POL 105Week 63 Oct 98
- Seven Factors Linked to the Outbreak of War
- Overview
- Military Strength
- Misperception & Deception
- Internal Unity and discord of enemy
- Forgetting the Costs and Bloodiness of War
- Economic Prosperity & Economic Ability to wage war
- Nationalism and Ideology
- Personality & Qualities of Leaders
- Military Strength – Power
- Balance of Power Theory
- balance leads to stability (peace), imbalance leads to war
- alliances -- poles
- flexible alliance in multi-polar system
- stable alliances in a bi-polar system
- Balance of Terror – Deterrence Theory
- deterrence v. defence
- Nuclear proliferation
- Power Transition Theory
- hegemon & challenger
- capabilities and internal rates of growth
- measuring power
- Tax efficiency
- Extractive capacity of the state
- Allocative efficiency
- power transitions
- conflictual
- peaceful
4. Overview
measuring power
conventional capabilities (troops, expenditures)
nuclear capabilities
- Perception, Misperception & Deception
- Predicting others’ behavior
- How will the enemy respond to my actions?
- How will third parties respond?
- Will countries join or stay out of the war?
- If they join, what side will they choose?
- Security dilemma – prisoners’ dilemma
cooperate / defect
Cooperate / 3
3 / 4
Defect / 1
4 / 2
- Misperception
- plethora of information
- signals v. noise
signal – intended action
noise – irrelevant or inconsistent information
- cry wolf – Pearl Harbor
- tendency to see what you expect
- Deception
- Operation Barbarosa, WWII, June 1941
- Stalin’s assumptions
- German invasion Spring 1942
two fronts
- West wanted Soviets in war early
- Ultimatum would proceed invasion
- Stalin’s mistakes
- troop movements – thought it was a German trick
- ignored British warnings of attack
- Problems of misperception and deception
- missing data is crucial
- foreign affairs never isolated from domestic
- analysts must make assumptions
- assumptions are often necessary
- frequently indisputable
- different analysts different assumptions
- different countries different assumptions
- foreign policy questions
- how much do I know?
- How much does my enemy know?
- What does he know that I do not know?
- How do I know that what I know is not simply what he wants me to know?
D. Internal Unity and Discord of the Enemy
- civil discord, unrest & vulnerability
- internationalizing civil conflict
E. Memory or the forgetfulness about the costs of war
- once a generation explanation
- planning for the last war
F. Prosperity & War
- economic ability to wage war
–lack of war during bad economic times
–war during economic growth
- economy serves as a constraint on war rather than a cause
- liberal peace
trade and peace
the McDonald’s Peace
G. Nationalism & Ideology
- Nationalism promotes an “us” v. “them” mentality
- The notion of “dying for one’s country”
- Ideology of war / Ideology of peace
H. Personality & Qualities of Leaders
- personal experiences of leader
- link between leaders & ideology
II. War by Accident?
- War is intentional
7 factors above all presume intentional actions
option of capitulation or surrender
- War by accident?
- spiral of misperception
escalating security dilemma
link to signals & noise
- launch on warning policies
- early warning indicators and nuclear war
- accidents avoided
flock of geese
simulation tape
Norwegian atmospheric rocket