Hazard Register
Prepared 21 Nov 17
Event Specific Hazards – Belmont Rogaine, Belmont Regional Park – 2/3 Dec 2017
Hazard / Risk / Risk controlsStock / Injury to person or animal / Inform competitors to keep 20m away from stock on farmed areas, and to avoid spooking the stock.
Transmission Gully Road Works / Injury / Area marked out of bounds on map. Inform competitors to keep clear of this area.
Bee Hives / Bee stings, Allergic reaction / Checkpoints are not placed in areas with bee hives. Inform competitors of presence of bees and to consider carrying antihistamine if allergic.
Non-Event/Site Specific Hazards (expect these anywhere)
Hazard / Risk / Risk controlsTerrain / Slips, trips, falls resulting in injury / Checkpoints are placed in locations where there is minimal risk (i.e. not near slips or rockfall). Tracks with potential increased risk (e.g. steep sides, slips etc) are labelled on maps.
Rockfall / slips / Serious injury / Major known areas / potential areas are marked on the competitor’s maps. Competitors are advised to move quickly past areas of potential risk. General advice in the event of earthquake is given. All competitors carry a whistle to attract attention if injured
Inadequate navigation skills / competence / Getting lost / All competitors must carry maps, compass and a whistle. Participants must report to finish even if abandoning course. Course closing time is published
A communication plan is in place in case someone does not return within the expected timeframe and a search and rescue plan developed.
Controller instigates search according to amount of lateness, weather and type of person. The controller is Keri Devine.
All teams must have at least two people. Teams file intended route before start
All competitors are provided with a list of minimum equipment requirements
Rivers – high water level / Potential drowning, hypothermia from getting wet / Check forecast - remove checkpoints across the river if potential risk. (If in doubt – remove checkpoints. Forecast as at 24 Nov is for 3-4mm rainfall on the day prior, showers and fine intervals on the day.) Brief competitors of the potential risk, known crossing points, to keep clear of unstable banks and not to cross if river is fast flowing, discoloured or deep water
Rivers – water quality / Illness from contaminated water / Don’t drink from rivers without filtration system or purification tabs. Tank water is available from DOC huts and these are marked on the map.
Other park users / Abuse, threats etc / Respect other park / track users. Do not rush past them. Say hello.
Fallen trees / dead trees / / Injuries from being hit by branches falling off trees or falling when leaning on trees / The forecast 2 days ahead is for northerlies rising to gale. An earthquake could also dislodge trees. Take care when walking / running near dead trees – do not place weight on tree as it could make it fall onto you or someone else).
Competitors to be informed of the increased potential of falling branches if windy.
Weather (hot, cold, wet, windy, sunny) / Sunstroke, heatstroke, hypothermia, windburn, sunburn, dehydration / Obtain weather forecast prior to event. Consider changes to course (tracks, distance or time) if adverse weather forecast (no changes proposed 2 days ahead). Controller prevents inadequately clad participants from starting; in extreme conditions event is abandoned. NIWA recommends sun protection between 9-5. Have water and sunscreen available at HQ.
Inform competitors of weather forecast and compulsory gear requirements
Bees / wasps / Getting stung / Checkpoints are not placed in areas with known hives. Inform competitors of presence of bees and to consider carrying antihistamine if allergic
Dogs / Getting bitten / Competitors not permitted to take dogs during event. Nevertheless dogs may be present in the area – inform competitors not to run past dogs as this may scare them.
Wildlife (e.g. deer, possums, kiwi) / Getting bitten.
Damage to kiwi zones / Do not interfere with wildlife. Stick to tracks when in known kiwi zones to avoid potential damage to kiwi. The Turere Stream Kiwi Area is out of bounds.
Traps / Serious injury (e.g. crush wounds) / Inform competitors on presence of traps and not to disturb or tamper with them (tracks marked with pink ribbon)
Bait stations / Poisoning / Inform competitors on presence of bait lines and not to disturb or tamper with them (tracks marked with pink ribbon)