Name: Conway Grade/Subject:BandWeek of: Sept 16-20 WEEK 7

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Standard / 2.2 Produce a characteristic quality of sound performing a varied repertoire of music.
2.3 Demonstrate and apply correct technique on one’s instrument performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.4 Demonstrate and apply correct pitch, intonation, and rhythm performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.5 Produce musicality through style, dynamic control, tempo variation, and phrasing while
performing a varied repertoire of music / 2.2 Produce a characteristic quality of sound performing a varied repertoire of music.
2.3 Demonstrate and apply correct technique on one’s instrument performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.4 Demonstrate and apply correct pitch, intonation, and rhythm performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.5 Produce musicality through style, dynamic control, tempo variation, and phrasing while
performing a varied repertoire of music / 2.2 Produce a characteristic quality of sound performing a varied repertoire of music.
2.3 Demonstrate and apply correct technique on one’s instrument performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.4 Demonstrate and apply correct pitch, intonation, and rhythm performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.5 Produce musicality through style, dynamic control, tempo variation, and phrasing while
performing a varied repertoire of music / 2.2 Produce a characteristic quality of sound performing a varied repertoire of music.
2.3 Demonstrate and apply correct technique on one’s instrument performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.4 Demonstrate and apply correct pitch, intonation, and rhythm performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.5 Produce musicality through style, dynamic control, tempo variation, and phrasing while
performing a varied repertoire of music / 2.2 Produce a characteristic quality of sound performing a varied repertoire of music.
2.3 Demonstrate and apply correct technique on one’s instrument performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.4 Demonstrate and apply correct pitch, intonation, and rhythm performing a varied
Repertoire of music.
2.5 Produce musicality through style, dynamic control, tempo variation, and phrasing while
performing a varied repertoire of music
Learning Goal / I can play correct tempos with being in step / I can play the right notes in Goldfinger and Live and Let Die / I can play my music with all the correct musical qualities. / I can play the following 5 pep songs in the line up. / I can play the whole show
Activator / Review video of Friday.
Find good things and bad, discuss.
Make a plan to fix, review my notes / Give new warm up sheets to sections.
Do sectionals on assigned portions, sectionals on goldfinger / 1 1:50 Set up chair, get instrument out (PERCUSSION SET UP)
2.1:55 Warm up on long tones, breathing, posture check / 1 1:50 Set up chair, get instrument out (PERCUSSION SET UP)
2.1:55 Warm up on long tones, breathing, posture check / 1 1:50 Set up chair, get instrument out (PERCUSSION SET UP)
2.1:55 Warm up on long tones, breathing, posture check
  • live and let die
  • rhythm in Trumpets in skyfall
  • Use Metronome for all
  • Use marking time for all
  • Review pep and teach get lucky
13.3:10 put equipment away / 2:30 REHEARSE CURRENT PIECES AS FULL BAND
  • live and let die
  • rhythm in Trumpets in skyfall
  • rework opener for on field pregame
13.3:10 put equipment away / Run through:
Show music
Individual playing tests on opener or skyfall / 2:30 REHEARSE NEW PEP MUSIC
Da butt
Blurred lines
11. SECTIONALS on live and let die
13.3:10 put equipment away / 2:30 REHEARSE CURRENT PIECES AS FULL BAND
  • live and let die
  • goldfinger
  • opener
  • skyfall
  • all pep
13.3:10 put equipment away
Summarizer / Final run throughs / Final run throughs / Playing tests / Final run throughs / Final run throughs