Western PA CoC Board Meeting
February 2, 2017
- Welcome and Introductions
- Linda called the meeting to order and all attendees introduced themselves.
- Determination of quorum- 25 people present.
- Review and vote on October 5th minutes
- Motion by Amanda, seconded by ______. All in favor none opposed.
- 2017 Board meeting Schedule
- 2 meetings proposed for coordinated entry on April 25th and 26th
- 25th: Full CoC meeting and board meeting
- 26th: Full CoC meeting
- Send ideas for meeting locations to Ciarra
- June meeting
- First week on June: 5-9
- Or 22- 26th
- Doodle poll will be sent out
- Strategic planning
- Leigh handed out the handouts for the board retreat
- Strategy map was included that reflected decisions made and summarized notes that will be used to build strategic plan
- Next steps: community conversations for 2 meetings
- These meetings will be in central locations
- The purpose is to present to larger CoC: what do they have, how can we all make that happen
- CoC training schedule
- Trainings for Housing 1st, and Rapid Re-housing will be offered by Orgcode
- Housing First: Face to Face - 2 trainings in 2 different months
- Training one: here it is, how it works – at 2 locations in the West
- Training two: answering questions – at 2 locations in the West
- Rapid Re-housing: Webinar format
- Committee updates
- Youth Subcommittee: Dr. Jo and Wendy
- The goal is to develop partnerships with Department of Education to utilize best practices and work on data sharing
- After looking over the surveys it is clear that there needs to be a better understanding- focusing on how to engage education providers
- Vince Karabin shared work being done by Erie Parole Board
- Schools working with families who have parents incarcerated to help decrease truancy
- Veterans Subcommittee: Kathy
- Weekly call at 1 on Mondays with community partners
- Ciarra is reaching out to other partners to engage them
- Kathy helping Mechling-Shakley apply for GPD because application requirements have changed
- Mechling-Shakley has 45 beds, with 10 for our CoC (Butler VAMC)
- Northwest RHAB: Kim/Linda
- Discussion is occurring about how they can be of better service to CoC
- CoC Subcommittees need to be reviewed
- Possibly change the role of the Northwest RHAB into a “Think Tank”
- Coordinated Entry: Kathy/Ciarra
- Handout from Kathy with the Plan for CoC-wide implementation
- Full CoC implementation with the 5 pilot counties: Jefferson, Washington, Fayette, Butler, and Lawrence
- Then CE rollout throughout the CoC’s other 15 counties
- Goal dates:
- July 1-one provider identified per county
- September 1- DV provider identified per county
- DMA is creating a draft policy manual
- The existing policy manual will be separated into two documents
- CE policies and procedures
- CE operating procedures
- Draft letter will be sent out this week for CE from executive board
- DCED updates: Danijel
- HMIS update:
- David did a mini CE training
- DCED is working with counties who are not on track with ESG expenditures so that ESG funds can be reallocated to other counties
- Danijel discussed the travel policy
- Make account by putting information in the last page in the document, then you can get reimbursed for car, gas, mileage, tolls, parking tickets, housing expensive, rental car
- Danijel showed where you could review whether it was cheaper to use your own car or rent a car based on mileage
- Danijel handed out the budget form
- He motioned to move $9,627.68 to DCED budget
- Amanda motioned and Kim seconded
- All said yes, none opposed
- Transitional Housing Planning: Introduction of motion from CoC’s Executive Committee
- Motion was to move that the CoC Board act to reallocate all Continuum of Care funding currently allocated to Safe Haven (SH) and Transitional Housing (TH) projects. (this was to start the discussion)
- Year 1: Reallocate poor performing SH and TH projects whose target population does not include youth and DV
- Year 2: Reallocate all other SH and TH projects (ie: higher performers) that are not targeting youth or DV: reallocate poor performing projects that target youth and DV
- Year 3: Reallocate all remaining SH and TH projects
- Deb shared research that shows that individuals in DV do best in TH
- It was decided to reach out to TH programs to see if they are planning to reallocate
- Asking why not, if they are not
- Also, asking if they would if they had assistance from TA concerning filling the funding gap for site-based programs
- DMA to develop a chart showing the number of units per project, budget, number of households served at a point in time, and FMRs to determine how many units could potentially be created from each
- Development of CoC Monitoring Plan and Template: Barbara
- Barbara handed out information and asked for a subcommittee
- Kim Stucke, Tammy Knouse, JasonBarcini, Lynn McUmber, Michelle Fought, and BillLeach (per Jennifer Johnson) all volunteered
- Quality Improvement Plans: Barbara
- She gave the QIP’s to the executive committee to review
- The committee from last year is getting back together
- Adjourn Meeting: 3:10pm