Choreographed by: Terry Hogan, Brisbane, Australia. Nov 1998

Description: 32 count, 2 walls, Intermediate

Starting position: Feet together, start after 16 counts with the vocals

Suggested Music: “Wine,Women and Song” by Patty Loveless

Dance sheet provided by: Apache Rebels Linedance Company. W.A.


1Step R foot to the R side

2 & 3Kick L foot across in front of R, step L foot to the L side, step R foot in place

& 4Step in place L,R (use balls of feet)

5,6Kick L foot across in front of R, step L foot to the L side


& 8Step R foot slightly backward, step L foot fwd

9Step R foot fwd

10,11Step L foot fwd, make ¼ pivot turn transferring weight to R foot

12 & 13Step L foot across in front of R, step R to the R side, step L foot across in front of R (cross shuffle)

14,15Rock-step R foot to the R side, rock-replace weight onto L

16Step R foot fwd

17,18Rock-step L foot fwd, rock backward onto R

19 & 20Shuffle backward LRL

21,22Step backward R, L making a full turn R using both counts (toward 9 o’clock)

23 & 24Make ¼ turn R on ball of L foot and shuffle to the R side RLR

25,26Step L foot fwd, make ¼ pivot turn R transferring weight to R foot

27,28Rock-step L foot fwd, rock backward onto R foot

& 29Make ½ turn L on ball of R foot, step L foot fwd (toward 3 o’clock)

& 30Using R foot to push make ¼ turn L (paddle turn)

& 31 & 32Repeat previous count “& 30” twice to total ¾ turn L

*counts “2-6” and “30-32” are intended to echo the Honkey Tonk piano, so they should be sharp and light – definitely no stomps

All enquiries please contact Sindy

Mobile: 0413 270 004

Home: (08) 9490 7050

Fax: (08) 9490 5430
