Learner name / Assessor name
Date issued / Completion date / Submitted on
Qualification / Unit number and title
Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Certificate in Introduction to Health, Social Care and Children’s and Young People’s Settings (QCF) / Unit 6: Introductory Awareness of Health and Safety in Health, Social Care and Children’s and Young People’s Settings
Assignment title / Health and Safety in the Workplace
In this example assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.
Criteria reference / To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that
the student is able to: / Task no. / Evidence
1.1 / Outline key areas of health and safety related to a work setting / 1
1.2 / Outline employers’ responsibilities for health and safety / 1
1.3 / Outline workers’ responsibilities for health and safety / 1
1.4 / Give examples of health and safety training required in the work setting / 1
2.1 / Outline what is meant by risk / 2
2.2 / Give examples of hazards and their associated risks / 2
2.3 / Outline the purpose of a risk assessment / 2
2.4 / Identify occasions when a risk assessment is necessary / 2
3.1 / Outline the importance of protecting your own security and the security of others in the work setting / 3
3.2 / Outline the importance of safe moving and handling principles / 3
3.3 / Identify accidents and sudden illness that may occur in a health, social care, children’s or young people’s setting / 3
3.4 / Identify who might deal with accidents and sudden illness in the work setting / 3
4.1 / Describe how infection is spread / 4
4.2 / Identify methods that reduce the spread of infection / 4
4.3 / Describe the standard method of washing hands / 4
4.4 / Identify when personal protective equipment should be used / 4
Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Learner signature: Date:
Assignment brief
Qualification / BTEC Level 1 Certificate in Introduction to Health, Social Care and Children and Young People’s Settings (QCF)
Unit number and title / Unit 6: Introductory awareness of health and safety in health, social care and children’s and young people’s settings
Start date
Assessor name
Assignment title / Health and Safety in the Workplace
The purpose of this assignment is to: develop your knowledge and awareness of health and safety, including the importance of recognising risks, preventing the spread of infection and understanding your own responsibilities for health and safety.
You have been asked to help with a programme of staff training and development about health and safety. The aims of the training programme are to:
· improve workers’ understanding about their responsibilities in relation to health and safety
· promote best practice in the principles of moving and handling, assessing risks and preventing the spread of infection in the workplace
· develop workers’ awareness of security issues and dealing with accidents and sudden illness
Task 1
Produce an illustrated poster, which could be used in a staffroom to inform workers about key areas of health and safety. Your poster should:
· outline four key areas of health and safety, related to work settings in health and social care or children and young people
· outline three responsibilities of the employer for health and safety
· outline two responsibilities of workers for health and safety
· give four examples of health and safety training requirements for workers in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings
Task 2
Complete the table below, which is designed to help staff improve their knowledge and understanding about hazards and risks.
Outline what is meant by risk.
Give four examples of hazards in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings (photographs can be used to illustrate the hazards). / What are the risks from these hazards?
Outline the purpose of a risk assessment in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings.
Identify three occasions when a risk assessment would be necessary in a health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting.
Task 3
Write an instruction sheet, which could be used as part of a training manual about health and safety for staff in an adult health or care setting, or a children’s care setting. Your instruction sheet should:
· outline two reasons why it is important to protect your own security and the security of others in the work setting. Identify what the consequences could be if security measures are not in place
· outline the importance of safe moving and handling procedures for people or objects. Give two examples of the effects on health if safe procedures are not followed
· identify four examples of accidents and four examples of sudden illness that can occur in a health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting
· identify the job titles of individuals who might deal with accidents or sudden illness in a health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting
Task 4
Prepare a short presentation that could be used as part of a staff training session about preventing the spread of infection. Your presentation should:
· describe four different ways that infection can be spread
· identify methods that can reduce the spread of infection for each of the four ways mentioned above
· identify when personal protective equipment should be used to prevent the spread of infection
· describe the standard method for washing hands
You can use illustrations, handouts, PowerPoint, physical demonstrations or other suitable aids as part of your presentation.
You will need to submit your notes and any other support materials used in your presentation as evidence towards your assessment.
Note to tutors
This task could involve some element of peer assessment to enable learners to review and reflect on their own work and that of their colleagues.
Learners could be encouraged to carry out a practical hand washing demonstration and to provide a commentary as part of their assessment for this task. (This could be taped in addition to being witnessed by the tutor.)
Sources of information
Case studies,
Professional magazines
Visits to settings
Training DVDs
This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose
Signature / Date
Internal verifier
Signature / Date
Instead of producing a poster for Task 1 or the producing a written instruction sheet for Task 3, learners could carry out a verbal presentation, accompanied by an authenticated observation record/witness statement and PowerPoint presentation notes printed on A4 or over-head projector slides.