Piscataway Vocational & Technical High School
Spanish I College Prep
Guidelines and Expectations
Teacher: Mrs. Tencio
Course Description and Objectives:
Spanish 1 CP is designed to be an introduction to both the Spanish language and culture. During this course, students will learn to respond to basic Spanish phrases and commands, and will learn much of the basic vocabulary necessary for beginning communication. As the course progresses, students will be able to construct basic phrases and be introduced to many of the basic grammatical principles which govern the Spanish language. Accuracy in grammar, spelling, listening, and speaking will be emphasized.
Required Materials:
1 ½ or 2” Binder with plastic cover5 multicolor binder dividers
lined paper 100 pk sheet protectors
a hole puncherhigh lighter
pencilspen: black or blue
color pencils or markers3x5 index cards
Textbook: Descubre Level 1 (provided)
Classroom Expectations:
- Be in class on time and ready to learn with all appropriate materials.
- Immediately begin the “do now” assignment and follow the instructions for the day.
- Participate in class, be attentive, and volunteer frequently.
- Stay on task in class.
- Complete homework on time. You must have the homework done on the day it is due or you will not receive credit. See me if you have an emergency situation.
- Follow online calendar, notes and assignments
- It is your responsibility to come and talk to me to see what you missed when you are absent. You can also follow assignments online.
- Do notallow yourself to fall behind in your work, and Do Nothesitate to ask me for help if you need it. The general rule is this: The longer you wait, the harder it gets.
- Speak Spanish. We have high standards and expect students to use Spanish at every possible opportunity, especially at the honors level. To learn to speak Spanish, you need to USESpanish in the classroom. Speaking skills will only come if you take a chance and attempt to communicate. No one learns a foreign language over night; be proud of your attempt.
- Important!Cell phones and other electronics will be confiscated, (First time students can pick up their equipment at the end of the day / Second time students need to pick up their equipment from principal’s office)
- Do Not disrupt the learning process. No personal conversations with each other.You have come here to learn. Keep personal conversations outside of class.
- Remain seated until your teacher dismiss the class
- Hall passes are good for emergency ONLY. Any other destination requires you to have a signed note. Please be sure to always ask for permission before you leave; failure to do so may result in truancy.
- Be supportive and encourage others. Language learning does not happen in a vacuum and you will need not only my help, but your classmates as well.
- Respect the school’s and other people’s property.
Consequences for not following the rules:
- Verbal warning2. Parents notified3. Referral to Office
Assessment/ Grading: Spanish is an academically challenging subject that will require a great deal of study, practice, memorization, and homework.
When determining a quarterly grade the following areas are taken into consideration:
* Participation: attentiveness in class, on-task behavior and participation in individual, small and large group activities……..………………………………………………………………………………… 35%
* Portfolio: based on having the needed materials, You must follow instructions to keep your notes organized…………………………………………………….………………………………………. 10%
*Assignments: Do Now, Lab work, Cooperative Work, Classwork …………………………..…… 20%
* Tests and Projects……………………………………………………………………………….... 15%
* Homework assignments: based on doing the correct assignment, following directions, completion on time, neatness and quality…………………...……………………………………………………….. 10%
* Quizzes: for every chapter discussed in class…………………………………..…………………. 5%
*Attendance: Students must be on time!...... 5 %
Grading Scale: 98-100= A+ 92-97= A 90-91= A-
86-89= B+ 82-85= B 80-81= B-
78-79= C+ 74-77= C 72-73= C-
66-71= D 65 < F
***There are four marking periods. Each marking period grade will count 20% of your final grade for the year, plus your final exam will count 20% which is a 100% total.
Make-Up Policy:
●Assignments will have a due date and will not be accepted if late
●Students can retake a test or quiz within 3 days, before school or after school
Help: I am available for help or make up before or after school or during my prep periods. If you are confused about a topic, seek help from me or your classmates.
Extra Credit assignments are posted online
Vocabulary and Grammar Topics to be covered:
Adjustments will be made as necessary to meet the interests of the students and to maintain reasonable expectations.
Spanish I
Unidad 1 / Vocabulario / GramáticaLección 1.1
●Saludos, Despedidas e Introducciones
Greetings and Introductions / ●Courtesy expressions ●Introductions
●The alphabet and pronunciations
●Cognates / ●Subject Pronouns
●Identify yourself and others
●The verb SER (1)
●Where are you from?
