The Historical Figure Home Page Project
In modern society, every big celebrity has a web page. Whether it’s President Obama, Miley Cyrus, or even Mr. Dees, you’re not a big deal unless you have a place of your own on the internet. However, when we look back on the ancient empires of civilization, these great leaders and cultures sadly do not have a web page of their own. I would argue that it’s because they’re lazy, while you may argue that it’s because they’re dead. Tomato, to-ma-to. So, in order to help these people get the publicity they deserve, you’re being called into action.
The Task: Create a web page for a historicalleader or person from any of the civilizations that we have studied in the 1st quarter.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You are NOT actually creating a web page, you are merely making a design of what you would want the page to look like.
But, Mr. Dees, oh what do I do??
1. You will create a design of the front page, whether on the computer or hand-drawn (I think hand-drawn is much easier). On this front page, there should be a PICTURE, some basic introductory text, and a toolbar/sidebar of links for this home page.
2. You will then take THREE of your toolbar links and write the text for that section. The text for each of these sections should be in the range of 1 page each. You can also include pictures in this section if you desire. Some possible ideas for toolbar links are:
AccomplishmentsFriendsMy Civilization/Where I Live
Failures/Regrets??EnemiesSomething else you think of
Famous Quotes or WritingsPhoto Gallery (w/text)
Feel free to run your ideas by Mr. Dees to see if it will work
3. The THREE toolbar links should have a direct correlation to the person and should be historically accurate. If you want to create a 4th link with something funny or clever or just plain ridiculous, you may do so and if it’s really good, bonus may be awarded.
4. The point of this project is to be creative with a historical figure from the past. So, feel free to let your ideas go wild; just be sure that you include the required information.
5. The design and text sections will be turned in on FRIDAY OCTOBER 23rd!!!!!!
If you have any questions, just ask or email me. ENJOY!!!!