Elements of a Lesson / Guiding
Questions / Lesson
Plan / Possible
Essential Question / After referencing curriculum map, develop essential question that asks students what you want them to learn (post). / How is probability used in the real world?
Standard Course of Study / Goals & Objectives: / Grade 6: 1.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06
Skills: / Students will:
(1)  collect real life data to calculate probabilities from simple & compound events of an experiment
(2)  students will convert fractions to decimals & percents and will use circle & bar graphs to visualize data
(3)  determine and compare experimental vs. theoretical probability
(4)  analyze numerical data
(5)  build important vocabulary (Six Step Vocabulary)
Vocabulary: / probability; probability notation; experiment; outcome; event; experimental & theoretical probabilities; simple & compound probabilities
Focus/Review / Have you planned a warm up? / Basic probability problems involving spinner, dice, or coin / ·  Smartboard Technology (gallery essentials – probability)
·  Classscape Focus Questions
How will you clear up any misconceptions? / Check any HW/warm-up problems; immediate assessment & feedback
How will you re-teach? / Continue to review within new lesson with ample opportunities for teacher feedback; additional instruction time as needed; possible flex groups for remediation
Introduction of
Information / Activities: / m & mTM math (see attached) / ·  Smartboard Technology
·  Thinking Maps Technology
(tree map – types of probability, theoretical vs. experimental; double-bubble- compare & contrast theoretical vs. experimental probability;
·  Smart template for six-step vocabulary
Strategies: / cooperative grouping; two-column notes (in context of examples); hands-on w/manipulative (m & mTM candies); appropriate use of technology; discussion questions
Materials: / ·  One 1.69 oz bag of m & mTM candies for each two students
·  Circular paper plate
·  technology (calculators, Smartboard, etc.)
·  colored pencils, markers, or crayons
·  student handout, m & mTM math
Practice / ·  Have you differentiated in content, process, or product?
·  Have you considered the students’ readiness levels, interests, and learning styles?
·  Is your lesson rigorous, thought provoking, diverse, and authentic? / ·  Groups gather and visualize data using circle and bar graphs. Some students will display data by building “hands-on” graphs using paper & pencil (paper plates) and some students will use technology.
·  Students will work problems from m & m mathTM, page 2.
Some students will work independently and others will work in a flexible guided group. Answers could be presented orally by individual students. / ·  Calculators (TI-73 Explorer Probability Simulator APP)
·  Smart Gallery (Probability gallery essentials)
·  Explore Learning (Gizmos)
·  National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (Coin tossing, spinners
·  Circle Grapher(s):
NCTM Illuminations:
Shodor Interactivate:
·  Microsoft Excel: create data
representations (histograms, circle
graphs, etc.)
·  Quia Activities:
Practice / ·  Have you differentiated in content, process, or product?
·  Have you considered the students’ readiness levels, interests, and learning styles?
·  Is your lesson rigorous, thought provoking, diverse, and authentic? / Options:
·  Textbook independent practice problems
·  m & m mathTM, Extend Your Thinking, p. 3-4 (differentiate for independent & dependent learners)
·  Research other types of m & mTM candies (peanut, peanut butter, etc.) and calculate probabilities – compare and contrast experimental vs. theoretical results / ·  Smart Gallery (probability gallery
·  Explore Learning (Gizmos)
·  National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (Coin tossing, spinners
·  Circle Grapher(s):
NCTM Illuminations:
Shodor Interactivate:
·  Microsoft Excel: create data
representations (histograms, circle
graphs, etc.)
·  Quia Activities:
Assessments / ·  What is an appropriate assessment for this lesson?
·  Is the assessment formative or summative?
·  It is designed to give you quality feedback to measure learning?
·  Is Class cape an appropriate assessment for this lesson? / Possible classroom formative assessments:
·  Quick Quiz
·  Exit Card, “Skittles” candies (see attached)
·  Classscape Quiz
·  Quality questions using Marzano question stems (two-cup strategy)
·  Pyramid game to gauge understanding of vocabulary
·  Research real life examples of probability.
·  Create/design probability experiments using a variety of manipulative with more difficult probability concepts; present findings / ·  Explore Learning Assessments
·  Classscape Assessments
Targets / Have you established new learning goals based on assessment results?
What will you do next? / Goal 4.02, 4.06 – Students will use sample spaces for compound events (rolling several dice or flipping more than one coin); this will further solidify the difference between when to multiply probabilities and when to add probabilities.

N. Hetrick 1