Whittington & Fisherwick
Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Assembly (Parish Meetings) of Whittington and Fisherwick Parishes.
Commencing 7.20pm, Monday 8th May 2017.
Held at the Sports Pavilion, Bit End Field, Vicarage Lane, Whittington.
Cllrs. Martyn Bennett, Chris Millar, David Walton, Julia Spencer, Sue Walton, Jonathan Smith,
Garry Hyde and Roger Leek.
Alan White
Sam Skinner.
Steve Adams. CEO, Staffordshire Community Foundation Trust.
Ray Smythe. Acting Clerk.
1. Apologies received in writing.
Cllr. M. Bennett welcomed everyone to the meeting. Cllr John Heeler had submitted his apologies in writing and these were accepted.
2. Matters Arising.
There were no matters arising.
3. Report of the Chairman of Whittington & Fisherwick Parish Council.
Chairman of the Parish Council Cllr. Martyn Bennett gave the following annual report:
May 2017
This year has once again been a very productive and busy time for the Parish Council.
Currently we have three vacancies on the Parish Council and we would welcome applications from villagers interested in joining our team.
The Parish Council is not about having meetings but rather it is about making a difference to members of our communities. We have responded to many issues raised within Whittington and Fisherwick. These have included: blocked drains, overgrown hedges, restricted pavement access for those having to use wheelchairs, issues with overgrown trees and shrubs, broken fencing and gates, bus timetable changes, information boards, traffic problems, public rights of way, planning applications.
As a Parish council we look at ways in which we can improve services, facilities and opportunities within Whittington and Fisherwick. To this end we have taken on responsibility for Langdon Crescent grassed areas, negotiated a new contract for grass cutting, established regular litter picking events, supported the work of the re-established Whittington and Fisherwick Charity, planning regular Parish Council ‘open days’ so you can meet your councillors face to face, developing the under 5’s play equipment in Bit End Field.
On the Council we have dedicated councillors for responding to Planning, HS2, land transfers, Tree works, Health and Safety, play area monitoring, Pavilion hire, highway issues, signage and grant applications
The Council has supported the Neighbourhood Plan Group and is extremely grateful for the work undertaken by them and the considerable amount of community consultation they have completed during the last year. They are now finalising their submission and we look forward to successful implementation. Likewise, the Council continues to support The Whittington and Fisherwick Good Neighbour Scheme which has made such a difference to the lives of so many in our community. Add to these is the excellent work that WFEG have undertaken to improve the village environment and are continuing to do so. The Council has representatives on all of these groups. Other events we have supported this year include the Pensioners Party, Carols around the Christmas Tree, Service of Remembrance. We are particularly grateful to John and Rosemary Smith for their work with the pensioners Party and the service of Remembrance; to Sara and Richard Dyott for the Christmas tree; to the Village Hall and the Reverend Jason Phillips for Carols around the tree. All organised by volunteers alongside support from the Paris Council. The council also supports the excellent work done by the Whittington Woodlands group every month in maintain our lovely wooded area. The allotments continue to thrive and have some plots available for rent if you are interested. We are grateful for the work the management group does to ensure this facility is maintained and productive. Swan Park gate opening and closing has been efficiently organised by a team of Swan Croft residents.
Once again because of the continued success, despite the weather, of the wonderful Countryside Fair in 2016 we were able in to give grants to support Village organisations.
The Council has upgraded and revamped the Connect magazine with help from our sponsors and the unrelenting efforts of our two councillor editors. The website has also been upgraded and updated. Leaflets on key issues have been inserted into the Connect so that all members of the community are kept informed on issues that might affect us all.
None of the areas that have been highlighted in this report could have been achieved if we did not have such a group of dedicated Councillors that willingly give of their time and skills for the benefit of the rest of us. However, in the background, is Janine Arm our Clerk who guides and supports us all. I would also wish to recognise the work done by Steve Kirk in maintaining and mending and building things throughout the Parishes.
I use this opportunity to say thank you to a remarkable Team of volunteers.
The report had been circulated prior to the meeting and was accepted.
4. Charity Trust Report.
Mr Steve Adams had attended the meeting in his role at the CEO of Staffordshire Community Foundation Trust (SCEF) to give an update on the former Whittington Poor Fund Charity. He explained about some of the background with SCEF assisting with advice, governance and management of the charity to maximise public benefit. Financially, £490,000 was in the fund in August 2016 and at 31st March, had pleasingly risen to over £554,000, an 11.4% growth.
Grants of £12,150 had been awarded and the next round was due in June 2017. Applications were invited from those that met the qualification criteria. There had been some changes, with a Donor Advisor planning to leave, Cllr J. Smith appointed as the Council representative and opening up the charity to applications, rather than nominations as before. These changes had been undertaken after consideration to ensure the relevance and suitability of the use of the charitable funds.
There was a question and answer session where it was explained that the charity aims for a 5% return and to donate up to that amount to keep the capital intact for future use. Mr Adams was thanked for his attendance and presentation.
5. Open Forum.
There were no matters raised.
Cllr Bennett thanked all those present for attending and closed the meeting at 7.35pm.
CHAIRMAN ……………………………………………… Dated: ……………………………