Lección 1.2
●La Clase
School Life / ●The classroom
●School supplies
●School subjects
●Questions and expressions used in the everyday classroom / ●Definite articles
●Expressing possession with possessive adjectives and the preposition “de”
●Number and gender (1)
●Tengo: I have
Lección 1.3
●El tiempo y Las Estaciones
Weather and Seasons / ●Numbers 0-200
●Hispanic Calendar
●Weather and seasons / ●The verb Tener to talk about age
●Telling time and date
Unit 2 / Vocabulario / Gramática
Lección 2.1
My Family / ●Descriptive adjectives
●La familia / ●Subject pronouns (2)
●The verb SER (2)
●Sentences: word order
●Number and gender (2)
Lección 2.2
Describing / ●Infinitive verbs
●La Familia (2)
●Descriptive adjectives ( 2) / ●The verb GUSTAR / ENCANTAR
●The personal “A”
●The verb TENER to show possession
●The verb ESTAR with conditions and emotions
Lección 2.3
Around My School / ●People and nouns
●Places around the school / ●The verb ESTAR to show location
●ESTAR vs SER (1)
Unit 3 / Vocabulario / Gramática
Lección 3.1
El Presente Regular
Regular Present Tense / ●Infinitive verbs (2) / ●Subject pronouns (3)
●Present tense of -ar verbs
Lección 3.2
El Presente Regular (2)
Regular Present tense 2 / ●Nouns (part 2) / ●Present tense of –er and -ir verbs
Lección 3.3
Mi casa y losdeberes
Household Chores / ●Around the house
●Furniture and Objects in a house
●Household Chores / ●Expressing existence with the verb “haber” → hay
●Expressing obligation:
●Tener que +infinitive
●Hay que + infinitive
●Adverbs of frequency
Unit 4 / Vocabulario / Gramática
Lección 4.1
Where is…? / ●Furniture (2)
●Places around the house and school (2) / ●Estar with prepositions of locations
●The verbs Saber and Conocer
Lección 4.2
●Las Tiendas: De Compras
The Shopping Center / ●The shopping center
●Clothing and footwear
●Describing clothing
●Los colores
●Weather and seasons (2) / ●The verb Gustar (2)
●Verbs like Gustar: aburrir, encantar, faltar, importar, interesar, fascinar, importar, molestar, quedar
●The verb IR (places)
Lección 4.3
●De Compras
Shopping / ●Shopping (2)
●Numbers 200-1000 / ●¿Cuánto cuesta/n?
●Negotiating a price and buying
●Demonstrative Adjectives
●Comparison ●Comparative Adjectives
Unidad 5 / Vocabulario / Gramática
Lección 5.1
●En el supermercado
At the Supermarket / ●Foods
●Foods stores / ●Ir a +infinitive
●Irregular yo verbs
Lección 5.2
●La Comida
Foods / ●Describing foods
1,000-1,000,000 / ●Adverbs of quantity
●Stem changing verbs
e→ ie (querer / preferir)
●Rejection (no quiero)
Lección 5.3
●En el Restaurante
At the Restaurant / ●At the table
●At the restaurant / ●Stem changing
e→ i
o→ ue
Unidad 6 / Vocabulario / Gramática
Lección 6.1
●El CuerpoHumano
My Body / ●Parts of the body / ●DOP
●The verbs: ver, oír, oler and decir
Lección 6.2
Personal Hygiene / ●Daily routine
●Personal hygiene / ●IOP
●Reflexive verbs
●The verb doler
Lección 6.3
●La Salud
Healthy Habits / ●Symptoms and illnesses
●Basic remedies
●Healthy habits / ●The verb sentirse
●Affirmative tú commands
Unidad 7 / Vocabulario / Gramática
Lección 7.1
●Los Deportes y los Pasatiempos
Sports and Hobbies / ●Sports
●Free time / hobbies
●Accepting and declining invitations / ●Stem changing
u→ ue
●The verb Jugar
●Ir a +infinitive. Time markers in the future
Lección 7.2
●En el Trabajo
The World of Work / ●The world of work
●Professions / ●Affirmative commands
●Irregular verbs
Lección 7.3
Right Now / ●Question words / ●The Present participle / progressive
Unidad 8 / Vocabulario / Gramática
Lección 8.1
●La ciudad
Around the City / ●The city : Location and directions
●Asking for help
●Saying excuse me / ●The preterite of –ar verbs
Lección 8.2
●Modos de Transportesen la ciudad
Transportation Around the City / ●Transportation and travel / ●The preterite of –er
and –ir verbs
Lección 8.3
●Las Vacaciones
Vacation / ●Vacation places / ●The preterite of SER and IR
●Negative commands
Unidad 9 / Vocabulario / Gramática
Lección 9.1
●Las Fiestas y Celebraciones
Parties and Celebrations / ●Ordinal numbers
●Family and celebrations / ●The preterite of stem-changing verbs
Lección 9.2
●La Tecnología
Technology / ●Places in the community
●Electronic equipment
●Technology / ●Acabar de
●The preterite of irregular verbs: tener, venir, decir, dar, poder, poner, saber, estar, querer, hacer, traer, conducir, traducir
●hay→ hubo
●Verbs that change meaning in the preterite: conocer, saber, poder, querer
Lección 9.3
●La Naturaleza
Nature / ●Nature and the environment
●Recycling and volunteer work / ●Expressing cause: porque and por
●Prepositions POR and PARA
●Expressing permission and prohibitions (se)