- Name of the conservation / protected area
- Country
- Date of establishment of the conservation / protected area
- Location [GPS coordinates]
- IUCN protected area management category
- WDPA ID number (see
- Name and affiliation of the person responsible for registering for CA|TS
- Contact details (address, email, phone etc)
- Is there a project or partner working with the conservation / protected area on CA|TS? (please provide details)
- CA|TS is aimed at conservation / protected areas which have tiger conservation as a target and value. Please provide brief answers (maximum 100 words) to the following questions:
10a. What are the objectives of the conservation / protected area?
10b. What is the area (in km2)?
10c. Give details (or provide maps) of management zones (e.g. core, buffer, tourism, community use), adjoining protected areas and/or zones which are also habitat for tigers
- The basic information source to determine the justification for a CA|TS assessment is an existing site-level management effectiveness evaluation (MEE) e.g. METT, Indian MME TR, Enhancing our Heritage
11a. Which MEE system/s have been used in the conservation / protected area and when?
11b. Please attached or provide link to download the MEE report(s)
- Iftigers are present in the conservation areas. Please provide brief answers (maximum 100 words) to the following questions:
12 a. What is the estimated current tiger population and/or tiger density (e.g. number of tigers per 100km2)?
12 b. Is there evidence of breeding in the last five years?
12 c. Is the population trend stable, increasing or decreasing?
- For sites which currently do not have viable tiger populations. Please provide brief answers (maximum 100 words) to the following questions:
13a. Why is the area considered suitable to restore a viable tiger population?
13b. What actions are being taken to restore tiger populations (please provide plan)?
- What is the total number of staff on the area?
- How many staff engaged in protection?
- What is the annual budget of the area?
By completing and signing this form as the official representative of the conservation / protected area you are registering the site for CA|TS and hereby agree to work towards achieving CA|TS Approved status
Signature: / Date:
Once the site has been registered for CA|TS it will be listed on the CA|TS website (see: please therefore also provide an image that best describes your site, in JPEG format. Thank you