Lone Worker Policy______
This document should be read in conjunction with the Health and Safety Policy of The Academy of Learning.
There is nothing to say that people cannot work alone; however, because there are specific risks associated with Lone Working, the Directors of The Academy of Learning have produced a Lone Worker Policy which will be discussed with those affected in line with the provisions of the Health and Safety Policy.
Who are Lone Workers?
Lone workers are any person who works unsupervised; this means that an employee or an associate trainer can be in a room full of people at a venue other than Academy of Learning and be a Lone Worker. They can also be:
· A person working on their own in the office premises during normal office hours
· A person working on their own in the office premises outside normal office hours
· A person working from home
· A person working in a training venue away from the office
Controlling the Risk
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require a suitable and sufficient risk assessment of all activities undertaken by the employer for it’s Associates and Staff, including the specific hazards that Lone Workers are exposed to. Such assessments will include:
· Can one person adequately control the risks of the job? e.g. fire, equipment failure, illness and accidents.
· Does the workplace present a special risk to the Lone worker e.g. isolated sites, sites in high risk areas, sites that are dangerous of themselves e.g. working on container ships
· Is there a safe way in and out for one person?
· Can temporary access equipment e.g. ladders be safely handled by one person?
· Can all equipment, substances and goods involved be safely handled by one person?
· Does the work involve lifting objects too large for one person?
· Is there a risk of violence?
· Are women especially at risk if they work alone?
· Are young workers at risk if they work alone?
· Is the person medically fit to work alone?
· What training would be required to ensure competency in safety matters for Lone Workers?
· How will the Lone Worker be supervised?
· What should happen if the Lone Worker becomes ill or has an accident?
Associate trainers are advised that if this assessment has not been carried out they should do a self assessment when working alone.
The Directors will discuss the finding of the risk assessments with those affected by them.
Requirements for Lone Workers
Lone workers must be suitably experienced and have received adequate instructions and training on the risks they are exposed to and the control measures to be used.
Safety Guidance for Associates and Staff travelling to and from clients wok place or assessment site.
The procedure defines the safety precautions that Associates and Staff should follow when travelling to and from clients work place or assessment site. Associates and Staff should not work alone in a Learners home.
1. A risk assessment is carried out on the premises. Any Hazard which could affect the Associates and Staff safety while working alone will be communicated to the Associate/Staff member.
2. Associates and Staff should not carry large sums of money when working alone
3. Associates and Staff should avoid working late or alone but if necessary they will be provided with an out of hours contact number which must be carried on their person at all times.
4. Associates and Staff using their own vehicles as transportation are to ensure that the vehicle is insured for business use. A copy of the insurance should be carried by the Associate together with a valid driving licence.
1. When driving to a new appointment, study a map or get directions before setting off i.e. plan the best route to take.
2. Do not use a mobile phone whilst driving, pull over into a safe parking place.
3. Always wear a seat belt and drive taking into account speed limits and weather conditions.
4. Always park in safe well-lit areas.
5. Lock doors, both when driving and when you leave your vehicle
6. Do not leave valuables in a vehicle. Place then out of sight.
7. Ensure that your insurance is valid and up to date.
8. Keep your vehicle serviced at the appropriate times. Ensure that your tyres are in good order and always have a safe amount of fuel in the vehicle.
9. Walk purposefully and confidently. Look as you know where you are going.
10. Carry a safety alarm and keep it in your hand if working alone especially at night.
11. Carry your car keys when returning to your vehicle
12. Don’t sit in your car even with your doors locked. Drive away as soon as possible.
13. When working out of hours please text the number provided to confirming you have arrived at and left the place of work.
Signed Director
Date updated:
Academy of Learning Ltd. Relevant Management and Team Development. www.academyoflearning.co.uk.
Tel: 01279 311492.