Mr. J’s Book Club
“The Witch of Blackbird Pond” by Elizabeth George Speare
Short answer- do not re-type questions. Answer questions using the words found.
Ex. Where did Kit live before going on this journey?
Before going on this journey, Kit lived……
Writing Prompts must be 1 page minimum typed. New Times Roman, Size 12, Double spaced.
Late and missing homework will be posted on wall for student and parent viewing.
Homework handed in typed.
DUE 2/7/16
1. Where did Kit live before going on this journey?
2. Where did Mistress Eaton spend her summers?
3. What was a new sensation for Kit?
4. Why did Kit jump off of the long boat?
5. Identify Goodwife Cruff.
6. How did people on the boat react when Kit said that she could swim?
7. Identify John Holbrook.
8. Why did Goodwife Cruff think Kit was a witch?
9. Identify Prudence.
10. Why did Kit live with her grandfather in Barbados?
11. Why was John surprised that Kit read plays?
12. Why weren't Kit's relatives at the dock to meet her?
13. What was Kit's feeling about Wethersfield?
14. Why was Kit's grandfather no longer wealthy?
15. Describe Matthew Wood.
DUE 2/14/16
1. What kind of a woman is Rachel?
2. What was wrong with Mercy?
3. How did Matthew Wood react to Kit's giving clothes to his daughters?
4. Why did Kit have to come to Connecticut?
5. What did Judith think of Kit?
6. What are Sabbath houses?
7. What did Kit think of the church services?
8. Why did Dr. Bulkeley think Matthew was a traitor?
9. Identify William Ashby.
10. Was Judith upset about the loss of William?
11. Describe William's "call" on Kit.
12. Why was the fact that William had started building his house significant?
13. Describe Kit's feelings about the meadows.
14. Identify Hannah Tupper.
15. What job was Kit offered?
16. What had happened to Mercy's brothers?
17. Why did Matthew Wood change after the death of his second son?
18. What did Kit do to anger the schoolmasters?
19. Where did Kit go after she had been dismissed as a teacher?
20. Why did Kit go to see Mr. Kimberly?
21. Who was Hannah's seafaring friend?
DUE 2/21/16
- In your opinion, did Kit make the right choice in coming to Wethersfield?
- What might you have done in her place?
- What might you suggest she do to fit into her new community?
- Explain how and why Kit Tyler comes to be in Wethersfield, Connecticut. Whatis her reaction to Connecticut and the community she joins?
- What warnings do Nat Eaton and John Holbrook give Kit? What events suggestthat Kit may not fit in at Wethersfield?
- How do Matthew Wood, Reverend Gershom, and William Ashby feel about King James? What do the men’s views suggest about the Wethersfield community?
- Do you think Kit makes appropriate choices? Do you think she should have retrieved Prudence’s doll or offered clothing to Judith? Why or why not?
- How would you describe Matthew and Rachel Wood as parents? What do you think of the lessons they teach their children?
- Writing Prompt:
As she faces a row of onions to weed, Kit remarks, “What a strange country . . . !”
Imagine that you are Kit and want to tell a friend in Barbados about your new home.
Write a letter in which you describe your new home and explain your reactions to it.
DUE 2/28/16
1. Who left Kit flowers?
2. Why didn't Prudence go to school?
3. How did Kit teach Prudence to read?
4. What secret did Kit discover about Mercy?
5. What did Nat and Kit do for Hannah?
6. To what did Nat compare Kit?
7. What did Matthew Wood do when he discovered that Kit had been seeing and helping Hannah Tupper?
8. Which Wood girl did John Holbrook like?
9. What did Judith think John was going to say?
10. What was Kit's response to William's marriage proposal?
DUE 3/6/16
- What methods does Kit use as a teacher—in the schoolroom and with Prudence?How do various people in the community react to her methods? What do thesereactions reveal about people’s attitudes?
- Why don’t the people of Wethersfield like Hannah Tupper? How does Hannahhelp Kit find a place in Wethersfield?
- What happens when Governor Andros arrives to take the charter? How do theseevents change Kit’s understanding of both Matthew and William`?
- Why is Nat punished in the stocks? How does the author use this incident andothers to show the many feelings Nat and Kit have for one another?
- In her attempt to help both Prudence and Hannah, Kit sometimes disobeys community and family rules. Do you think she is a good friend? Why or why not?
DUE 3/13/16
1. What happened to Judith?
2. How did Mercy react to becoming sick?
3. What was Dr. Bulkeley's cure for the fever?
4. Where did Kit hide Hannah?
5. Why did the people want Hannah?
6. What made Kit feel guilty?
7. How did the townspeople suppose Hannah had escaped?
8. What happened to Kit?
DUE 3/20/16
Short Answer:
- After John Holbrook leaves to fight a group of Native Americans, what happensto Judith, Kit, and Mercy? How does the community respond?
- What happens to Kit after she helps Hannah to reach Nat’s ship? What isrevealed in these events about the Wethersfield citizens? What is revealed aboutMatthew and the other leaders of the community?
- How do John, Judith, Mercy, Kit, Nat, and William become romanticallyinvolved? How have Kit’s feelings for Wethersfield and its people changed?
- Do you think Kit deserves her uncle’s confidence when he defends her to the witch hunters? Why or why not?
- In the end, Matthew shows himself to be law-abiding, even though he is prejudiced against those with different ideas. Do you think it is possible for a good anddecent person to have prejudices? Explain.
- Writing Prompt:
What do you think are the main issues involved when people display prejudice? Explore this question by writing a trial argument defending Kit Tyler. Your argument should examine the accusations and then put them to rest by presenting information about Kit’s true intentions.
DUE 3/27/16
Writing Prompt 1:
In Chapters 17 through 21, the forces of reason are threatened by mob behavior. Find passages where each side seems to gain ground against the other. Discuss the emotions each side appeals to in the community. Then pantomime the tug-of-war as one group member reads aloud some of the passages identified. Decide where you think the battle ends.
Writing Prompt 2:
How did you feel about the story’s ending?
Would you change what happens to the characters? Explain why or why not.