Drawing I
Ms. Dobbelaere
Course Overview:
Welcome to Drawing I. During this course you will be introduced to various drawing media and techniques. You will expand aesthetic perception, visual arts knowledge, as well as exercise your creative and critical thinking skills. You will be exposed to various art making processes, independent and collaborative projects.
Required Materials:
*Each student must have a sketchbook, at least 8 ½ x11” and be sure it has blank pages. This is to be used for everything, i.e.: taking notes, sketching, written assignments, experimenting with media, research, preliminary drawings, magazine or photo references...etc. It is a running journal and should directly reflect your studio work. You should bring your sketchbook to class every day. You may use an old sketchbook in place of purchasing a new one- just be sure to place a bookmark of some type so both you and I can access it easily. If you use up all of the pages in an old sketchbook, you are required to get a new one. The sketchbook entries are a significant part of your grade! You cannot pass the class without one.
*There is a course fee of $25.00. Cash or a check (made out to Hilton Head High School) is to be given to the bookkeeper. Be sure to show the receipt to myself, so I may mark you off the ‘receipts owed’ list. This money will be used to purchase classroom art supplies. If for any reason you cannot pay this fee, please feel free to see me about it after class.
*All assignments require a reference, if you are not drawing ‘in the round’. Drawing from observation is always best, but there are times when references are needed. Visual plagiarism/tracing is a serious offence and will not be tolerated. Any use of ‘borrowed’ images will be analyzed. Artistic integrity depends on it!
Completing Assignments:
During this semester, students will be given assignments and specific due dates. Every effort is made to give the class adequate time for completion. Late work is subject to late points. To avoid this, take advantage of my office hours before and after school or ILT. You may also take your work home. I will always reconsider a grade if an assignment is improved! *Also, if work is handed in past the due date (for whatever reason) it will be placed in the grading queue.
Remember to judge your growth by comparing your work to your past work and not to work of others. Every person’s ability and strength will be different. Choose to learn from those who excel in certain areas. It is extremely important to view every genuine effort (‘successful’ or not) as a step towards artistic growth. Pay attention to what ‘went right’ or ‘went wrong’ and learn from it!
Syllabus (sequence may change due to availablility of supplies)
Unit 1: Collaborative drawing Unit 6: Pastel Landscapes
Unit 2: Graphite portraits/suminagashi Unit 7: Color theory Fish
Unit 3: Perspective Unit 8: Mandalas
Unit 4: Classroom Collaborative Unit 9: Scratchboard/scrimshaw
Unit 5: Charcoal Still life Unit 10: Freehand portraits
Unit 11: Mixed Media Unit 12: Surreal
30%: Sketchbook
20%: Written Work
50%: Visual assignments
For each lesson, the will be a respective visual assignment, sketchbook entry, and written reflection.
Classroom Rule:
Respect: I promise that I will never yell or speak disrespectfully to you. I also promise that if/when I recognize a classroom procedure or school rule broken, I will let you know. If it is not addressed promptly and I notice it again, a referral/consequence will be addressed after class. I do not need to announce this to you because you have already been warned.
Classroom Procedures:
*Do bring water if you need it; no other drink or food please. Creatures will come.
*Do use the recycling bins.
*Do arrive on time and be ready to listen at the sound of the bell. If you are late, come with a pass and join us quietly. If you do not have a pass, you are tardy.
*Do wait for teacher to finish instruction before sharpening pencils/turning on radio.
*Do feel free to bring in music…censored, of course. One type of music will play at a time after instruction and demos. If you don’t like it, I have ear plugs.
*Do work from bell to bell. It is expected that you will use class time well. Only put your head down if you need to see the nurse. If I have to be awake, so do you.
*Do ask questions! (If you need help during studio time, do your best to work on what you can do until I can get to you for 1:1 help. At times there will be a line and there is always something to do.)
*Do have a positive and polite attitude. Don’t make others suffer if you are in a bad mood or feel like being negative. I can make you a paper hat if you are having a bad day.
*Do listen while others are speaking or sharing ideas. Chatting is fine, as long as it’s during studio time and you are working!
*Do use a conversation voice in the classroom.
*Do challenge yourself. There is no growth in comfort.
*Do watch your movies, play games, text, do hair, makeup, back rubs…etc. outside of this classroom.
*Do place other class work out of sight. In certain situations, you can go to the library.
*Do begin to clean up five minutes before the end of class, not earlier, and avoid lining up at the door. I love spending every second with you.
*Do remember that there will always be many answers to one problem...and you, the artist, have the final decision!
*Do try. Effort counts! It is entirely possible to earn the grade you desire.
*Do practice unrecognized acts of kindness as often as possible. If you want credit for it, use the Box of Good Karma.
1. Verbal redirection.
2. Parent contact./Time owed with me
3. Administrative referral. Signature______