Appendix K
Infection Prevention and Control Induction Checklist For Volunteers(including those on Work Experience)
Name of volunteer:
Contact number:
Name of Manager/Supervisor :
Contact Details:
Topic / Aim / Requirements / Date Achieved
Hand Hygiene / Understand the importance of hand hygiene /
- Staff member is observed to follow the correct hand hygiene procedure using (soap and water or alcohol hand rub)
- Has read the hand hygiene policy
- Can list 5 situations when hands need to be cleaned during their volunteer duty
- Can list the 2 situations when alcohol hand rub use is ineffective
- Presents for duty ‘bare below the elbows’ if undertaking any volunteer duty which involves patient contact or contact with the clinical environment.
- Can identify the location of hand hygiene facilities (soap and water and alcohol hand rub) in their area.
Routine practices to prevent the transmission of infection / Is able to recognise the isolation posters used in community hospitals and has a basic understanding of when they are used. /
- Is able to recognise the Source Isolation poster (red) and Protective Isolation poster (blue).
- Knows to contact the ward to discuss whether to present for duty in the event of a ward closure due to infection.
- Knows to speak to nurse in charge if further advice is needed.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) / Is able to recognise when PPE (gloves and aprons) are required – if this is applicable. /
- Can verbalise when single use gloves are indicated i.e. when in contact with:
A chemical
A service user who is undergoing specific precautions to prevent the spread of infection
- Can demonstrate when to put on PPE
- Can demonstrate how to remove PPE, so as to minimise self-contamination
- Can verbalise when protective clothing should be removed and hands washed during the course of their volunteer duty
- Knows to speak to nurse in charge if further advice is needed.
Decontamination and cleaning / Understands that any re-usable equipment used in a clinical environment or in direct contact with patients must be kept clean. /
- The volunteer can state how frequently they should decontaminate any equipment that they use
- Understands what product can be used to decontaminate the equipment and where to locate the product.
- Knows to speak to nurse in charge if further advice is needed.
Waste /
- The volunteer can identify which colour bag they should use for any waste that they generate during their duty
Personal safety / Know the correct actions to take to maintain their own safety in the clinical environment. /
- Knows to inform the nurse in charge of any of the following:
- If they see a used sharp object such as a needle and syringe.
- If they see a spillage of blood or body fluids.
- The volunteer must not attempt to clear any spillage themselves or dispose of used sharp instruments.
- Knows the basic first aid (e.g. allow to bleed, wash and report to Manager) in the event of a needle stick injury, bite, or blood splash to face
Fitness to work /
- Understands the importance of remaining at home if they are unwell e.g. have diarrhoea and vomiting.
Signature of Manager/Supervisor: / Date
Signature of volunteer: / Date
This local induction checklist links with the Southern Health Induction Policy and Work Experience and Volunteer Policy and Procedure SH HR 33A signed copy should be retained locally.
Organisational Induction Policy
Version 3
April 2017