DelamereOutdoor Wedding Receptions KPIs
2017 Key Performance Indicators – DelamereOutdoor Wedding Receptions
These Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) along with the Management Regulations will form part of the Licence and will be used to monitor DelamereOutdoor Wedding Receptions performance against the Forestry Commission’s expectations.
These KPIs will form the basis of a standardised review process. The review will take place on an annual basis by 30 November
Each KPI will be scored 1-5 (where 1=unacceptable; 2=requires improvement; 3=acceptable; 4=good; 5=exceeds expectation)
If a Licensee scores 1 or 2 on a KPI, they must work with the FC site contact or other representative to improve their standards within an agreed period of time. If the score does not improve to 3 or above within that period of time, then the FC reserves the right to revoke the licence (see licence section 8).
These KPIs will be reviewed regularly and may be adapted or amended with consent of the Licensee, such consent is not to be unreasonable withheld.
Ref / Objective / How the objective will be measured / Score(1-4) / Comments / Corrective Action Required / timescale for action
1 / Finance and administration
1.1 / Bookings to be made at least 6 weeks before the start of an individual event. / FC site contact observations when taking bookingand annual review
1.2 / Deposit will be the site fee for a one day event or the first day’s site fee for a multi-day event. / FC site contact observations when taking booking and annual review
1.3 / Invoices to be paid with 30 days / FC internal system in place to manage this
2 / Licences and insurances
2.1 / All licences, permits and consents need to be in place before the start of any event. / Produced before each event/reception/celebration and then reviewed annually
2.2 / All insurances need to be in place and presented to the FC site contact before the start of any event and cover the length of the event. / Produced before first event/reception/celebration and then annually reviewed
2.3 / Full compliance with any noise level or other curfew conditions agreed with the licensing authority and with the FC / Reports of non-compliance and periodic monitoring
3 / Site use and equipment
3.1 / Only designated areas are used - see appendix 1Site Plan in the licence. / FC staffs observations and annual review
3.2 / During the event the site and surrounding area should be well maintained, tidy and free from rubbish, clutter and hazards. / FC staff observations during the event
3.3 / Waste management – waste and refuse procedures should not present any hazards. Recycling should be a part of this process. The FC is committed to IS14001 and the Licensee should ensure they uphold these principles for waste management and removal. / FC staff observations during and after each event.
Annual review
3.4 / Event/reception/celebration is limited to maximum numbers and adequate staffing and security in place. / FC staffs observations and annual review
3.5 / All infrastructure and equipment (including but not limited to marquees, toilets, catering unit) must be visually well presented an in a well maintained, clean and tidy and be specifically constructed or professionally adapted for purpose. / FC staffs observations and annual review
4 / Health and safety
4.1 / Risk assessments and method statements must in place for all aspects of the licence and stay in date for the length of the event. / Produced on request and at annual reviews.
4.2 / All staff and contractors must be competent and appropriately trained in the respect of the risk assessments and safe working methods and have access to relevant information that they may require. / Ask staff on spot checks. Request certificates and training records at the start of event. Annual review.
4.3 / Accident reporting and RIDDOR systems in place.An accident book is available and all staff know its location.Licensee must inform the FC of any significant accidents immediately and any other accidents within 24 hrs. / Review accident book at annual review.
4.4 / Emergency Procedures, spillage and First Aid procedures in place.
Site emergency procedures copy held and staff understand site roles and responsibilities in the event of an emergency.
Training records should demonstrate that an appropriate number of staff are first aid trained and there should be at least one trained member of staff on site at all times. / Review training records at start of Licence and at annual review
5 / Marketing and promotion
Marketing and promotionis as per the management regulations.
- Name must include the word woodland or forest
- Web presence
- Marketing ‘tools’ (leaflets, signage etc)
- Social media
Venue on site. / FC staff to monitor throughout the year on site/off site and on line. Request numbers using Licenced venue. Annual review
6 / Performance and satisfaction
6.1 / Business performance – keep information to be able to rank performance against previous years. This will assist with support from the FC where possible and show the business is financially sound and developing. / Annual review
6.2 / The Licensee should have a customer satisfaction comments and complaints procedure in place. All customer complaints and satisfaction comments should be addressed whether they are negative or positive. They should also promote to the customer that their comments make a difference. Licensee must inform the FC of any complaints within 7 days. Any complaints regarding any issue with the FC should be passed on within 24 hours. / FC staff to monitor social media.
Annual review.
7 / Working relationships
7.1 / Working relationships with the FC and other site businesses are positive, add to the overall development of the site and the customer experience. / FC staff observations during and after each event.
Annual review
1 | KPIs | Alison Leyshon | 10/24/2018