Phoenix College
Spring 2016
Course: ARH102/SUN#ART1102: Renaissance through Modern Art
Section: 18492 Room: ART119 Meeting Time: MW 8:30-9:45AM
Instructor: Ms. Pamela Reed Office Number: ART 227/ 285-7279
E-mail address:
Office Hours: MTWR 7:30 – 8:30 AM. Other times by appointment.
Book: Gardner's Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective Vol. II, 15th Ed.
by Kleiner (Any edition will most likely work for you). I seriously suggest you find an older edition – not much is changed. I am willing to help you make even the 11th edition work.
Course Description: Survey of the development of European art from the Renaissance though Modern times. (Any edition will most likely work for you)
Prerequisites: None
This class will hold four examinations of the material presented from your book, lecture, printed information or videos. Each examination will be worth 100 points. There will be self-assessment quizzes during the semester. These will not be included in your grade but may significantly improve your ability to do well in this class. The fourth test (comprehensive) will be given during final exam week. It is described below.
3rd EXAM DATE: Wednesday 4 May 2016 at 8:30-9:45 AM
COMPREHENSIVE DATE: Wednesday 11 May 2016 at 8:30-9:45 AM
For those members who miss a test, a comprehensive final will be given on 11May 2016 and will serve as your make up exam. Other members of the class (who did not miss any tests) may take the comprehensive final for extra credit points. I strongly urge every person to take the comprehensive test. Each question is worth one point extra credit and I do not deduct points if you select the wrong answer.
Each test day, you will need a scan tron. They are purchased in the bookstore. You will need two (2) for this semester. You will also need a no. 2 pencil. Mechanical pencils do not work well. On test day, the scan tron and pencil are your ticket into class. Without them, you cannot enter. The door will be locked 5 minutes after the start of class. You may not enter after that time. Cheating will not be tolerated. All phones must to turned off and put away during the exam otherwise you risk being given a zero for the test.
It is my wish that students achieve their goal in this class. Therefore, to insure the good grade you all desire, attend all class sessions on time. If you miss more than two sessions, you can be withdrawn. If you do not wish to be withdrawn, you MUST contact me via email. Then we both have a record of your request. If you do not wish to continue class, you are responsible for withdrawing yourself. If you fail to do so, you will be given an “F” for the class.
The faculty and staff at Phoenix College believe that your college education should not only include learning content, but also developing important life-long skills. We call these general education outcomes. The 5 general education outcomes we have identified that should be developed throughout your college career are:
● Writing -develop effective writing skills to communicate.● Numeracy -learn to use numerical concepts and data effectively.● Critical Thinking -learn to apply critical thinking skills to solve problems, make informed decisions, and interpret events.● Oral Presentation -plan and deliver an oral presentation to a target audience.● Information Literacy - learn to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively, ethically, and legally.
In this course, we will be focusing on critical thinking.
This class usually generates discussion and interesting questions. Frequently, these discussions become the basis of questions for the test. Participate and give us the benefit of your life experience. Many times there is no real answer to the questions so don’t be afraid to submit “strange” ideas. They might become part of my list of puzzling questions, or better yet, the answer!!!!!!
Please feel free to talk with me about any requirements you may have to insure your success in this class. This can be anything from another chair, seating arrangement, or tape recorders. If you need extra help, talk to me. The only problem I know I cannot solve is the one you do not give me. Practices may be modified to facilitate the needs of the class. The needs of the class may necessitate a change in the syllabus. It is not usual but it may happen. Any changes will be announced in class.
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
59-0% = F
This is an electronic-free zone. Please turn off all devices.
Chatting in class is disruptive to others. If you have a question, I would be the best person to ask. We generally have a pretty relaxed class but when conversations keep others from learning, the chatters will be asked to continue their conversation in the hall.
If you are late, please sit near the rear of the classroom so you do not disturb others. If you require visits to the “tinkletorium”, sit near the door.
Do not email if you are going to miss one class. If you will miss more than two sessions in a row, I need to know if you are going to return. If there is something you need me to do, call me. Example: My son is sick and I can’t come today. (Don’t email.) I have hepatitis and I won’t be in class for a few weeks. (Email)
When you miss a class, ask your fellow class members for the notes. I do not remember accurately enough to give you the best information about what we covered. And remember, if you see a person who is missing, take extra good notes that day so you may share.
Be polite to others in class. We all have bad days (including me) but we need to try to respect everyone. If you feel that someone (including me) has been rude to you, talk to me. It is indeed possible that the other person is unaware of your feelings.
I cannot talk with you between classes about issues that are important to you alone. These few minutes do not allow me to give you my full attention. You will need to see me during my office hours or by appointment. If your concerns are of interest to the class, please address them at the beginning of class.