Horseman's AssociationWestern Hudson Valley Professional
Monday July 10, 2017
Location – Jody’s house
The meeting was called to order at 5:48 pm by Jody Moraski, President opening and presiding.
Terry Karlewicz Vanessa KarlewiczDiane Hatt
Jody Moraski Brad WhitmireAnnette Mohr
Danielle Moraraski Denise DahmsGary Clark
1.)Minutes– The minutes from the meeting held on June 5, 2017 were passed around for reviewing. Members were afforded the opportunity to address any item in the minutes that they felt should or needed to becorrected.
Motion #1 DianeHatt made a motion to accept the minutes as printed.
Motion #2 BradWhitmire seconded the motion
Vote - Yes by all present
Motion passed
2.)Financial Report- Denise reviewed the Profit and Loss Statement. As of June 30, 2017 there was
$5,402.34 checking account
$58,245.56 Vanguard Account.
Profit & Loss statement January – June 2017
Total Membership Fees $1,630
Total Host Farm HS Entries $3,970 TOTAL INCOME: $5,600.00
Bank fee $2.50
Charities Bureau $50
Great American Insurance $500
Org Pro Support $700
Points Keeper Data Entry $685
Banquet Expense (misc) $78.98 TOTAL EXPENSES: $2,016.48
Net Profit: $3,583.52
Motion #1 Annette Mohr made a motion to accept the profit and Loss Statement
Motion #2 Jody Moraski seconded the motion
Vote - Yes by all present
Motion passed
3.) Subcommittee Updates -
- HORSESHOW Committee: will review revised horseshow rulebook at next meeting. Changes should reflect notes from Feb 6 meeting.
- ETHICS Committee: n/a
- BANQUET Committee: n/a
- FINANCE Committee: n/a
- ENDOWMENT Committee: n/a
- WEBSITE Committee: n/a
- JUNIOR Committee: Deanna Pratt is stepping down off of the committee due to moving out of the area, Danielle Moraski is now the chairman. She will take the lead on recruiting junior members and creating dates & clinicians for both a judging and riding clinic this fall/winter.
- FINALS HORSE SHOW Committee:n/a
4.) New Business –
- 2017-2018 WHVPHA Dates
September 23 Brookedge
October 1 WHVPHA Finals at Gardnertown
21 MiraBella
27, 28, 29 PHA Nationals
November 5 Banquet
19 Willow Hill
26 Gardnertown
December n/a
January 7 Gardnertown
February 25 Willow Hill
March 11 Greystone
April 8 Willow Hill
15 MiraBella
22 Gardnertown
29 Lucky C
May 12 Greystone
19 Brookedge
27 Seven Meadows
June 3 Lucky C
10 Willow Hill
16 Greystone
24 Crystal Water
July 1 Lucky C
8 Seven Meadows
14 Crystal Water
22 Gardnertown
29 MiraBella
August 4 Brookedge
12 Crystal Water
26 Greystone
- Jody’s student is above age for leadline but is not a member nor becoming one so we agreed its ok to allow them to continue in that division.
- Annette recommended reviewing all host farm prizelists to detect & correct possible errors to eliminate confusion. In particular, Lucky C’s mini stirrup divisions were brought up. They currently offer two mini stirrup divisions at their shows….1.) W/T with groundpoles & 2.) W/T/C with xrails. It was agreed upon that Lucky C should make their WHVPHA point class in the W/T groundpole section of mini stirrup.
Agreed upon change: Revise the specs of our WHVPHA Mini Stirrup division to say – “Open to riders who have not cantered nor jumped bigger than a groundpole at a show.”
Annette & Danielle approve this change on behalf of the Horse Show committee.
- New rules and guidelines should be updated monthly on the website & rulebook per our minutes.
- Its recommended to get a cash receipt book to record cash at horseshows to offer people recipt of payment.
5.) Old Business –
- Reccommended horse show prices were discussed again.
NEW RULE: There is a cap of $30 for all regular & whvpha classes offered at host farm shows. It is however, recommended to charge $25 regular class, $30 whvpha class, $40 M&S classes.
Motion #1: Annette made a motion to accept the new rule
Motion #2: Denise seconded the motion
Vote: yes by all present
Motion passed
Our next meeting will be held at 6:30pm on July 31, 2017 at Denny’s in Middletown.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Vanessa Karlewicz, Secretary