Prerequisite: English 10
Teacher: Mrs. Arver
Credit Information: English 11 is a one-credit required course.
Objectives for English 11:
The focus of the thematic units in English 11 is on transformational thinking. It is designed to help students learn how to make informed decisions, plan for the future, demonstrate open mindedness, invent new opportunities, and seek wisdom in appropriate places. Students will be exposed to various texts and write many different types of expository and creative pieces.
You, as a student of English 11, will:
- Meet all course objectives and master all Common Core Readiness (CCR) content area standards appropriate to English 11.
- Submit at least five expository papers (with all required components).
- Complete and submit one research paper with all required components (i.e. outline, thesis, works consulted, notecards, etc.).
- Maintain a writing journal (includes vocabulary, practice ACT writing prompts, discussion starters, and reader response entries.)
- Read at least two outside book each marking period. Book reports (one formal presentation and one alternative) are expected for these books. A suggested book/author list will be provided for those who desire recommendations and/or guidance.
- Study for and successfully complete vocabulary, reading,and writing exercises for eachunit.
- Complete all ACT practice writing and English practice exercises.
- For each unit in English 11, you will be expected to analyze and synthesize ancillary short stories, poems or expository and nonfiction articles for class discussion.
I, as a teacher of English 11, will:
1.Communicate expectations, goals and objectives clearly. I expect you to learn and I will help you reach the goals (both classroom and personal) of the class.
2.Be flexible, fair and fun. I will be open to new ideas.
3.Return and grade assignments as quickly as possible.
- Be kind, helpful, caring and respect each student.
- Provide consequences when necessary
Redo’s and Extra Credit:
- Extra credit will not be utilized on a regular basis and only those students who have handed in ALL regular work will be able to receive any extra credit points.
- Due dates for assignments, tests and quizzes will be posted regularly. Redo’s for most major assignments are accepted with ORIGINAL GRADED ASSIGNMENT AND RUBRIC attached. This is to ensure master of CCR standards.
Plagiarism/Cheating Clause:
In English class, we write and we write a lot. Unfortunately, there are times when some students may be tempted to take shortcuts. Don't do it. I want to assess your writing and work and no one else's. You cannot learn to write effectively or develop your own style and skills if you copy someone else's writing or ideas. The point of writing in English class is that you learn to write and communicate better - you cannot do that if you don’t WRITE and continue writing, thus improving your skills as you do so.
Plagiarism is defined as a piece of writing or answers that have been copied from someone else and are presented as being your own work - it is taking and presenting someone's words or ideas as if they were your own. This includes any thing found and copied (or cut and pasted) from books, magazines, journals, the internet, another student, or any other source. This also includes “resubmitting” writing assignments of your own from past years or classes. This practice is considered to be duplicate submission and constitutes academic misconduct.
Your work should be your own. For any student caught in the act of plagiarism or cheating, a parent contact will be made, and the handbook policy will be followed in regard to referrals and discipline. If the plagiarism occurs on a mandatory major writing assignment, you will be required to complete the writing assignment without plagiarism in order to have the chance to pass the marking period and achieve mastery of the CCR standards.
Grading Procedures:
~~A grade for English 3 will be broken down into 3 parts: 80% of your grade will be summative assessments of the CCR content area standards for English 3 (tests, writing assignments, projects, etc.). 15 % of your grade will be made up of formative assessments (practice, drafting, homework relating to standards). 5% of your grade is made up other miscellaneous assignments we deem necessary for success – this 5% is practice in skills that will help you succeed in life (i.e. employability skills, participation, etc.)
~~All writing assignments (as well as some other standards based assignments) will be graded on a 4 point scale, which will be explained in class and can be found on the website. ***All writing assignments must be completed satisfactorily to earn credit for English 3.
marking period #1 (nine weeks) = 2/5 of semester grade
marking period #2 (nine weeks)= 2/5 of semester grade
semester final (if applicable)= 1/5 of semester grade
100.1 + above = A+
93.0% - 100% = A73.0% - 76.9% = C
90.0% - 92.9% = A-70.0% - 72.9% = C-
87.0% - 89.9% = B+67.0% - 69.9% = D+
83.0% - 86.9% = B63.0% - 66.9% = D
80.0% - 82.9% = B-60.0% - 62.9% = D-
77.0% - 79.9% = C+59.9% - 0.00% = E
Readings for English 11 will be taken from, but not limited to, the following list:
Hamlet – William Shakespeare
“A Modest Proposal” – Jonathan Swift
“Essay on Man” – Alexander Pope
Animal Dreams – Barbara Kingsolver
Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
The Scarlet Letter – Nathanial Hawthorne
The Chosen –Chaim Potok
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Nonfiction articles and short stories from the anthology titled The Short Story
Survivor stories from Briar Rose, Maus,Forgotten Fire, Kite Runner, and Sorceress