NW Center Managers Conference Call
April 2, 2010
In attendance:
Katie (BFZ), Coral (for Sherry—EIC), Bob (JDC), Tom (MIC), Kris (for Renae—BMC), Becky (ROD), Ken (WSA), Rette (NEC), PSC, Dan, Dave, Kathi, Dolly.
Basic Rules of Order: Speak with respect and intention; silence is tacit agreement. If you have something to say speak up.
Dan opened with a few words on the nature of NW CMAC (to borrow Jada’s acronym): The group is not exclusive to Center Mgrs, though CM’s are voting members. Communication between CM and his/her staff is critical to the group functioning as it should. The group is to remain strategic, dealing with issues of overall governance and process as opposed to matters internal to an individual dispatch center.
Three proposals were put to the group:
- Dave Quinn, being the NWCC Ops Mgr, would be a voting member of the group in order to give the NWCC Logistics Coordinator a direct voice to the CMs.
- Dan O’Brien would take a step back from the group, acting as facilitator, informal liaison with PNWCG, and functioning much as a “president of the Senate” to break logjams in decision-making.
- The CMs would convene a monthly conference call, different from the daily/weekly GACC call, to discuss strategic matters and improve communication between centers.
A round-robin was conducted, asking attendees to affirm/decline the proposals and to offer up statements that embodied a vision/purpose for NW CMAC:
Proposals: All proposals were unanimously affirmed by the group.
Statements include:
- Build efficiency w/dispatch processes and develop a system to mentor new talent.
- Organized approach to address issues.
- Forum to meld interagency concerns.
- Better organization.
- Coordinated interagency approach to dispatch issues.
- Forum for an exchange of ideas; improve cooperation and coordination.
Katie McConnell was nominated and affirmed as NW CMAC chair.
RenaeCrippen was nominated and affirmed as vice-chair.
Chartering of NW CMAC:
An executive committee was formed to draft the group’s charter and strategic intent. The members include Katie, Renae, Rette, Tom, Dan O’Brien. The group will have a conference call later this month.
Thanks to all and close call.