The Crucible Vocabulary
1. Ascertain: find out
2. Iniquity: sin
3. Junta: military rule
4. Arbitrate: pass judgement
5. Creed: faith, belief
6. Abominations: disgrace, against God
7. Innate: inborn
8. Ingratiate: please in order to gain a favour
9. Compact: agreement
10. Faction: group
11. Abrogate: refuse to take responsibility
12. Citadel: fortress or stronghold
13. Corroborate: back up, confirming evidence
14. Begrudge: to feel unwilling
15. Clamoured: called for (usually a group)
16. Covenant: agreement between God and worshipers
17. Conjure: call evil spirits
18. Ideology: beliefs, philosophy
19. Inert: motionless
20. Formidable: fearsome, intimidating
21. Grounded: know why you believe
22. Autocracy: government by one person
23. Armoury: weapons store
24. Bidden: told, ordered
25. Perpetuate: continue
26. Yeoman: worker
27. Partisan: follower, supporter
28. Mere: small amount, simple
29. Lascivious: immoral, shameless, lustful
30. Motif: repeated design or pattern
31. Licentious: immoral, shameless, lustful
32. Signify: suggest (something of importance)
33. Vengeance: settling of scores
34. Trafficked: had an association with
35. Providence: fate, chance, destiny
36. Paradox: unexplainable contradiction
37. Predilection: fondness, weakness
38. Malign: slander
39. Maraud: raid
40. Pilgrimage: religious journey
41. Sect: faction, party, cult
42. Perverse: wicked
43. Prodigious: phenomenal
44. Remiss: careless
45. Vindictive: spiteful
46. Smirch: (besmirch): slander, damage
47. Sanctified: made legitimate by religious sanction
48. Familiar Spirit: a persons own spirit or apparition that is sent forth to corrupt the living
49. Compacting with the devil: secretly colluding with Lucifer
50. Incriminate: to accuse of a crime or other wrongful act
51. Implicate: to show someone to be involved in a crime
52. Poppet: a small doll or puppet
53. Lechery: obsessive and offensive sexual desire
54. Adultery: cheating on your partner during marriage
55. Deposition: the process of giving sworn evidence
56. The Press: a form of torture whereby a person is placed in a pit and boards are placed on the torso. Heavy weights, usually rocks, are then pressed/ piled against the chest until that person talks. This form of torture can take place over a number of days.
57. The Gallows: a form of execution whereby people are hung from a platform with a trap door
58. Hysteria: exaggerated or uncontrollable emotions
59. Paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution
60. Puritan: a person with strong religious beliefs and possesses critical moral beliefs, especially regarding pleasure and sex.
61. Andover: In 1692, more people from Andover were accused and arrested for witchcraft than from any other town in New England. 80% of the town's residents were drawn into this witch-hunt. Andover also holds the dubious distinction of having the most confessed witches, and the highest number of children arrested. Through petitions that eventually turned public opinion against the trials, Andover led the campaign that brought them to an end. Before the madness was over, 3 adults had been hanged and one woman perished in jail. It is likely that once Abigail heard this news she would have feared being exposed as a fraud and decided to flee. It is interesting to note that some of those arrested in Andover, were children.
62. Contempt of court: a person who has disobeyed or disrespected the authority of the court
63. Perjury – a criminal offence of making false statements under oath
64. Calumny – a false and malicious statement meant to hurt someone’s reputation
65. Affidavit: a written declaration made upon oath before an authorised official
66. Wilted – loss of energy or vigour
67. Witchcraft – the use of magical facilities, mostly from religious uses, divisionary or medicinal purposes. This may take many forms depending on cultural contexts
68. Crucible – A ceramic or metal container in which metals or other substances may be melted or subjected to very high temperatures. A situation of severe trial or in which different elements interact leading to the creation of something new
69. Accusations – a charge or claim that someone has done or something illegal or wrong
70. Superstition – excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings
71. Persecution – Hostility and ill treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs
72. Augur – one of a group of ancient Roman officials charged with observing and interpreting omens for guidance in public affairs
73. Guile – insidious cunning attaining a goal
74. Gibbet – a gallows with a projecting arm at the top in which criminals were formally hung in chains and then left to hang after execution
75. Harlot – prostitute or whore (Abigail)