Please find attached updated templates for the Action Plan and Expenditure Plan due at the Chancellor’s Office on October 15, 2008. Based on college-wide discussions and evaluation of 2007-08 Action Plans submitted to the Chancellor’s Office last May 1, 2008, each college must complete a 2008-09 Action Plan. On the Action Plan template the college will need to provide several five-year long-term goals for ESL/basic skills. The college will then specify 2008-09 planned actions and respective effective practices that will be implemented to reach the long-term goals. The college should include planned actions that require 2008-09 basic skills funds as well as those that are supported by the general fund and activities that will not require additional funds.

The Action Plan that the college completes will drive completion of the Expenditure Plan.

On page one (1) of the Expenditure Plan, the college must indicate the planned expenditures per category A-G. The total amount must equal the college’s 2008-09 allocation. See attached proposed district/college allocation based on $31,500,000. A separate template is provided for each of the categories (A through G). We ask that you use the respective templates for your expenditure detail information. Categories specified on the expenditure plan templates are those designated pursuant to Chapter 489 of the Statues of 2007-08 and as required by proposed 2008-09 State Budget Senate Bill 1067 language.

College allocations were based on 2007-08 (July 15), “Annual” ESL/Basic Skills FTES and, with the current emphasis on addressing the needs of recent high school graduates, ESL/Basic Skills FTES generated by students 24 years old or younger, with $100,000 minimum allocation per college. As, indicated above, if the total allocation changes and the amount to be allocated to each college is revised, we will inform you immediately. The minimum amount of $100,000 per college will remain the same.

CONTACT: If you have any questions or concerns regarding program expenditures, please contact Juan G. Cruz at (916) 327-2987 or


Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for ESL/Basic Skills

ESL/Basic Skills (Due on October 15, 2008)
Action Plan for 2008-09 / District:
Section / Planned Action / Effective Practice and Strategy / Target Date for Completion / Responsible Person(s)/
Administrative Practices / Example:
Conduct institutional review of the mission, goals and objectives for developmental educationand update as needed. / A.2.3 Developmental education mission, philosophy, goals and objectives are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. / November 30, 2008 / Chief Executive Officer, Chief Instructional Officer, Chief Student Services Officer
Program Components / Example:
Conduct instructional and counseling faculty meetings to address educational needs and integrate support services for students enrolled in developmental writing courses. / B.3.2 Counseling and instruction are integrated into the developmental education program. / February 28, 2009 / Chair of Counseling and Matriculation Departments,
Writing Program Chair
Faculty and Staff Development / Example:
Participate in statewide regional events conducted through $1.6 million grant and arrange for follow-up workshops on campus. / C.2.1 Developmental education faculty is involved in the design, planning, and implementation of staff development activities related to developmental education. / June 30, 2009 / Chief Instructional Officer, Chair of Credit and Noncredit ESL and Basic Skills
Instructional Practices / Example:
Improve and increase the effectiveness of the academic support center by including recommended software and other materials in reading and facilitating active learning, study groups, and workshops. / D.10.7 An academic support center provides diverse and active learning experiences such as workshops, study groups, self-paced instruction via video or software, and experiential learning. / June 30, 2009 / Reading Program Chair,
LearningCenter Director


Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date

Section A – Organizational/Administrative Practices

(Due on or before October 15, 2008)
/ District: LACCD
College: Los AngelesMissionCollege
Planned Action / Effective Practice and Strategy / Target Date for Completion / Responsible Person(s)/
Hire a Basic Skills Coordinator who will liaison with the Basic Skills Task Force to implement action items. Additionally, this person will be responsible for non-credit basic skills efforts.
Set up a One-Stop Student and FacultySuccessCenter where students can access Basic Skills resources and faculty can receive training in Basic Skills instruction and curriculum. / A.1.4 Developmental education is adequately funded and staffed.
A.3.1 A clear institutional decision exists regarding the structure of developmental education (centralized or decentralized, but highly coordinated). / November 2008
February 2009 / Chief Executive Officer
Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Academic Senate
Ed. Planning Committee
Basic Skills Task Force
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Servises Officefr
Academic Senate
Ed. Planning Committee
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task FOrce
Monthly budget updates will be provided to the Basic Skills Task Force and the Budget & Planning Committee on an ongoing basis. / A.3.3 Designated budget allocations exist for developmental education / Ongoing / Chief Administrative Services Officer
Budget Analyst
Budget & Planning Committee
Basic Skills Coordinator
The college will develop a marketing campaign to make the “First Year Experience” and Student Success Initiative visible throughout the campus.
The Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee will include hiring tenure-track faculty for Basic Skills as an institutional priority.
Incorporate basic skills objectives into course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) where appropriate.
Designate a lead basic skills librarian who will be actively involved in integrating information competency library skills into developmental education programs.
Build faculty understanding of developmental students’ needs across the curriculum and in the content areas. Develop an effective strategy to incorporate basic skills instruction into the curriculum without a long-term negative effect on enrollment.
Develop systematic communication within and between departments and in training adjunct faculty in basic skills.
Revise the institutional mission statement to emphasize the commitment to basic skills. / A.1.1 Clear references exist that developmental education is an institutional priority; references are public, prominent, and clear.
A.1.4 Developmental education is adequately funded and staffed
A.6.1 Recruitment and hiring processes for faculty/staff in Basic Skills programs emphasize expertise and/or experience in developmental education.
A.7.1 A clearly defined and widely shared definition of “successful developmental education” exists.
A.7.3 Faculty and other program personnel know/understand their individual roles and accept responsibility for the developmental program.
A.7.4 Formal mechanisms exist to facilitate accurate communication of institutional values and expectations for developmental students.
A.7.5 Faculty/staff communicate clear expectations for student behavior/performance in developmental courses/programs.
A.7.6 Communication of expectations to students occurs early and often and is the shared responsibility of all developmental program providers.
1.2.1 A detailed statement of the mission for developmental education is clearly articulated. / June 2008
December 2008
June 2008
November 2008
January 2009 / Administrative Services
Chief Student Services Officer
Basic Skills Task Force
Chief Executive Officer
FHP Committee
Discipline Hiring Committees
Board of Trustees
SLO Coordinator
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force
Basic Skills Dean
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Academic Senate
Ed. Planning Committee


Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date

Section B – Program Components

(Due on or before October 15, 2008)
/ District: LACCD
College: Los AngelesMissionCollege
Planned Action / Effective Practice and Strategy / Target Date for Completion / Responsible Person(s)/
Designate a Lead Basic Skills Counselor to be actively involved in the assessment, orientation, placement, and guidance of basic skills students
Train all counselors to facilitate assessment, orientation, and placement and to provide guidance to basic skills students.
Coordinate student services, including all Counseling, EOPS, DSPS, Financial Aid and SFP units, to promote a more effective and seamless relationship between the instructional support areas and the student service programs. / B.3.2 Counseling and instruction are integrated into the developmental education program.
B.3.2 Counseling and instruction are integrated into the developmental education program. / January 2009
June 2009 / Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Counselor
Basic Skills Task Force
Noncredit Program Director
In accordance with Title V, institute mandatory assessment for both credit and noncredit students. / B.1.2 Mandatory assessment exists for all students. / Fall 2009 / Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Counselor
Basic Skills Task Force
Noncredit Program Director
Assure that all students receive orientation. / B.1.1 Mandatory orientation exists for all new students. / Fall 2009 / Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Counselor
Basic Skills Task Force
Noncredit program Director
Strengthen financial aid outreach to developmental education students. / B.4.1 Outreach and proactive mechanisms exist to educate developmental students about various opportunities to acquire financial aid. / Spring 2009 / Chief Student Services Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Financial Aid Director
Noncredit Program Director


Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date

Section C – Faculty and Staff Development

(Due on or before October 15, 2008)
/ District: LACCD
College: Los AngelesMissionCollege
Planned Action / Effective Practice and Strategy / Target Date for Completion / Responsible Person(s)/
Revise the Professional Development Plan to include basic skills activities and ongoing training in methodology for basic skills.
. / C.2.1 Developmental education faculty are involved in the design, planning, and implementation of professional development activities related to developmental education. / June 2009 / Chief Instructional Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force
Prof. Development Committee
Budget & Planning Committee
Link professional development to Basic Skills institutional goals and back to budget and planning. / C.3.3 Staff development activities are adequately funded, funding is ongoing, and development activities are coordinated by specific designated staff as part of their core responsibilities. / March 2009 / Chief Instructional Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force
Prf. Development Committee
Budget & Planning Committee
Institute a formal recognition process to acknowledge faculty involved in the implementation of action plan items. / C.5.1 A structure that provides faculty who participate in staff development with intrinsic rewards (e.g., praise, support, or peer recognition) is promoted. / January 2009 / Chief Executive Officer
Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force
Prf. Development Committee
Deliver ongoing training to faculty and staff members to incorporate basic skills instruction into curriculum development.
Incorporate critical reading and writing skills and computational skills into course and program SLOs, linked to institutional SLOs.
Develop Evaluation strategies.
Provide incentives for faculty participation. / C.3.1 Developmental education staff development activities are clearly linked to department, program, and institutional goals.
C.3.2 Developmental education staff development activities are not based around “one-shot” workshops; rather, staff development activities are comprehensive and ongoing. / Ongoing / Chief Instructional Officer
SLO Coordinator
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force
Prof. Development Committee
Ed. Planning Committee


Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date

Section D – Instructional Practices

(Due on or before October 15, 2008)
/ District: LACCD
College: Los AngelesMissionCollege
Planned Action / Effective Practice and Strategy / Target Date for Completion / Responsible Person(s)/
One-Stop Student and FacultySuccessCenter / D.6.1 Instructors id developmental education courses assess, employ, and incorporate a viariety of active learning strategies.
D.6.3 The academic and campus climate supports active learning strategies and connects developmental education students to the institution, faculty, staff, and other students.
D.7.3 A systematic approach exists within disciplines to align developmental education course content and pedagogy to degree-applicable and transfer level course content / Spring 2009 / Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force
Academic Senate
Ed. Planning Committee
Basic Skills Counselor
Noncredit Program Director
Develop and recruit participation in a First-Year Experience, including Personal Development courses, for new students.
Re-examine Basic Skills Curricula including accelerated ESL track, paired classes, and contextualized learning. / D.1.1 Developmental education focuses on self-directed learning, with students engaged in actively assessing and monitoring their own motivation and learning.
D.2.1 Developmental courses/programs implement effective curricula and practices for English (e.g., reading/writing integration, writing across the curriculum, writing labs).
D.2.2 Developmental courses/programs implement effective curricula and practices for mathematics (e.g., addressing environmental factors, problem-based learning, small group ionstruction, contextual learning, appropriate use of technology, and leartning labs).
D.2.3 Developmental courses/programs implement effective curricula and practices for ESL.
D,2,4 Developmental courses/programs implement effective curricula and practices for development of study skills.
D.6.1 Instructors in developmental education courses assess, employ, and incorporate a variety of active learning strategies,
D.6.2 Developmental education promotes individualized student learning, focusing on learner-centeredness rather than teacher-centeredness. / July 2009 / Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force
Academic Senate
Ed. Planning Committee
Noncredit Program Director
Basic Skills Counselor
Design professional development activities to facilitate faculty acquisition of active learning pedagogies and methodologies; instruction should accommodate student learning styles. / D.1.3 Developmental education curriculum recognizes and emphasizes the cognitive development of students (e.g., contextual learning, metacognitive skill development, and constructivism).
D.8.1 Formal processes exisr that facilitate and promote the exchange of effective instructional strategies among faculty within disciplines.
D.8.2 Formal processes exist that facilitate and promote the exchange of effective instructional strategies among faculty across disciplines.
D.8.3 Formal processes exist that facilitate and promote the exchange of effective instructional strategies between faculty in general and developmental education programs. / On-going / Prof. Development Committee
Basic Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force
Noncredit Program Director
Incorporate problem-solving and critical thinking skills into course outlines across the disciplines.
Ensure that Student Services has the specialized resources to address developmental students’ needs, regardless of the financial status of the students.
Develop and establish appropriate prerequisites or advisories within disciplines.
Implement mandatory placement of students in developmental reading and writing courses prior to their enrollment in the content areas. / D.1.2 Problem-solving and critical thinking skills are integrated into developmental education curriculum.
D.3.3 Timely interventions occur with students to address emotional, social, or non-academic obstacles that arise, and to prevent student attrition resulting from such circumstances.
D.5.1 A well-planned, step-by-step sequence of developmental education course offerings exists. / On-going
Fall 2009 / Department Chairs
Curriculum Committee
SLO Coordinator
Basic Skills Coordinator
Noncredit Program Director
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Instructional Officer
Chief Student Services Officer
Chief Instructional Officer
Department Chairs
Curriculum Committee
Basid Skills Coordinator
Basic Skills Task Force


Signature, Chief Executive Officer Date Signature, Academic Senate President Date

Long-Term Goals (5 yrs.) for ESL/Basic Skills

(Only if the Long Term Goals have changed use this Form to update the 5 yearLong-Term Goals)


Page 1of 2 (A-G)


(Due on October 15, 2008)

District: Los Angeles Community College District

College: Los AngelesMissionCollege

A. Program and Curriculum
Planning and Development / $104,500
B. Student Assessment / $9,500

C. Advisement and Counseling Services

/ $23,750

D. Supplemental Instruction and Tutoring

/ $57,000

E. Articulation

/ $0

F. Instructional Materials and Equipment

/ $19,000
G. Other purpose directly related to the enhancement of basic skills, ESL instruction, and related student programs. / $15,513
TOTAL / $229,263


Signature, Chief Executive Officer Signature, Academic Senate President Date: ______Date: ______

Page 2 (A-G)
District: LACCD
College: Mission

For each of the expenditure “Categories” on page one (1) in which the college has included an amount for planned expenditures, identifythespecific item(s) under that category and indicate for the item(s) the respective effective practice(s) from the 26 effective practices listed in the Basic Skills as a Foundation for Student Success in California Community Colleges publication, or anothereffective practice(s) for which student success has been documented.

Note: A template is provided for each expenditure category (pages 2A through2G). The college is not required to have plannedexpenditures in all categories; therefore, colleges do not need to complete all of the forms that follow. Colleges may duplicate the page for any category (pages 2A through 2G) if additional space is needed.

EXPENDITURE CATEGORY: A. Program and Curriculum Planning and Development.
One new full-time faculty position in reading to provide instruction and coordination of the developmental education program with student services support.
Six additional developmental reading, writing and math course sections. / A.3 The developmental education program is centralized or highly coordinated.
A.6 Faculty who are both knowledgeable and enthusiastic about developmental education are recruited and hired to teach in the program.
A.5 A comprehensive system of support services exists and is characterized by a high degree of integration among academic and student support services.
Participation of 6 – 8 reading, writing, and math faculty in state/national conferences and in professional development activities conducted through the $1.6 million grant to enhance curriculum planning and development efforts. / C.1. Administrators support and encourage faculty development in basic skills, and the improvement of teaching and learning is connected to the institutional mission.

John Doe______Jane Doe