Candidates should read information and instructions overleaf to determine whether they qualify for consideration as a University Certificate of Study candidate and to understand the scope of the operation of the scheme.

Previous Name if different: / Student ID:
(for former UL students/applicants)
Term Time Address: / PPS No:
Gender: Male Female
Date of Birth:
Fee Status: EU NonEU
Highest Qualification:
Name of Institution where Highest Qualification was Achieved:
Year last attended Education:
Term –Time Type of Residence
(please tick one only)
Parental Home
Own Home (House, Apartment)
Rented Accommodation
Other Accommodation
College Accommodation
Telephone Number:

The above information is used to contact you, especially in the case of an emergency. The information is also used for statistical purposes. All information in the form is covered by the provisions of the Data Protection Acts 1998 and 2003.

Academic Year: ______Autumn Semester Spring Semester Summer (tick appropriate box)

Admitting Office: Undergraduate Postgraduate Continuing & Professional Education

N, P or G (See Step 1 Overleaf)

I verify that the above information is correct. I have read and agree to comply with the requirements of the University’s Academic Regulations, Code of Conduct and associated procedures detailed in the Handbook of Academic Regulations and Procedures as well as the Student Handbook,

Student data held by the University of Limerick may be disclosed to the UL Alumni Association and other UL associations/companies for the purposes of carrying out their respective functions. The type and graduate awards are publicly acknowledged at UL Conferring Ceremonies and published in the conferring booklet. University policy and procedures relating to the processing of personal data are available at With regard to all publications which I prepare in the course of my studies at the University of Limerick, I agree that copyright will reside jointly with myself and the University of Limerick.

Student Signature:______Date:______


A University Certificate applicant is one who applies to the university to take up to three modules of study without enrolling on a full programme of study. This provides candidates with a unique opportunity for getting experience of education at higher education level without committing to a full programme of study


A student enrolled with the University on a University Certificateshould note the following:

  • The closing date for receipt of applications is the 1st week of the Semester.
  • There are no formal entry requirements though candidates should ensure that they are familiar with the content of the modules they wish to take by consulting with the relevant Faculties and/or Departments within the University.
  • candidates may take modules on examination basis or on an attendance only basis
  • There is no final award associated with the completion of a University Certificate programme. Similarly a candidate can not accumulate credits by continuously participating in the scheme that will result in a final award, regardless of the cumulative value of these credits.
  • A candidate is not entitled to be admitted onto another University programme of study within the University by virtue of their performance on the University Certificate programme. Where a candidate seeks admission onto another programme of study, the normal entry criteria and selection procedures will apply.

Current UL students who wish to take modules additional to those required by their programme of study should note that this form does not apply to them. Current UL students should contact Student Academic Administration for the appropriate form

Procedure for Application

Step 1: Download Application Form &Complete

Student ID Number: If you have previously been a student in the University of Limerick insert the

last ID number you were assigned. Otherwise leave blank.

Registration Types:NormalNQuality grades awarded

Pass/FailPNon-quality grades awarded

Audit GAttendance grade only awarded

Step 2:Completed University Certificate Form must be sent to the correct Admitting Office.

  • Undergraduate: Admissions Office, EO-005, Main Building.

Tel. 061-202015 Email:

  • Postgraduate: Postgraduate Admissions Office, Level 2, Foundation Building.

Tel. 061-234377Email:

  • CPE: Continuing & Professional Education Office, ER1-030, Engineering Research Building. Tel. 061-202530 Email:

NOTE: If you are in receipt of funding you must provide a letter of confirmation with the application.

Step 3:Payment of Fees: Please note that fees for all modules need to be paid in advance of enrolment/registration. The fee per module is €568 (EU) and € 1,623 (Non EU). You will need a UL ID number in order to pay your fees.

NOTE: Applicants to modules on CPE programmes should contact CPE directly for fee information -Tel. 061-202530 Email:

Current/Past Students: Please use your UL ID number

New Applicants: Please contact the relevant admitting office to get your UL ID number

  • Payment may be made using an automated 24/7 phone payment system 061-529097. You will need your Student ID number, Date of Birth and a valid payment card.
  • Payment may be made by cheque or bank draft made payable to University of Limerick and sent to the Fees Office, University of Limerick. Please use your Student ID number as a reference.

Step 4:Enrolment on University Certificate Programme will be completed by chosen Admitting Office.

Step 5:ID Card: When payment of fees/funding letter are confirmed you will be allocated a time to collect

your ID Card.

Step 6:Module Registration: Your form will be passed to Student Academic Administration(SAA) for

Registration on yourchosen modules.