SWAN Advisory: Discovery and User Experience (DUX)

Thursday, September 28, 2017


1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Quail Ridge Conference Room

1.  Welcome, introductions, and designate scribe

2.  Meeting dates and times for 2018
extend existing schedule to 2018 (Nov-Dec, cancel Nov 9th and have a recap after Nov 1 meeting); October 26 is a conference call. December 14th 1:30-3:30

4th Thursday of the month

3.  eRC Usage and impact on Enterprise harvests
Overdrive is almost all add, very limited withdrawal; Hoopla does many and frequent adds; are MyMediaMall adding often; very fluid sometimes within a half hour new titles are available in interface.

Is eRC worth the trouble? It is a good discovery tool but that can also cause confusion to patrons who thought they checked out on one platform other than another. Sometimes it is a great first stop/discussion point.

BlueCloud Central shows usage for the entire consortium – since first enabled ~18,000 downloads. Instruct patrons to go to the platform to access the title.

Molly volunteers to collect BlueCloud data.

If you have already downloaded the apps, the app should launch directly from the “download” button.

More troubleshooting calls from patrons using the apps directly.

Testing of https://swanlibtst.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/tpsdev

RSA test: https://alsi.sdp.sirsi.net/client/MortonPLD

Need to export and send csv to libraries monthly. Can we send to ESS, DGS, TPS, INS for review. [Can we get eRC stats pulled into BCA?]

Ask Kendal about customizations for eBooks in Enterprise.

Can we tell how many people are using Eisenhower’s Enterprise and changing the selection scope.

4.  Dia de los DUX

a.  Schedule changes

b.  Decide on presentations

c.  Marketing/PR plan

Schedule for Nov 1 conference. Consider some presentation with some time one-on-one with DUX; The agenda could support 3 unique sessions.

5.  Strings roundup

a.  10-Second Surveys

Joseph will send a list of these 10-second surveys to continue progress and quick decisions. Patron experience of Blu-Ray/DVD experience. Reconsidering splitting those and instead treating as a serial or multi-volume set. What is the issue currently with placing holds on combo box? Problem of patron placing hold on wrong format has significantly decreased.

Consider asking a support site survey

b.  Rooms

Not offering Rooms training as originally planned. Instead we will highlight what changes can be made. Look at Eisenhower profile for rooms config.

c.  Synonym List testing

Make sure that it is working. Gray and grey search (tps) Amelia Gray and Dorian Grey. Check in test Enterprise – Grey anatomy vs Grey’s anatomy shows that “’s” does not match in the synonym.

d.  Requests in Enterprise

Requests module in workflow doesn’t show which library made the request. Recent upgrade resolved this problem, but there are some inconsistencies. It is also possible to originate requests from within Workflows. You can change Service library.

e.  Article Search/OpenAthens/EBSCOadmin training

EBSCO has made themselves available to us for webinars and additional support and Joseph will coordinate with our EBSCO trainer.

AUTHOR in checkout history – last Enterprise update AUTHOR was removed. Need to upgrade Web Services. Patrons want the ability to be able to delete items in their history. Want to be able to import/export reading history into Circ history.

Enterprise searching across LINC/MAGIC/SWAN testing will be important for DUX to assist in the configuration of SWAN Enterprise post-migration. DUX have been asked to submit common searches likely to be conducted by patrons to guide comparison and configuration of Enterprise.

6.  General discussion of relevant topics

a.  New Topics?

b.  Next meeting: October 26, 1:30 – 3:30pm – Joseph will email conference # for anyone who doesn’t want to come to QR

DUX Representatives 2017

Sharon Hrycewicz, Downers Grove
/ Diana Rusch, Tinley Park

Graham Dostal, Tinley Park
/ Greg Hunt

Molly Bitters, Eisenhower
/ Dave Pacin, SWAN

Tony Lucarelli, Indian Prairie
/ Lauren Levaggi, SWAN

Angela Romano, Oak Lawn
/ Joseph Miller, SWAN

Madeleine Belk, Tinley Park
mbelk@tplibrary / Scott Brandwein, SWAN

Frank Murray, Brookfield
/ Dawne Tortorella, SWAN

Susan DeRonne
/ Aaron Skog, SWAN