Notification to Abutters
Under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Actand
Holliston’s Wetland Protection Bylaw, Article XXX
To Applicant or Representative:
This form must be completed and copies delivered by hand or sent by certified mail, return receipt requested,to all abutters within 100 feet of the property line of the land where the activity is located. This includes,but is not limited to, abutters directly opposite a pubic or private way, across a body of water, and those abutters in another municipality.
In accordance with the second paragraph of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40, you are hereby notified of the following:
- An applicant has filed a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Conservation Commission for the municipality of Holliston, seeking permission to remove, fill, dredge, or alter an area subject to protection under the Wetlands Protection Act (General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40) and Holliston’s Wetland Protection Bylaw (Article XXX).
- The name of the applicant is: ______
- The address or location of the lot where the activity is proposed is: ______
- Copies of the NOI may be examined at the Conservation Commission’s office (703 Washington Street, Lower Town Hall) which is openon Tuesday and Wednesday, 10:00-4:30, and Friday, 10:00-12:00.Please call ahead to make sure that the Conservation staffis available to assist you and not out of the office on a site visit. For more information contact the Conservation Commission’s Office at
(508) 429-0607, or e-mail .
- Copies of the NOI may be examined or, for a fee, obtained from either (check one) the□ applicantor the □applicant’s representative by calling ______between the hours of ______and ______on the following days: ______.
- Information regarding the date, time, and place of the public hearing may be obtained at the Holliston Conservation Commission, by calling (508) 429-0607, or by consultingtheir Agenda at their website:
- Notice of the public hearing, including its date, time, and place will be published at least five (5) business
days in advance of the hearing in the MetroWest Daily News newspaper.
- Notice of the public hearing, including date, time,and place, will be posted at the Town Hall and on the Town’s website less thanforty-eight (48) hours in advance.
- You also may contact the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Regional Office for more information about this application or the Wetlands Protection Act. To contact the DEP, Central Region, Wetlands Program, in Worcester, MA, call (508) 792-7650.
Rev. 08-06-13