2nd Grade Team Wrote Language Arts Lesson Plans April 17-21
HW-113-115 (U3W2)- Student Workbook
Standard/I Can Statement
RL.2.5 Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.
L.1.1d- I can use reflexive pronouns
I Can describe the overall structure of a story.
Vocabulary: reflexive pronouns (singular/plural)
Vocabulary Review: BME, problem, solution, resolution, story structure
Hot Questions/Thinking:
Does the main character change in some way during the story? How?
Name an event and tell how two characters reacted to it.
If the story continued, what might happen next?
What is the problem in the story?
What is the solution to the problem?
iii/Small Group for week: (Small Group Time: Uploaded in Doc. Share by each teacher) and/or Leveled Readers Unit 3, Week 2, Task Cards (Reflexive Pronouns)
Materials: RW Leveled Readers Unit 3 W 2, Lucy Calkins Unit 4,sticky notes, Anchor charts, Read Aloud:The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Shared Song-
(12:30-12:50) Comprehension Standard–Teacher will use Reading Wonders Anthology Unit 3 Week 2 Mr. Putter and Tabby Sees the Stars to review how to the beginning and ending of a story relates. Students and teacher will read to the middle of the story and write on anchor chart what happened in the B and M of the story. Students will use sticky notes to put on the anchor chart.
(12:50-1:00) Shared Day 2/Word-Work Study Voc. –Shared Song: Teacher will introduce reflexive pronouns to the students. Students will watch the PowerPoint about reflexive pronouns. Teacher and students will discuss the PowerPoint. Teacher will clear up any misconceptions. Teacher will write the different singular and plural reflexive pronouns on an anchor chart.
1:00-1:40Private Reading (Conferencing individually)-Students will begin reading their chapter books. Teacher will check for student understanding by having a conference with each student.
1:40-2:00 Read Aloud-Teachers will use The Mouse and the Motorcycle
12:30-12:45 Comprehension Standard:
Teacher will continue using Reading Wonders Anthology Unit 3 Week 2 Mr. Putter and Tabby Sees the Stars, to review how to the beginning and ending of a story relates. Students and teacher will read to the end of the story and write on anchor chart what happened in the End of the story. Students will use sticky notes to put on the anchor chart. Students will also discuss what was the problem in the story.
HOT: Does the main character change in some way during the story? How?
(12:45:-1:00) Shared Day 2/Word-Work Study Voc. – Shared Song:
Students will complete a reflexive pronoun worksheet to show comprehension of the standard.
1:00-1:15 Mini Lesson Session 9 pg. 57
Teacher will discuss the readers study an author by paying close attention to the words the characters say and the characters actions, things they do to become even more familiar with the story. Tell students to think what the words show the reader and to find exact lines that find out what the author really means.
1:15-1:40 Private Reading (Conferencing individually)/ Student Share-Students will continue reading their chapter books. Teacher will check for student understanding by having a conference with each student.
1:40-2:00 Read Aloud- Teachers will use The Mouse and the Motorcycle
12:30-12:45 Comprehension Standard: (Teacher will rotate folktale/fable books)
Teacher will use the Reading Wonders Writers Workshop Unit 3, Week 2 pg. 198 A Starry Night to continue teaching students how to relate the B and the E. Students will complete their own graphic organizer to explain what happened at the Beginning of the story to relate it to the end of the story. Students will also write to explain what the problem was in the story.
HOT: What is the problem in the story?
(12:45:-1:00) Shared Day 2/Word-Work Study Voc. Shared Song:
Teacher will review reflexive pronounce. Students will work in groups to complete a reflexive pronoun worksheet.
1:00-1:15 Mini Lesson Session 10-pg. 61. Teachers will teach students that series readers become experts on author’s craft: they need to notice how the author helps them make a vivid pictures in their mind, use the author’s precise words to understand the story better, think about the extraordinary language (ask, what does it really mean?), and finally, predict how your story will go, using what you know about the other stories in the series.
1:15-1:40 Private Reading (Conferencing individually)/ Student Share-Students will begin reading their chapter books. Teacher will check for student understanding by having a conference with each student.
1:40-2:00 Read Aloud- The Mouse and the Motorcycle
12:30-12:50 Comprehension Standard: Students will complete the story Going to the Movies. Students will fill in the missing reflexive pronoun and also answer questions on the back of the story. What happened in the beginning and end of the story and how the b relates to the e of the story?
HOT: How does the beginning of the story relate to the end of the story?
(12:50-1:10) Shared Day 2/Word-Work Study Voc. – Shared Song:
Students will complete a reflexive pronoun quiz.
QUIZ grade.
1:10-1:40 Private Reading (Conferencing individually)/ Student Share
Students will begin reading their chapter books. Teacher will check for student understanding by having a conference with each student.
1:40-2:00 Read Aloud- The Mouse and the Motorcycle
12:30-1:15 Comprehension Standard: Students will complete Unit 3, Week 2 Assessment.
HOT: How does the beginning of the story relate to the end of the story?
1:15-1:40 Private Reading (Conferencing individually)/ Student Share
Students will begin reading their chapter books. Teacher will check for student understanding by having a conference with each student.
1:40-2:00 Read Aloud- The Mouse and the Motorcycle
Test Grade
Quiz Grade Thursday: Reflexive Pronouns- 12 pts./20 minutes
Test Grade- Friday12 pts.