your participation in this class.
UNT complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA). If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation for equal access to education or services please contact the Office of Disability Accommodation.
Collaboration and Cheating
As stated in class, I insist upon collaboration among students (and even faculty?) in class and labs, as it is my belief that it provides a better learning environment. Bear in mind that you’ll be asked to work in pairs in the lab and on one of the two major assignments. We’ll discuss this “pair programming” paradigm more in both class and lab.
For Minor assignments however, do your own work, unless otherwise instructed. I know that leaves a lot to interpretation, but we'll be discussing acceptable cooperation in class. In the final analysis though, the default (if you're in doubt) is "do your own work."
And of course you need to do your own work on exams as well. Here there should be no ambiguity at all In case the above description, and in-class discussion of my views on appropriate and inappropriate collaboration does not answer all of your questions, please look at the university Student Rights and Responsibilities page.
Semester Schedule
The table below lists columns for 1) week, 2 and 3) topics for each of two lectures, 4) topics for the weekly lab, 5) a list of course outcomes that students should meet by the end of the week, and 6) any homework, projects or essays due during the week.
K / Lecture 1 Topics / Lecture 2
Topics / Lab / Reading / HW,
essays due
8/24 / Course Intro / Course Intro / Introduction to SNAP
8/31 / Abstraction / Animation,
loops, conditionals / Intro to
9/7 / SNAP,
Build your own blocks / Computer Impact / Input,
list intro / BtB, preface / Minor 1:
Personal photo, info
9/14 / Impact / Algorithms / More lists / BtB, chapter 1
9/21 / Algorithms / Lists,
growth of functions / BtB,
chapter 2
9/28 / Recursion / Evaluate algorithm “speed” / BtB, chapter 3 / Minor 2:
Count Letters
10/5 / Recursion / Recursion / BtB, chapter 4
10/12 / Programming Paradigms / Midterm Exam / Minor 3:
Guess a Number / Minor 3:
Guess a Number
10/19 / Impact / Recursive Reporters / BtB, chapter 7
10/26 / Big Data / Big Data / BtB, chapter 6 / Minor 4:
Write an essay
11/2 / Artificial Intelligence / Map Reduce / AI Notes
11/9 / Robotics / Robots in literature, video, health care / Project Work / Robbie the killer robot
11/16 / Simulations / Internet Intro / Project Work / BtB appendix
11/23 / Thanksgiving / Turkey Day / Pilgrim’s Progress / Major 1: Explore Performance Task due 11/25 @9:59pm
11/30 / Internet / Project Work / BtB, chapter 8,5 / Major 2:
Create Performance, 12/4@11:59pm
12/7 / Final Exam / Meet during lab time to submit both Performance Tasks to College Board